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Results 2881-2910 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
By the demise of Mr Innes, the Office of Commissioner for Liquidating the claims of British Citizens under the Treaty, has become vacant. My long acquaintance with the arbitration of Exchanges, and with the most complicated & difficult modes of Account keeping both in Europe and America, would, I presume, enable me to fill the place of the late Mr. Innes, with becoming ease and propriety—I beg...
You have spoken, and you have spoke it with dignity and truth.—That the rising generation of Americans, the most promising and perhaps the most important Youth, which the human species can boast, educated in the principles of religion and morality, and having before them the examples of the wise and good of all nations, cannot fail to answer the high expectations, which the World has formed of...
We are interested in a ship and its cargo of which we have enclosed information. We are taking the liberty to ask that you examine this information and advise us as to the possibility of obtaining damages. We beg you to excuse us for causing this inconvenience. Several of our friends are interested in the ships and cargo brought into Brest. We dared to take the liberty of sending to you one of...
He published—his opinions on Jus Eccles. Protest . in the Ses—which were—under his presidium—defended publicly by his most eminent Students. This could not be performed without awakening the intolerant zeal of the clergy—Their rage—increased when manÿ of their Brethren Strengthened him with their open Support—then the Church became in danger. Spies—under pious pretexts were Send to him for...
The papers having announced y r. public appearance in this kingdom, I take the liberty of Congratulating you on y r. arrival in England, & on the success of y r. negociations in behalf of the United states of America. After much anxiety & toil, to see y r. wishes realized, to find the uncertainties of war ended, & the great object of it fully established & secured, must give you an high degree...
Tho I suppose that some recent arrivals in the ports at S.E. of Philadelphia will give you the conformation of the report of war between G Britain & France I do myself the honor to mention to you the foundation on which it rests here. A Philada. ship arrived yesterday from Lisbon, when the Captn. Saw in the hands of Mr John Balkely, our principal American house, a letter from Mr. Fenwick the...
We postponed to answer the honour of your Excellency’s favour of 5 febr, in hope to be able to mention Something definitif to you, but it would be disagreable to you to enumerate the objections and difficulties, since hitherto we have not yet the answers of all the undertakers, whilst we are continually Endeavouring to Settle the matter, of wh ch. the Success is yet too incertain, to give your...
My Dear and ever Honor’d And beloved Father and And Friend—For such I shall ever consider you.—it greives & mortifies me to think I am obliged to leave this place tomorrow Morning without the Happiness of seeing you—my Health for sometime back has been miserable indeed— I have rode out but twice, & that but a short distance, since last Thursday week; and since that , I found as much as I could...
As you may possibly not come here before the 18th I write to know, if I must leave these lodgings at that time, as the month will then be up, and if I stay any longer I must begin another month. I have finish’d Phaedrus’s fables and the lives of Miltiades, Themistocles, Aristides, Pausanias, Cimon, and Lysander; and Am going next upon Alcibiades in Cornelius Nepos, I shall begin upon...
It was not till last Evening that I received Your Letters of Febry 2 d 4 & 7 th . the post did not get in which was Due on twesday till Saturday. I do not know how to pass a week without hearing from You. I received newspapers to the Tenth. in those I have an account of the Declaration. it was a Solemn Scene to You, and an affecting one. You will find by my Letter of the 8 th that I was with...
Proofs of the Death Montgomery &ca Rich gilt Frames, Glasses &c 6 = 6 = Packing Case = 8 = 6 CtY : Trumbull Papers.
Philadelphia, 16 October 1779. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:183–184 . Like those for the peace treaty (calendared above), these instructions had been adopted on 14 August ( JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, Washington,...
Agreeably to the order of the Senate, I have the honor to transmit the plan for the support of Public Credit announced in my letter of the 16th instant together with sundry Statements connected with it—and to be Sir / Your most obedient & / humble servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I write you a few lines my dear John in answer to yours which I received last night merely to say we are all well and your Grandfather better but we are so immerced in dinners and partys that my head is perfectly turned— Give my love to Johnson (Hellen), and tell him not to grieve—for I am glad the connection has failed as there is something in the conduct of all parties not altogether...
We the subscribers being the superintendant Constructer and Clerk of the Navy Yard, during the building of the Frigate Constitution feel ourselves Constrained by the Principles of Justice to say That Genl. Henry Jackson the Naval Agent has on all Occasions from the Commencement of building the Frigate manifested unremitting Zeal and exertion by Personal attention to obtain in the most...
I find you, & I must agree , NOT to disagree , or we must cease to discuss political questions. I could as soon believe that the British parliament, never had once a right to tax America, as believe that a fourth major part of the citizens of New york were federal , or that many of the federal minority were so, from proper motives.— I know from good authority that some of the leading...
Among the papers accompanying the list of military appointments was the resignation of an Officer by the name of Bullet, if I mistake not. It was sent for your acceptance. He is waiting, & would be obliged by your decision as soon as convenient. I have the honor to be / with perfect respect / Your faithful servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
I beg your acceptance of one of these volumes & that you would give the other to the President with the most respectful Compliments of the author Yr most obedt Servt MHi : Adams Papers.
J’ay fait part de la letter que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire a la derniere assemblée de la Société Royale de Medecine, qui m’a chargé de Vous en faire Ses remerciemens. Nous Sommes très flattés, Monsieur, de la correspondance, que Messieurs du College de Medecine de Boston Veulent bien etablir avec nous, correspondance qui ne peut être que très avantageuse aux progrès de l’art, et...
Being very well I hasten to write you and although you disclaim all merit in a certain transaction still to repeat my approbation of a conduct which does you so much honour and which I hope (although you must not expect) will be rewarded by the improvement and merit of its object—Should this not happen do not suffer the disappointment to mortify or wound your feelings or to damp any future...
I have before me the two Letters you honoured me with in date of Decr. 1st. and 10th. and am made sensible by what you are pleased to tell me that you have L6857.3 to claim, not of me however, as I have given you credit and M. Dana by your order, for the whole sum Dr. Franklin charged me to pay to you personally the 12th. feby 1780, as appears by the inclosed Copy of his order. But as M. Dana...
I enclose the proceedings of a General Court Martial held at Fort Sargent on the Mississippi, on thursday the 22nd day of November 1798 by order of Brigadeir General Wilkinson. At this court Andrew Anderson, a soldier, was tried on a charge of deserting his post, on the night of the 31st of October 1798, and aiding and assisting two prisoners to make their escape from confinement at Fort...
I have the honor to inform the Vice President of the United States and to request him to cause an intimation to be given to the Honoble The Members of the Senate that at one oClock to day, an oration will be delivered at St Pauls Church in commemoration of the declaration of Independence by a Member of the Society of the Cincinnati and that seats are provided for his and their accommodation....
I have had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 13th instant and I have the honor to enclose you a letter from the spanish Residents. Your Steward himself has recovered and also his children, but his Wife is dangerously ill Your house is not what it ought to be, either for your dignity or the rent. But it is the best to be obtained. With respectful Compliments / I am my dear Sir / With...
I expected to have had the Honour of hearing from you before this time, on the subject of the publication of General Washingtons Letters, but I hope to have that pleasure soon. In the interim I beg to send an engraving of the proposed Monument and a plan of the new town of Thurso in which it is proposed to be erected. You will also herewith receive a paper on Longevity. Permit me to request...
En réponse à l’honorée vôtre du 18 e. , la clef de votre Secretaire S’est heureusement retrouvée sous des Livres; & je suis sûr que personne n’a pu en faire usage, parce que votre appartement n’a jamais été ouvert, depuis votre départ, que par l’un de nous toujours présent. J’ai remis avec les autres celle que vous m’aviez laissée. A l’heure où j’écris, les Etats d’holl de. sont à résoudre...
The Pickering, Capt Preeble, arrived at New York two or three Days ago—I expect the George Washington, Fletcher, is at New Port by this time. I will take the most decided steps, to get both these Vessels out immediately. Capt Preeble thinks the Pickering may be dispatched in a Week—she will be sent to near Guadaloupe,—where there remain The Ganges—Tingey The Baltimore—Barron The...
I have the honor to submit to your Consideration the inclosed affidavits respecting the English Ship Oracabessa Burnt on Tuesday last within the Bar of this harbour by a Privateer said to be called the Vortitude commanded by a Captain Jourdain and belonging to Cape Francois, also of the capture of the Ship Pallas belonging to this Port and the Mary of Savannah. By an examination of the...
I suppose by this time sober hill is in great glory, at least if your spring has been forward in any measure as ours has. And when we compare our peaceful Towns & happy villages with the garrisons & wasted fields of Europe we ought to bless God who has divided us by 1000 leagues of water. But the question occurs will this distance from that great awful & distressed Theatre of human misery &...
The Weather has been & held so uncommonly cold ever since you left Me, that I had no expectation of getting a line from you untill you reachd N york, but that line I have not yet received, and by this Time I presume you have reachd the city of Sedition, the Hot bed of France; I wrote you this Day week, and inclosed to you our Sons Letters. Gen ll Lincoln & mrs Lincoln Dined with Me yesterday...