James Madison Papers

Memorandum of Books, [ca. August] 1790

Memorandum of Books

[ca. August 1790]

Books in Box Marked
I Madison Phila. No. 1. being the largest & covered1
16 livsons. from 15th. to 30th. inclusive
0 from 23 to 30 inclusive: not charged2
0 Memoires concernant impositions et droits (par Moreau) 5 vol: 40.
Encyclop: Britan: (edit: Dobson) 1st. vol. 40
Chalmers’ Pol: Annals 1 vol: 40.
Ramsay’s acct. of slavery in W. Indies.
Douglas’ Reports
 Neckar on Religion
Hist: war in America 3 vol: 80.
Cicero’s Epist: to Atticus 2 v. 80.
Pliny’s do. 2 v 80.
Pownal’s Colonies 2 v. 80.
Les loisir’s d’un Ministre d’etat 1 v. 80.
Wallace’s nos. of Mankind 1 v. 80.
Collection of pieces 1 vol. 80.
Considns. sur des richesses et luxe 1 v. 80.
De la Salles voyage 1 v. 120.
Examen sur les finances 2 v. 120.
Reflexions do. do. 2 v. 120.
Lownds on Coins 1 v. 120.
Cultivateur Americain (St. John) 3 v. 80.
Collection des pieces pour et contr. Neckar 1 v. 80.
Bacon’s Essay’s 2 vol 80.
0☓ Bibliot: Phys. Œconom: & fn 82, 83, 84, 85—1 vol. each, 86 2 vol: 87. 2 Vol. 120.
Tracts on Corn trade 1 vol. 120.
Tables of Coins weights & meas. 1 v. 120
Apothegms of antients 1 v. 120.
Condamine’s travels into Italy 1 v. 120.
Columbian Magazine from Jany to Aug: 1789 inclus:
Tit. Liv: 4 v. 120.
Dictionaire de la fable 1 v. 120.
Allen’s Theology 1 v. 80.
View of N. America 1 v. 80.
Hurd’s Horace 2 v. 120.
Dissert: Merid. Sp. & Portugal 1 v. 120
Demostenes 120. Greek Gram: Kolben’s Cape Good. Hope. 120.
In Box—marked I Madison Philada. No. 2
☓0 De Thou. 11 vo. 40.
0 Hist. de Nouvel France 3 v. 40.
Smollets Continuation of Hume 5 v. 80.
Gibbon’s continuation of R. Hist: 6 v. 80
Adams’ defence Vol. 1 & 3d.
Millar on Ranks 80.
Guerre de 75–85 40.
0 Societè Politique 40.
Saxon Chronicle  40.
Dutch Republic   80
0 Brochures Politiques—80. price marked 11 lt. 14s. rel: included
Savary Egypte 3 v. 80.
0 Resumè de Cahiers—3 v. 80. (bound plain as Anacharsis)
Mazzei Etats Unis—3 v. 80
Ordonnance de Marine 80.
0 Admtron. de l’impôt par le Trone 2 v. 80. (plain)
0 Physiocratie du Dupont 80—price marked 10 lt. 10s.
Voyages en Suisse par Mayer 2. v. 80.
Abregè D’Angleterre (Salmon) 2 v. 120.
Hist: Nouvel France par Lescarbot 80.
Cook’s voyage by Ledyard 120.
Mably’s observns. Greeks 120
Anacharsis 7 v. 80. maps 40.
Volney 2. v. 8.
Voyages de Chastelleux 2 v. 80.
Fourcroy Chimie 4 vol. 80.
0 Turgot commerce du grain 80.
0 _____ do. sur les richesses 80
Decadence de literature par Juvigny 80
Loix criminel (Warville) 2 v. 80.
Vie de Voltaire (Verney)3 80
Exper. d’Ingenhouse 80.
Hist: de Kentucky (Filson) 80.
la France et Etats Unis (Warville) 80.
Troubles de l’Amerique par Soulès 4 vol. 80.
Voyages aux Alpes par de Saussure 4 vol. 80.
Pigot’s Recoveries 80
Memoires du Brandenbuerg 80.
Abbè Grosier’s China 2 v. 80
Smith’s Hist: N. York 80.
Vattel’s law Nat: & Nations
Espion Anglois 10 vol. 120
Tableau de Paris 4 v. 120
Pieces interressants 4 v. 120.
Hist: ancienne (Milot) 5 v. 120.
_____ Moderne (do) 4 v 120
_____ de France (do) 3 v. 12.
Mably principes Legislation 120
Abrege Chronol: d’Espagne 2 v. 120.
Abregè Ecclesiastique 3 v 120.
0 Dictionaire Historique 4 vol. 120.
Hist: d’Allemagne (Pfeffel) 2 v 120.
0 Hist: Nat: Mineraux vol 5, 6, 7, 8, 9–120
Annales Romaines (Macquer) 120.
Ubbo Emmius 120—(price 9 livs)
Peines infamantes (Cretel) 80.
0 Sur le traite de Comerce avec l’Angleterre (Dupont) 80.
 Nouvelle decouvertes &c. (Hennepin) 120.
0 Recuil de Dissertations Hist: et Critiques.
 Onomasticon Pollucis 80.
Jefferson’s Notes 80.
Burn’s Poems 80.
American Traveller 40.
Sr. W. Jones’ Isæus 40.
Morris U. Ss. accounts—
0 Dupont on Commerce
0 Mirabeau aux Bataves
0 _____ Cour de Berlin
0 Fonctions des Etâts Generaux
Bruyere 2 vol.
Journals of Congs. compleat
3 vol: surplus of do.
Ramsay’s Hist: Revol: 2 v.
Belknap’s do. N.H. 1 v.
Morse’s Geog:
Pike’s Arithmetic
Warville on trade of U. S. & France
Webster’s Essay’s
Winthrop’s Journal

Memorandm. of books omitted in last settlet. Aug: 1790 with Mr. Jefferson and still to be credited to him

situation actuelle des Finances de la France pamplet 40. pags. 138

______ ⟨bancaire?⟩ pam: 40.

Ms (ViU). On the last page, William C. Rives wrote: “The whole of this paper in Jas. Madison’s hand. The only interest of the paper is that, as far as it goes, it mentions books & pamphlets in the library of Mr M—. The most of these books were probably purchased in France for Mr Madison by Mr Jefferson.” Below Rives’s comment someone else wrote in pencil “Probably written before 1800.” It seems likely that JM compiled this inventory while packing his books for the move to Philadelphia. Those marked “☓” appear on an earlier statement of account that Jefferson enclosed in his letter of 2 Aug. 1787 to JM (PJM description begins William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77; vols. 11—, Charlottesville, Va., 1977—). description ends , X, 127–31). The use of a capital I for J (as in the “I Madison” box markings) was widespread during the eighteenth century.

1In the upper right margin JM wrote: “Mark —. books not sent by Mr. J./☓. books charged previous to last settle⟨ment⟩ Aug: 1790 / O. do. charged & settled do.” Details of Jefferson’s Parisian book purchases for JM are set forth in PJM description begins William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77; vols. 11—, Charlottesville, Va., 1977—). description ends , IX–XII.

2JM penciled in this entry, which alludes to the Panckoucke edition of the Encyclopédie Methodique. An exhaustive account of this famous work, which had its genesis in Diderot’s earlier edition, is found in Robert Darnton, The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775–1800 (Cambridge, Mass., 1979).

3JM undoubtedly meant Théophile-Imarigeon Duvernet’s Vie de Voltaire.

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