James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 8 September 1802

From James Leander Cathcart

Dispatch No. 14

Leghorn Sepr. 8th. 1802


I conceive it my duty to forward Copy’s of all my correspondence that conveys the least intelligence to the department of State; however disagreeable this line of conduct may be on several occasions, I prescribed the rule myself, & from it I am resolved not to swerve, ’tho I am convinced it will procure me many private enemies, but at the same time I flatter myself it will promote the general good of the service & I assure you that only is my reason for forwarding the enclosed letter from Captn. Andrew Morris as it contains the most severe & pointed censure on the conduct of one of our gentlemen in command.1

Enclosed is a copy of my dispatch No. 13 & its inclosures.2 I hope the measures their [sic] delineated will meet the approbation of government; I have read of my appointment to the Consulate of Algiers in a Newyork Newspaper, for which fresh mark of the Presidents & my Countrys approbation give me leave to return my most sincere thanks, & to assure you that the whole study of my life will be to merit a continuance of their confidence.

I have receiv’d no news from Barbary since my last, but by a letter from our Consul at Malta dated the 6th. of August I am inform’d that Hamet Bashaw the brother of the reigning Bashaw of Tripoli was preparing to depart in a few days for his government of Bengasi & Derna where undoubtedly he will be murder’d in less than six months.

I am in anxious expectation for instructions & a credit—to answer my expenditures here which I requested some months ago & remain with sentiments of the greatest respect & esteem Sir Your most Obnt. Servt.

James Lear. Cathcart

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