Results 28841-28850 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received your letter of yesterday. It is lamentable that our magazines are so empty and that our future prospects are so alarmingly limited. The worst consequences are to be apprehended if some change does not speedily take place. Every information I obtain makes me fear we shall be driven to the necessity of a general forage upon the Country. To do this I wish you to supply me with an...
Col Harrison and myself are to meet two Gentlemen of the British army at Amboy monday week. We shall be obliged to feed them and their attendants as well as our own, while there, and must therefore request your assistance to have some handsome provision made there for us by that time. We shall probably be together only a few days and shall have sixteen or eighteen to feed. Let us have both...
I have been favoured with Your Letter of the 6th—As I find by this that you are no longer to continue in the department in which You have for some time acted, I with pleasure avail myself of the present opportunity to inform You, that your conduct in the discharge of your duty so far as it has come to my knowledge, has been much to my satisfaction. From your activity and attention—your...
There is the strongest reason to suppose that a great part of the Army will continue this Winter upon the East side of Hudsons River. The season approaches fast when it will be next to impossible, on account of the Roads, to bring forward a sufficiency of Flour even for daily consumption. The distress to which we were reduced last Winter at Valley Forge, for want of a proper Magazine, makes me...
[ Morristown, New Jersey, December 23, 1779. “By a return of provisions on hand it appears there is only two day’s meat. The General’s anxiety induces him to inquire again into your prospects; and to request you will inform him with precision what present supply you can depend upon.” Letter not found. ] Sold at American Art Association—Anderson Galleries, January 12, 1932, Lot 69. Flint was...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] January 4, 1780 . Requests an estimate of supplies available in each county of New Jersey. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Since my orders of the 2d March, directing the establishment of Magazines of provision upon the Susquehannah for three thousand Men, I find there is a probability that the number may be increased to four thousand five hundred—I therefore desire that you may take the most speedy measures to inform Colo. Blaine, or whoever may have the superintendance of the formation of those Magazines of this...
I am very much indebted to you for helping my cart on with the loan of a wheel. my people set out this morning and I hope will return it safe. but I must beg the additional favor of you to have their broken one repaired. I think there is a wheelwright at your neighbor Swiney’s . in the mean time they will have to ask quarters of you. according to present appearances I think I can get away on...
Your letter of Jan. 29. is just now recieved, having been three weeks on the road. I have this day written by the mail to my overseer at Poplar forest to send off two boys on horseback with bags as soon as he recieves my letter. I shall probably be on myself nearly as soon as he will be sending for the seed, and will leave the price of it with you as I pass. with my thanks for your attention...
If Jesse Cole, an Inhabitant of the City of New York, will undertake to communicate with me through the Channel that has been proposed to him, or any other which may be more direct and better—and will give me regular information of the enemys movements—strength—& designs, as far as he can come at them from good information & his own observation, particularly noting their...