George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Beatty, 29 September 1779

To John Beatty

Hd Qrs West-point 29 Sepr 1779


From the particular circumstances of Capn Campble’s case I have been induced to permit his remaining on parole with his friends.1 You will therefore in your first intercourse with the British Commissary of prisoners send in an officer of theirs of the same rank which Mr Campble held when taken by them—adjusting the transaction in the usual manner.

Mr Hogland being a violator of parole—is to be sent in by the first opportunity.2 I am &


Df, in James McHenry’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

2GW probably is referring to Jeronimus Hooglandt (Hogelandt, Hoogland), who was serving as a lieutenant and adjutant with Col. John Lasher’s New York militia regiment when he was taken prisoner on Long Island in August 1776. Hooglandt apparently violated his parole by joining the 2d Continental Light Dragoon Regiment as adjutant in October 1777. He seems to have served with the regiment until GW ordered him back to New York as a prisoner in violation of parole. Finally exchanged in March 1780, Hooglandt shortly thereafter became a captain in the 2d Light Dragoons, with rank from November 1778, and he served in the regiment until the close of the war.

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