To James Madison from Anthony Charles Cazenove, 5 June 1816
From Anthony Charles Cazenove
Alexandria June 5th. 1816
I directed some days ago the skipper of a vessel bound to Fredericksburg to wait on you respecting the articles you have to send there, but he found you had just left Washington for Annapolis.1 If I can be of any further service in that respect, you will please command them.
Annexed is a memorandum of the few expences paid on the articles already sent, as well as the charges of importation on your two pipes of Messrs. Murdoch’s wine amounting to $27345/100.2 I remain with highest regard very respectfully Your most Obedt. Servt.
AntChs. Cazenove
RC and enclosure (DLC). Cover docketed by JM. For enclosure, see n. 2.
1. On 16 May 1816 the seventy-four Washington arrived at Annapolis on its maiden voyage. As the largest vessel in the U.S. Navy, the ship occasioned a host of visitors, among them JM and his family, who went on board to receive “that respect due to his station and elevated character.” On 25 May JM returned to the capital and left again on 5 June to pass the summer at Montpelier, “there being no public business, at this time, particularly requiring his attendance at the seat of government” (Daily National Intelligencer, 20, 22, and 30 May, and 6 June 1816).
2. Cazenove enclosed an invoice listing under the dates of 29 Apr. and 7 May 1816 the expenses he had incurred in handling two pipes of Madeira wine imported by JM. Freight, primage, and duties amounted to $267.40; freight on the wine from Georgetown, D.C., came to $5.80, with a further $0.25 for storage, making the total for all $273.45.