James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 9 August 1806 (Abstract)

From James Leander Cathcart, 9 August 1806 (Abstract)

§ From James Leander Cathcart. 9 August 1806, Boston. “I had every thing prepared for the Franklins departure at a moments warning when I was hond. with yours of the 4th inst. Having in some measure anticipated the answer I might expect to receive I had look’d for a proper vessel for the purpose and was fortunate in finding the two Brothers of Salem a very handsome little Ship of 155 Tons,1 I took the Ambassador on board of her & he seems to like her amazingly: I do not know on what terms I may be able to procure her but I presume she will be high, neither have I mentioned the particulars of the contents of your letter to the Ambassador as yet, lest it might be the means of originating fresh demands.

“As this vessel will be ready to sail by the time I receive ⟨an⟩ answer to this, I request to be inform’d whether all the presents are to be sent out in her and to whom are they to be consignd, and when ready for sea whether she is to be detain’d until the arrival of the vessel with the fieldpieces &c. from Washington, I likewise wish to know whether I am to lay in provisions for them or are they to find themselves at their own cost. The Turks from New York have not arrived neither have we heard anything from the Messenger Mohamet Ben Hodgia since his departure on the 29th. Ulto.”

RC (DNA: RG 59, CD, Tunis, vol. 3). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner.

1Filed with the RC is a note giving the Two Brothers’s dimensions and other descriptive information: the ship was seventy-seven feet long, twenty-two feet three inches wide, ten feet two inches deep, and 151 56/95 tons in weight; a “single Deck built at Duxbury in 1800 fiddle head & quarter bridges navigates by 9 Men & 2 Boys including the officers.” An appended “Memorandum for filling the ship two Brothers passport” states that while “formerly ownd in Salem she is now own’d in Marblehead & hails from thence consequently she must be stiled the Two Brothers of Marblehead in her papers.” JM issued a passport dated 5 Aug. 1806 for “the American Brigantine Two Brothers,” John Chandler master, to carry Soliman Melimeni to Tunis with his suite and merchandise (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 15).

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