Results 28831-28840 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I ask the favor of you to make the following correction, omitted to be made in the paper sent you a few days ago, viz. Erase the words, “ limit the power of Congress over trade, to regulations having revenue alone for their object ” and insert: “exclude from the power of Congress over commerce, regulations having for their object, the protection and encouragement of domestic manufactures.”...
Wednsday 8th I started again for Monticello — Mr Kelly when I g ot t o Char. went with me. When we arrived at the foot of the hill, we wound a side way, circutous course to avoid the steapness in getting the house, which was immediately upon the top of the mountain. We rode up to the front gate of the door yard a servant took our horses— Mr. Jefferson appeared at the door. I was introduced to...
The Board of War have favd me with a Copy of their letter to you of the 20th Augt by which I find that they had directed you to forward all the ready made cloathing to Springfeild and Harford there to be opened, aired and Assorted, and the Blankets, Shoes Stockings and shirts to Camp. The intent of the Board is to put the whole Army in compleat new uniform as early as possible in October, and...
Your Letter of the 18th inst., I received some Time ago. I have directed Mr Measam of the Clothier’s Department to repair to Hartford and Springfield, to superintend the repacking and assorting of the Cloathing, which has been ordered to those Places. In Case it does not supercede any Appointment of yours, made in Consequence of your Instructions, from the Board of War: However as it is so...
The Executive cannot agree to your return to reside within the State unless you Consider yourself freed from your Parole. You informed me that the British Commanding Officer expressed the Determination to hang any Person who should be found in Arms after having given a parole. If the validity of these paroles were without question under the Law of nations still that law only punishes a breach...
Copy: Library of Congress I am sorry you were disappointed in meeting me at Versailles. In all your Billets except that of yesterday you omitted mentioning where you Lodged, otherwise I could have acquainted you that I should not be at court on the Day you Expected me. I suppose you will acquaint the Congress or General Washington with your Reasons for desiring a Prolongation of your furlow....
Reprinted from Courier de l’Europe , XIV (November 4, 1783), 290. This letter has puzzled editors for years. Its subject is the silver medal that Congress ordered Franklin to have struck for Lt. Col. de Fleury. Fleury himself delivered the congressional resolution to Franklin in early 1780 when he was on leave, but he was called back to America before Duvivier, the engraver, completed the...
I recd your favr of the 2d upon the Road between the North River and this place. I also at the Same time recd a letter from the president of Congress upon the same subject—In answer to which I have informed him, that, in my opinion, the application to the French Minister plenipotentiary for a renewal of your Furlough would be made with more propriety by yourself than by Congress, and that...
Copy: Library of Congress Having as yet had no Medal struck here, I am not acquainted with any Artist of that sort. If you can find one, and bring him to me, I will endeavour to agree with him to get it done as soon as may be; but I cannot imagine it possible in so short a time as you mention. I cannot state any certain Sum till I have talked with the artist. I thought to enquire of Mr. Tillet...
Passy, 20 May 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:104 . In his reply to Fleury’s letter of 26 April (above), Adams noted the excellent reputation of François Louis Teissèdre de Fleury, then serving with the Continental Army, and congratulated Fleury and his wife “upon the honor of...