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Results 28921-28950 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
30 March 1810, Savannah. Encloses letter from “an old, infirm, meritorious & truly unfortunate french officer [who] has enclosed and dedicated to you a work which he hopes may meet your approbation.” Asks JM to write a letter to the veteran, which he would forward. RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1 p. Enclosure (2 pp., in French) is Charles Haumont to JM, 1 Apr. 1810. Haumont wrote that he was...
Will you be kind enough to inform me, whether you will have your last Volume of Scotts Bible bound in one or two vols.—I mean in boards as the other three were, which you have receivd—the Volume is larger than the others by 2 or 300 pages—the difference in the price will be 75 cents making the whole, as you were an original subscriber, 21.75 cents of the amount you have been kind enough to pay...
In the Course of the communication which Judge Thruston and I had with you, on Monday evening, he mentioned a resolution which had been passed by the Legislature of the Mississipi Territory in relation to Mr Poindexter. The resolution has been handed to me this morning—with a request that I would transmit it to you. Accept Sir assurance of my high and Sincere respect, and Esteem RC and...
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the Receipt of your favor of the 23rd. of Feby. & the arrival of the Hams, for which accept my sincere thanks. I understand that the Collector of the Customs at New-York has seized some late importations of British Merchandize. It is an act that gives perfect satisfaction to all the regular importers & American Merchants & it is to be hoped that it will not...
You will pardon me for persuing y ou i nto the Shades of retirement: I do not wish to disturb your Repose; but to bring to your recollection, that there is a person now resident here (whose signature you will remember) who, tho’ he has no demands for the fullfilment of any specific promises, during your late administration, has some claims on your Friendship, and Generosity. You will certainly...
I send you a sketch of a self acting Bélier Hydraulic it will be necessary to make it with care in measurements and spaces which each part is to pass through; I have no doubt you will succeed in the execution but should you fail you will then permit me to make you a model for the honor of progressing arts, and to establish the utility of my combination; Perhaps the enthusiasm which is...
That this engine may act well the valve at A must at the commencement open quick as by a stroke, were it to open by any slow movement it would loose much water before it began to beat, When the water in the reservoir is exhausted, or as low as the line C and the Valve A has ceased to beat its weight will keep it open and discharge the water which should fill the reservoir unless there be means...
I have had frequent opportunities to address you, by letters of recommendation for Gentlemen who are embarking for Russia, and who make it a point of importance to be introduced to you. In general, I have had the leisure and inclination to comply with the solicitations of Gentlemen who have besought this favour; but it has not always been in my power to comp gratify their wishes. A few days...
In consequence of your Resolution of the 26th instant, an enquiry has been made into the correspondence of our Minister at the Court of London with the Department of State; from which it appears that no official communication has been received from him, since his receipt of the letter of November 23d last, from the Secretary of State. A letter of Jany. 4th 1810, has been received from that...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, the copy of a Resolution, passed [by] both houses of the General Assembly, at their last session. I am with sentiments, Of high esteem, Your obedient servant. Resolved by the General Assembly, That the indecorous, and unbecoming style used by Mr. Jackson, his Britannic Majesty’s minister near the United States, in his correspondence with the Secretary of...
27 March 1810. Recommends George Poindexter for the vacant federal judgeship in the Mississippi Territory. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Poindexter”). 1 p. Printed in Carter, Territorial Papers, Mississippi , 6:56. Joseph Desha (1768–1842) was a Republican congressman from Kentucky, 1807–19. George Poindexter (1779–1835) served as delegate to Congress from the Mississippi...
The Settlement of Whites on the Land lying North of Tennessee river between the mouth of Duck & the Chickasaw Old fields on the Southside of the Indian line is considered by the Chickasaw tribe, a violation of our treaties with them, and they have declared that they will not sell any Land untill the whites are removed, at least, from the Land below the mouth of Elk river. It is the interest of...
Being just setting out on a journey, I have directed during my absence a pair of Cans and a pair of Beakers to be sent to you to be melted & put into the form of a plated cup, which will be sent with them as a model. the Cans & beakers weigh a little over 40. oz. avoirdupoise, the model a little over two ounces & a half. but it is too thin & weak for common use. I think those to be made should...
I received, not long since, a letter from the Secretary at War requiring me to rejoin the Corps of Engineers, in which I have the honor to hold a commission of Lieut. Colonel. In respect to this requisition, I would beg leave to observe, that I have never voluntarily absented myself, for an hour, from that Corps. My acceptance of the office of Surveyor General, proposed to me without any...
As your notes will fall due at the Bank on the 6 th & 13 th of next month, & as M r Venable prefers their being made into one I inclose one for your signature— not knowing whether
In answer to your letter of the 8 th inst. recieved last night I have to state that every paper of recommendation for military appointment recieved by me while in office, was immediately sent to the Secretary at war to be filed in his office for inspection on the proper occasions; and that to the observance of this rule there never was a single exception. on the occasion referred to in your...
You knew, I believe that the society of Agriculture of Paris had sent me a plough which they supposed the best ever made in Europe. They at the same time requested me to send them one of ours with my mould board. I have made one for them which every body agrees to be the handsomest & of the most promising appearance they have ever seen, and I have five at work on my own farms, than which we...
You knew, I believe that the society of Agriculture of Paris had sent me a plough which they supposed the best ever ass made in Europe . they at the same time requested me to send them one of ours with my mould board. I have made one for them which every body agrees to be the ha d ndsomest & of the most promising appearance they have ever seen, and I have five at work on my own farms, than...
I acknolege that I have recieved from Jonathan Shoemaker on account the following sums at their respective dates to wit. Dollars 1809. Aug. 6. 490. 20. 300 Nov. 25. 70.
Th: Jefferson salutes mr Wirt with friendship & respect, & informs him that the answer to his letter of Jan. 18. is now in hand & advanced; but that a journey to Bedford , on which he sets out tomorrow, will delay it a month at least. it will be written in the supposition that it is to be entirely confidential. PoC ( DLC ); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ. Tr ( MdHi : Wirt Papers).
The Letters intended for the John Adams Are Gone an other Way. I Will not However Miss the Opportunity of the frigate. It is probable, after she is Arrived from England, Gnl. Armstrong Will Have to detain Her a few days, and By that time More May be Said on the Situation of American Affairs With Respect to Both Belligerents. My feelings and Wishes You Well Know. What information May Be...
24 March 1810, Congress Hall. Has learned from William Branch Giles that Mr. Dublois, “who is soliciting the appointment of purser was dismissed from the Navy yard under the Federal administration for peculation—That he practiced actual fraud on the workmen and on the public.” If an appointment has not yet been made, perhaps JM can ascertain if the charges can be supported by evidence. To...
24 March 1810, Washington. Disavows “any Animadversions, either oral or printed,” that may be made in consequence of his dismissal. Cannot be responsible for his friends who think he was harshly treated, “especially, as some of them, being Fœderalists, will, of course , be gratified with any opportunity … of censuring the present Administration.” If Secretary Hamilton had investigated the...
I Have Had Lately, Notwistanding the Strangeness of the times, Good Opportunities to write to You— Nor do I think this Letter is the only one I Shall Send By the John Adams — But Before I Leave paris , where I Have Been detained By Very disagreable pecuniary troubles, I must Lodge with General Armstrong a third Copy of My long dissertation on my private affairs—a memorial Still Longer Has...
je Reclame votre pitié, Monsieur, car je ne me contenterois pas de votre indulgence pour L’extreme depit que jai eprouvé en apprenant en apprenant La perte de quelques Bagatelles destinées a Monticello . M r de La Fayette m’est temoin que vous en devés au Renversement de mes esperances Lorsque je vous adressois des Graines muries dans mon petit jardin sur cett arbre planté il y a quatre ans,...
I had intended to write you a very tedious Letter; but I have no longer Time to do so—as it is now near 2. OClock in the Morning and Lieut. Elliott leaves Town at 10. A.M. My official Letter of the 21t. Inst. will apprize you of the Course finally taken by this Government in Consequence of Mr. Jackson’s Affair. I do not presume to anticipate your Judgment upon it. It certainly is not what I...
Know all men by these Presents, That I John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk & Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esquire do make, constitute and appoint Cotton Tufts of Weymouth in the said County Esquire my true and lawful Attorney, for me and in my Name to sell, assign and tran s fer all or any part of the Stock now standing or that may hereafter stand in my Name on the Books of the...
I am interested in the Cargo of the Brig Presage Capt Wm. Lawson, who is bound to Potterburgh, in order to seek a Market, which may probably be in some of the baltic Ports—possibly St Petersburgh, wither to dispose of the outward cargo, or to procure a return one or both, shou’d he therefore visit your Post, in either case, I beg you will do me the favor to afford him your kind protection. The...
It has been my Misfortune from the commencement of the Sitting of the Board of Commissioners, for ascertaining Titles and adjusting Claims to Land in the Territory of Louisiana until this present time to be one of those who entertained and entertains opinions the least favorable to land Claimants, this is a fact that I should undertake to prove by transcripts of various parts of the...
by this days mail Stage I forward to you a box containing eleven Copies Freneaus Poems directed to the care of James Madison President . you will please accept the copy bound in calf. also the pocket Almanac. I thank you for your very liberal Subscription to the Poems Lydia R. Bailey N o 10 North alley. M r Tho s Jefferson D r