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Results 28851-28900 of 184,431 sorted by author
Pardon the liberty I take, after so great a lapse of time, to obtrude myself on your retirement,...
Enclosures No. 1: 2: 3, are letters which I have receiv’d since my last from Tripoli. No. 3...
I have the honor to transmit for your Excellency’s perusal the most correct information...
I have the honour to inform yo u that this morning an American Vessel from the Streights came...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 20 August 1806, Boston. “By the above copy of my letter to Mr....
17 August 1810, Madeira. The amount of £249 sterling ($1,106.67) is to be paid to James Latimer...
I have the honor, to transmit for consideration and final settlement accompts & vouchers for...
6 March 1804, Leghorn. No. 3. Encloses “a copy of my correspondence with Comodore Preble &...
24 July 1803, Leghorn . No. 9. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 9 Apr. circular , “enclosed with two...
By the enclosed dispatches—which I recd. yesterday from Mr. Eaton, & the duplicates of those...
Having found an assistant I am enabled by this Post to forward the enclosed letter, and my answer...
4 March 1802, Leghorn. No. 2. Has learned that the U.S. ship George Washington , which arrived 31...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 21 August 1806, Boston. “The annext copy of my letter to Mr. Smith...
6 January 1804, Leghorn. No. 1. “I have receiv’d no intelligence since my last from our Squadron...
James L. Cathcart presents his respects to Mr. Jefferson & begs leave to inform him that John...
29 November 1802, Malta. No. 16. Acknowledges JM’s 18 Apr. and 10 May letters, received from...
Since the date of the enclosed communications to our Consuls in Barbary nothing has transpired...
E’re you receive this the anxiety attending your re-election to the Chief Magistracy of the...
6 August 1802, Leghorn. No. 10. Has received circulars from Gibraltar announcing the Moroccan...
This day I have taken the liberty to draw upon you in favor of John Shaw Esqr. Commander of the...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 13 August 1806, Boston. “I have this inst. receiv’d the enclosed...
I cant find words expressive of my feelings when I contemplate the national consequences...
Permit me the honor to forward for your perusal the enclosed papers which will inform you of the...
I have the honor to inform you that I arrived in Funchal roads on the 18th: inst: in 28 days from...
6 November 1801, Leghorn. No. 13. Transmits dispatches received on 5 Nov. from Eaton and...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 14 August 1805, Washington . “It is some time since I had the...
James L. Cathcart presents his respects to Mr. Jefferson and requests him to accept a few Flower...
15 July 1802, Leghorn. No. 9. Cannot find “words expressive of my feelings” about the capture of...
9 July 1804, Leghorn. No. 8. “Conceiving it my duty to give you what information I collect in...
25 April 1802, Leghorn. No. 4. “The enclosed extracts from my correspondence & Mr. Eatons...
The enclosed papers will inform you of the loss of the United States Frigate the Philadelphia, of...
30 June 1811, Madeira. Has heard that Jarvis has resigned the Lisbon consulate and wishes to be...
8 August 1801, Leghorn. No. 9. Encloses dispatches received 4 Aug. from Eaton with copies of...
Last night arrived from Tripoli & Tunis a french vessel which brought me the enclosed...
25 August 1802, Leghorn. No. 11. During his residence at Tripoli, transmitted to the State...
Since my last I have not heard from Barbary but think it probable that Mr: Eaton has agreed with...
8 July 1803, Leghorn . No. 8. Informs JM that “the report of the capture of Mr. Smith has proved...
21 March 1801, Tripoli. No. 5. Encloses accounts of disbursements and accounts current and copy...
I have the honor to inform you that since the date of my last by the Cartel Anson, were landed...
3 June 1802, Leghorn. No. 7. “Yesterday” he enclosed dispatches from Eaton through 4 May. Now...
Since my last dispatch the enclosed being a duplicate, I have not heard a syllable from the...
15 October 1804, Leghorn. “This day I was honor’d with your very acceptable letter of the 11th....
19 October 1803, Gibraltar . Informs JM that he will proceed “to Leghorn in the Syren the first...
By the Brig Apollo Capt G oldsbury who sail’d on the 24th: Ulto. I had on ly time to inform you...
Enclosed with this are some dispatches which I receiv’d on the 4th. inst. from Mr. Eaton, with...
18 September 1803 , “ US Frigate Adams off Almeria bay .” No. 13. “The enclosed detail will...
4 July 1802, Leghorn. No. 8. Enclosures A and B, along with his dispatch no. 7 which was...
5 May 1803, “Lazzaretto of St. Rocco,” Leghorn. No. 4. Refers to his 30 Mar. dispatch , which...
Understanding that James Leander Cathcart Esq r late Consul at Cadiz & a is an applicant for the...
I arrived here yesterday and was duly hond. with your favor of the 21st. Ult. and have recd....