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Results 28901-28910 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Trustees of the sinking fund have thought fit to commit to you the making of purchases of the public debt to the amount of fifty thousand Dollars pursuant to the Act making provision for the reduction of the public debt. To enable you to execute this trust (which I doubt not you will chearfully undertake) I have directed the Treasurer to forward to you fifty thousand dollars in Notes of...
I have made a remittance to William Heth Esq. Collector of Bermuda Hundred in Notes of the Bank of North America, made payable to him, which I request you to exchange for specie should any of them be offered by the holders. The Cash included in your returns as well as that received in the current week may be used for that purpose, if requisite. I am Sir,   your obedient servant. LS , Charles...
Your letter of the 14th Jany. I recd. In February 1786 a Committee appointed by the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island settled the Accounts with the Agent for the Rhode Island line of the late Army. There appeared in his hands certificates to the amount of three thousand seven Dollars and seventy three Ninetieths which were delivered over and lodgd in the Treasury of this State to be...
The note you inclosed to Mr Troup for discount was immediately done & passd to your Credit. The dft to Mr. Francis has not yet appeared, but should have been punctually attended to & honored at all Events. Your present ballance in Bank including the discount is 2907 Dolls. & ⁴⁴⁄₁₀₀. Therefore the 3000 Dolls. dft will overrun 92. Do: ⁵⁶⁄₁₀₀ which I mention for your Government. The letters you...
It is a Misfortune in our Legislation that particular Regulations of other Countries have been adopted without considering their Dependence upon the System to which they belong. Hence our Laws in many instances become unprovisional & Questions important in their Consequences & difficult to be resolved must necessarily arise. The fifth Section of the Registring Act is nearly copied from the...
[ Boston ] February 5, 1791 . “I wrote you 26 Ulto. This serves to inclose Duplicate Receipt for Certificates received from the Register dated 22d Jany 1791—also first receipt for Certificates dated 29th. Jany 1791. By this Post I transmitt to the Auditor an Abstract of Certificates Indents & Bills of Old Emission, recd into the Office in the Month of November last for which Certificates of...
[ February 5, 1791. On January 23, 1792, Sherman wrote to Hamilton : “… subsequent to my letter of 5th of February last.…” Letter not found. ] Sherman was the son of Roger Sherman of Connecticut. In 1787 and 1788 he was employed as one of the surveyors of the Northwest Territory, and he subsequently held a minor position in the Treasury.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, February 5, 1791. “In compliance with the directions given in your Circular letter of the 20th. January 1790 I enclosed you the 18th. of February following a Statement of the emoluments of the officers of the Customs in this district for one year; but as that Statement was founded partly on Calculation it could not be accurate. I flattered myself however that such...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 25th. of last month by the English packet. This, inclosed to the Secretary of State, will be sent also by the way of England. I mentioned in my last what I repeat here for greater certainty. “1093.   450.   264.   1405.   224.   264.   1405.   319.   1065.   224.   239.   1210.   1340.   426.   1336.   839.   1590.   224.   531.   1388.   224.   708.  ...
Je vous adresse, M, plusieurs piéces qui m’ont été envoyées par les Srs. Jeanneret et Schweizer, Banquiers à Paris; vous y verrez l’offre que ces particuliers ont faite de Se charger de l’emprunt que le Congrès a ouvert en hollande, principalement pour acquiter notre créance; vous verrez également la correspondance qu’ils ont suivie sur cet objet avec M. Short; les motifs qui ont déterminé ce...