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Results 28831-28880 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
28831 Maxwell, William Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General William … 1778-04-25 Your Excellency Questions for consideration—handed to the Generals dated the 20th Inst. I have...
28832 Washington, George Morris, Gouverneur From George Washington to Gouverneur Morris, 25 April … 1778-04-25 I received your obliging favor of the 18th Inst., only Yesterday evening. I thank you much for...
28833 Powell, Jeremiah Dummer Washington, George To George Washington from Jeremiah Dummer Powell, 25 … 1778-04-25 I have the Honor to enclose you the Resolutions of the General Court of this State, Respecting...
28834 Washington, George Shreve, Israel From George Washington to Colonel Israel Shreve, 25 … 1778-04-25 I have received your favor of the 16th inclosing a return of the prisoners taken by the enemy...
28835 Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … Washington, George To George Washington from Steuben, 25 April 1778 1778-04-25 With regard to the first question —We are to examine whether the Enemy may expect formidable...
28836 Washington, George Turner, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Turner, 25 April 1778 1778-04-25 Altho^ I am not much accustomed to accept presents, I cannot refuse one offered in such polite...
28837 Washington, George Washington’s Thoughts upon a Plan of Operation for … 1778-04-26 In our present situation, and under our present prospects, there appears to be but one of three...
28838 Adams, John Sunday [26 April]. 1778-04-26 Dined at home.
28839 Adams, John [April 26. Sunday 1778.] 1778-04-26 April 26. Sunday 1778. Dined at home.
28840 Fleury, François Louis Teissèdre de Adams, John To John Adams from Fleury, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 Les nouvelles publiques nous ont apris que le congré des provinces unies vous avoit deputé a la...
28841 Fleury, François Louis Teissèdre de Adams, John Fleury to John Adams: A Translation, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 We have been informed by public reports that the congress of the United States has appointed you...
28842 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de First Joint Commission at Paris Sartine to the Commissioners, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 J’ai reçu, Messieurs la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 20 de ce mois....
28843 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de First Joint Commission at Paris Sartine to the Commissioners: A Translation, 26 April … 1778-04-26 I have received, gentlemen, the letter that you did me the honor to write on the 20th of this...
28844 Hamilton, Alexander Mease, James From Alexander Hamilton to James Mease, [26 April 1778] 1778-04-26 By command of His Excellency, I inclose you a letter to him from the officers of the German...
28845 Washington, George Tryon, William George Washington to Major General William Tryon, 26 … 1778-04-26 Valley Forge, April 26, 1778 . States that the British conciliatory handbills have had free...
28846 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas George Washington to Thomas Wharton, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 [ Valley Forge ] April 26, 1778 . Asks for information concerning the militia available for next...
28847 Franklin, Benjamin Ross, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Ross, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 ALS (draft): Library of Congress The Multiplicity of Affairs we have lately been engag’d in,...
28848 Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de American Commissioners Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de Sartine to the … 1778-04-26 LS : Harvard University Library <Versailles, April 26, 1778, in French: When the Boston arrived,...
28849 Brillon de Jouy, Anne-Louise Boivin d’Hardancourt Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Madame Brillon, [26 April? … 1778-04-26 AL : American Philosophical Society Madame brillon fait dire a son chér papa, qu’il lui sera...
28850 Capellen tot den Pol, Joan Derk van der Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Joan Derk van der Capellen … 1778-04-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Connecticut State Library; Massachusetts Historical...
28851 Julien, Claude Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Claude Julien, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prends la liberté de vous adresser ci jointe, copie d’une...
28852 Pringle, John Julius Izard, Ralph John Julius Pringle to Ralph Izard, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 Copies: American Philosophical Society, New-York Historical Society; copy and two transcripts:...
28853 Washington, George General Orders, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 The Commander in Chief has been informed that it is a common Practice for soldiers to go about...
28854 Gates, Horatio Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Horatio Gates … 1778-04-26 I had the Honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 24th Inst. by the Bearer as I expect...
28855 German Battalion Officers Washington, George To George Washington from the German Battalion … 1778-04-26 Letter not found: from the German Battalion Officers, c.26 April 1778. On 26 April, Alexander...
28856 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-04-26 I have been Honored with yours of the 8th Instant. I do myself the Honor to enclose the resolves...
28857 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 26 April … 1778-04-26 I received yesterday your favor of the 15th Inst., with the papers alluded to. Your reasoning,...
28858 McIntosh, Lachlan Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Lachlan … 1778-04-26 A Report of the general Hospitals. 26th April 1778. Hospitals In What Time Men now in Hospital...
28859 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1778-04-26 Yesterday I received a Letter from Lt Colonel Willett commanding officer at Fort Schuyler...
28860 Washington, George Tryon, William From George Washington to William Tryon, 26 April 1778 1778-04-26 Your letter of the 17th and a triplicate of the same were duly received. I had had the pleasure...
28861 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Thomas Wharton, Jr., 26 April … 1778-04-26 The season for action is advancing very fast, and it is highly necessary for me, in forming plans...
28862 Adams, John Monday. 27. 1778-04-27 Dined with Mr. Boulainvilliers, at his House in Passi, with Generals and Bishops and Ladies &c—In...
28863 Adams, John [Monday April 27. 1778.] 1778-04-27 Monday April 27. 1778. Dined with Mr. Boulainvilliers, at his house in Passi, with Generals and...
28864 Mercklé, Johannes P. Adams, John To John Adams from J. P. Mercklé, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 I have the honor to note yours and Mr. Franklin Joint favour of the 13th Instant, but before I...
28865 Moylan, James First Joint Commission at Paris James Moylan to the Commissioners, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 I have only time to inform you that I have just received an account from Brest of the arrival in...
28866 Washington, George Chase, Samuel George Washington to Samuel Chase, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 [ Valley Forge ] April 27, 1778 . Discusses British practice of seizing and imprisoning...
28867 Franklin, Benjamin Milly, Nicolas-Christiern de Thy, comte de From Benjamin Franklin to the Comte de Milly, 27 April … 1778-04-27 AL : Summarized in Sotheby & Co. auction catalogue, July 14, 1970. <Passy, April 27, 1778:...
28868 Moylan, James American Commissioners James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 27 April … 1778-04-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Lorient, April 27, 1778: The Lord Chatham , a prize taken...
28869 Hewson, Mary (Polly) Stevenson Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Hewson, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society The interruption of our correspondence is truly mortifying...
28870 Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, [27 … 1778-04-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon Illustre confrère j’ai l’honneur de vous prier de la...
28871 Washington, George General Orders, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 Lieutt Coll Fleury is to act as Sub-Inspector and will attend the Baron Stuben ’till...
28872 Cadwalader, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Cadwalader, 27 April … 1778-04-27 I was on the western Shore when your Favor by Capt: Lee reached my House; & as I was daily...
28873 Washington, George Chase, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Chase, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 Your favour of the 20th instant, I have received—The practice of seizing & confining the friends...
28874 Washington, George Gates, Horatio From George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates … 1778-04-27 I have lately been informed by a Gentleman, actuated solely by a regard to the public good, and...
28875 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-04-27 27 April 1778. Recommends Col. Henry Jackson to GW’s notice as “an Honest man a worthy Citizen...
28876 Lacey, John Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John Lacey … 1778-04-27 Inclosed is a return of the Militia under my Comand. I hear that more are on their way to join...
28877 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 I had the Honor, yesterday afternoon, to receive your Letter of the 24th continued to the 25th,...
28878 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 I had the honour of writing to Your Excellency the 24th Inst. by Mcklosky. Yesterday about ½ p. 5...
28879 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 27 April 1778 1778-04-27 The News papers which I received from Your Excellency in company with the honour of Your...
28880 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 27 April … 1778-04-27 I had the honour yesterday of your Excellency’s favours of the 15th and 22d April.*** I am...