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Results 28831-28860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Watertown [Mass.] 30 November 1775 . Present “Mr Gillam Tailer, a Gentleman from Boston, of a good Family & whose Character is unexceptionable, as being desirous to serve his Country.” LS , in John Pitt’s writing, DLC:GW . Moses Gill (1731–1800) of Princeton, Mass., was a member of the council and served on the committee of supplies. See Tailer to GW, 1 Nov. 1775 .
When I had the honor of seeing you in Philadelphia about two years since I was happy enough to obtain leave to trouble you with a few Lines. I am just on the eve of embarking for Europe. After a residence of a few months in England I propose visiting those parts of the Continent generally thought most worthy attention. If I find it conveniently practicable I intend pushing my excursions as far...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the pleasure a few days ago of writing you a long Letter, which I committed to the care of Capt. All— also wrote to Temple & Ben—sent you the Indian Spelling Book, & the Dutch & English papers; these last I committed to the care of a Mr. Ray, a young Man that I have recommended to your notice, as he purposes visiting Paris soon after his...
I am Sensible that this freedom needs an [appology]. I wrote You a letter In last month and if nothing can be done, or ought to be done, in one quarter, it is time that I Should be making application, in another, if I can say that I can have another; for I have not only motives of one kind, but others quite different, for not wishing to revisit that sink of destruction Philadelphia; for whose...
Yours of Nov r 29. came to hand a few days ago. The letter from T.C. is returned. I had one from him lately on the same subject; and in consequence reminded the President of his political career; dropping at the same time a few lines in his favor of to our Senator M r Barbour
§ From Peter Kuhn Jr. 10 August 1805, Genoa . “My last respects were of the 16th Ulto as per Copy annexed, and have now the honor of confirming them in every particular. Since then nothing very material has occurred in this quarter worth your notice except the arrest of two French Engineers at Venice, which occasioned much alarm in the political sphere, especially as the German Agents here...
The completion of the works in the vicinity of our City proceeds heavily. Some embarrassment is understood to arise in the War Department from the Question of Appropriations. I beg to be informed whether the sum appropriated by the Legislature of this State will come in aid of the Operation. Limited as that sum is, nothing upon a large scale can be undertaken in reference to it. Its Agency in...
You have perhaps expected from me (according to the Custom of the World) some Expressions of my Condolance, in your unfortunate loss of Judge Sewal. —To be plain, I always feel extreamly awkward, whenever I attempt, by Writing or in Person, to console the sorrowful, or to rejoice with those that do rejoice. I had rather conceal my own Sympathy fellow feeling in their Joys or Griefs, at the...
It has been a long time since I broached the important subject of the admission of the United States of America to the neutrality, but I feel that I do not have arguments strong enough to discuss this issue. And as you know, it is better to say nothing at all in such cases than not to say enough. Indeed, I am perplexed as to how to demonstrate that this démarche would not derogate from the...
As I imagine you By this time, plung’d in the midst of dellight heaven can aford: & enchanted By Charms even stranger to the Ciprian Dame I thought it would Contribue a litle to the variety of yours amusement to Send you few lines to peruse. I shan’t make Bold to describe the procedings of the house, which no doute you have had already some hint of. I only will make use of these three...
The University of Virginia. The period for opening this institution being ultimately fixed to the 1 st day of Feb. next, some previous information respecting it may be acceptable to the public, and useful to individuals who may have views of availing themselves of it’s benefits. and our press being on the spot, as it were, it seems incumbent on us particularly to give that information, which...
ALS : Bibliothèque Municipale de Besançon I return the Carolina Constitution which I have carefully perused. I have the Pleasure to inform you that the Amphitrite is arrived at l’Orient from Charlestown, which she left the 21st of September. She has brought us a good Cargo of Rice and Indigo, but no News, except that one of our Fregates in a Cruize of 5 Days from that Port had brought in 4...
Notice ! I am authorised to contract for the Establishment of two Cross Posts, for one year, from this place; One through Columbia and Charlottesville, to Staunton; the other towards the Holston Settlements, along the Buckingham road, and the Peaks of Otter, into Montgomery, Wythe, and Washington, and on the Route as far as may be towards the Seat of the South-Western Government. The design...
I have been prevented setting out to Bedford as early as I had counted. I depart tomorrow. in the mean time I have consulted with as many as I could of the leading men of our county on the subject of the Principal assessor, as I proposed to yourself in my letter of the 15 th . of those consulted who are known to yourself were mr Divers , the mr Carrs , mr Randolph , Bankhead E t c. one...
I resume the answer to your letter of the 20th which I acknowleged the moment after I received it. I cannot say that I have ever experienced so much hesitation between giving way to inclination, and attachment to you personally, and my own interest and ease, as has taken place during the two past days. It is now however all over, and it is right I should confess, that the soothing idea of...
[How I wish I?] could answer the Dialogue! But I hon[estly think my hear?]t is invisable, and Mute, at this moment more than usual[l it is?] full or ready to burst with all the variety of Sentiments, wh[ich] a very feeling one is Capable of; sensible of My loss a[t] separating from the friends I left at Paris, I have hardly time to indulge a shamisly tribute; but My thoughts Must be contrasted...
I have the honour to present to you a copy of a poem that has attained some celebrity in this country I do not send it to you that I think it is worthy of your notice but as a testimony of respect that an unknown youth holds the venerable patriot to whom our country owes so much—I should never sir have presumed to forward you this work faulty as it is but that being flattered by the favourable...
I have yours of the 23 d. Col: Aspinwall is desirous of obtaining the appointment to London as you were apprizd before you left us. The principal competitors are Col: Drayton & Com: Barney. The loss of his arm gives him I think a stronger claim than either of the others, and will perhaps reconcile both of them to his appointment. His appointment would open a place in the army for some other...
3 May 1805, Salisbury, North Carolina. “If the most correct motives did not guide me, I should hesitate in taking the freedom of troubleing you in the business of a stranger to you personally. I have inclosed to you the copy of a letter to the President of the United States, for fear, that through accident the Original which I have sent him may miscarry. You will highly oblige me by delivering...
Mr Chevalier , the Gentleman who will probably present you this letter, in passing through your part of the Country, is desirous of making his Respects to you at Monticello.—He is the son in Law of Judge Lions, and formerly had some transactions with you as agent for Beaumarchais, although he is doubtful whither they were of such a nature, as to entitle him to your recollection,—Under these...
One hundred and twenty American vessels have sailed from the Port of Cronstadt for the United States during the present Season—The two last of them were Captain Bainbridge, for Philadelphia, and Captain Leach for Boston, in the American Hero a vessel belonging to Lieutt: Governor Gray.—They sailed on the first of this month and both of them carried letters from us.—They were the last vessels...
28852[Diary entry: 4 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
4. Warm. Wind rather Westwardly tho but little of it.
16 livsons. from 15th. to 30th. inclusive 0 from 23 to 30 inclusive: not charged 0 Memoires concernant impositions et droits (par Moreau) 5 vol: 40. — Encyclop: Britan: (edit: Dobson) 1st. vol. 40 — Chalmers’ Pol: Annals 1 vol: 40. — Ramsay’s acct. of slavery in W. Indies. — Douglas’ Reports Neckar on Religion — Hist: war in America 3 vol: 80. — Cicero’s Epist: to Atticus
I have this day drawn on you in favor of Dabney Carr for [fifty] dollars. tho’ as far as I am possessed of our account there would [be funds?] in your hands sufficient to cover this, [but?] there are some articles of [expences &c] paid by you for me which probably [may make] this an over draught. [if therefore] you will be so good as to make a statement of our accounts and [paiments] so as to...
Your favor of the 19 th is this moment recieved, and I hasten by it’s acknolegement, to anticipate your departure. I learn with great pleasure that justice is at length done you in your native co un try by the restoration of your property. you will arrive there in an interesting time, and will no doubt benefit it by the obs erva tions you have been able to make on the organisation, the...
I received your Excel. Letter dated the 1st of March—the 26th of May in Carolnia, I am happy to find that I performd the Duties as superintending Offr to your Excel. Approbation. I beg leave to address your Excel. on my concern, I find by a resolve of Congress passed the 7th of Augt, that I shall be under the disagreeable necessity of retiring on half pay, by being the younghest Lieut. Colo....
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 4 January 1806, “Near New Orleans.” “Having, for the most part, effected the objects which occasioned my visit to the Atachapas and Apalousas, I am now on my return, and will be at my Post early on Tomorrow. My Private Secretary, who has met me on this Evening, communicated the substance of several important dispatches from you, which were received during my...
I have got thro’ my catalogue except the Alphabet and send you the result. The inclosed table shews the number, size, and cost of the whole and it’s parts. 6860. vols will cost 24.076 D. or 3½ D. a vol. on an average of all sizes. If we get our 50. M D and also if 10.000 would do for apparatus, there would remain 16.000. to invest in stock. This would give us 1000 D. a year for ever which...
Having transmitted to Mr Pickering, additional documents, numbered from 36 to 50 inclusively, you will probably peruse them. The first, contained a copy of a motion, I made to the other Envoys; to put an end, as early as the 21st of October 1797, to the disgraceful communications of X & Y. at the bottom of the original, is a note in the handwriting of General Pinckney, which shews, that it was...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your two favors of the 31 Ulto. I have given communication and shall continue to make publick the Resolution of the Committee held at Berni the 24 May. It will certainly have the desired end of promoting a more extensive Commerce betwixt the two States. I shall transmit by the post to morrow a Copy of the Resultat to Rochfort agreable to your Instructions....