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Results 28801-28850 of 184,431 sorted by author
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 5 May 1806, Georgetown. “On the subject of the presents for the Bashaw of Tunis, I have the honor to Report That Mr. Foxall has six brass field pieces which are well calculated for that service, the Secretary at War is the proper person to apply to for them, he has carriages at his disposal which will suit them without making new ones, provided they are...
I embrace the earliest opportunity to forward the enclosed dispatches which I have copied in order to multiply their conveyance: their being no vessel here ready to sail for the United States I have enclosed them to Mr. Cathalan at Marseilles. By the enclosures A & B you will be inform’d of our actual position; the Capture of the Tripoline Cruiser in its tendency is equal to a victory, &...
21 March 1804, Leghorn. No. 5. “Enclosed I have the honor to transmit twelve copies of a translation of the President’s two last speeches to congress, the[y] retain sufficient elegance of stile to recommend them ’tho dress’d in a foreign language; besides as we are indebted to the old world for a vast fund of knowledge; I think it but just that we should repay them when we have an opportunity:...
15 March 1803 , “ Chesapeake at Sea .” No. 2. Encloses a journal of events which have taken place since his last dispatch. Enclosure A contains the latest information from Tripoli, and enclosure B is his last letter to Nissen. Hopes Eaton will be able to efface the suspicion he is under at present of misapplication of public money and “thereby, eradicate, unfavourable impressions, prejudicial...
7 September 1801, Leghorn. No. 11. Sends enclosures that will show current American position. Adds that “the Capture of the Tripoline Cruiser in its tendency is equal to a victory.… A few more actions will effectually establish our national character in this sea, & prove to the Tyrants of Barbary that the government of the United States will not suffer indignitys with impunity.” Assures JM...
I am extremely happy to inform you that honor has re-assumed its Empire in the bosom of the King of Sweden & that he has protested the Bills drawn by Mr Tornquist to the amount of Two hundred & forty thousand Dollars the sum promised by him to the Bashaw of Tripoli as the price of Peace & that he has resolved to repel the demand for an annuity of 20,000 Dols by force of Arms & will send a...
4 February 1802, Leghorn. Has drawn on JM for $453.09 in favor of John Shaw, commander of the George Washington . In postscript states that he has no news worth relating and is awaiting instructions from the president “with the same anxiety & impatience that a Mussulman awaits the prostrations of a pusillanimous christian chief, or that an Algerine Jew awaits the arrival of a Barbary Consul...
By the Mail in 7 days from England, we were Yesterday informed that a general Embargo had taken place in the United States. Consequently we feel very much interested until we are informed of the Result of the pending negotiation with Great Britain, which every class of People on this Island with great reason wishes may terminate amicably, for in the event of a War of any length they must...
Vicissitude marks all human events!! born in the expectation of a genteel competency, and nursed in the lap of luxury and ease, I found myself at an early period of my life wholly disappointed by a train of unfortunate events which prudence could not evade, nor human foresight control, which joined to the liberality of a generous but too improvident father, obliged me to choose the Ocean as a...
Having had the honour of being in company with Mr. Jefferson some days past I was advised by him to lay the Journals & papers accompanying this letter before your Excellency in order to give you what information lays in my power relative to our negotiation with the Regency of Algiers & likewise as the first Magistrate of a Free & Independent people to claim from your Excellency a redress of...
4 April 1803 , “ U S Ship Chesapeake, Gibraltar Bay .” Informs JM that he has drawn on the State Department “this day” for $430.25 in favor of John Gavino; “said sum when paid you will please to have placed to my Acct. untill final settlement.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Tripoli, vol. 2). 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Cathcart. Docketed by Wagner. A full transcription of this document has been...
4 June 1801, Leghorn. No. 7. Explains why, departing Tripoli, he sailed to Leghorn [where he arrived 2 June] rather than Tunis: he feared attacks from Tripolitan cruisers, believed communications from Europe to U.S. more direct, and hoped at Leghorn to determine the reaction of Swedish crown to pasha’s demand of tribute. Renders account of financial transactions since 14 May, complaining of...
The much lamented death of the venerable & worthy Mr. Jefferson, in which event I most sincerely sympathize with you, his family & the nation, has deprived me of his influence, and if denied the honor which I now most humbly solicit, in any shape that you may be pleased to grant it, I may then conclude that I have not a friend of influence in the World; the inclosed is a copy of a letter from...
In addition to my dispatch of yesterday give me leave respectfully to submit to the Presidents decision—Whether, supposing government should think proper to put an end to the War with Tripoli without prosecuting it to extremity; it would not be to the interest of the United States to embark Hamet Pacha on board our Comodores Ship & proceed with him before Tripoli, to then inform his brother...
8 October 1802, Leghorn. No. 15. Encloses a copy of a letter from the bey of Tunis to the president. “The nature of the demand therein made, as well as the insolent stile it is couch’d in will dictate the necessity of re-inforceing our squadron in this sea as soon as possible after the meeting of Congress, as I presume it would be inconsistent to accede to this demand after having refused the...
I conceive it my duty to forward Copy’s of all my correspondence that conveys the least intelligence to the department of State; however disagreeable this line of conduct may be on several occasions, I prescribed the rule myself, & from it I am resolved not to swerve, ’tho I am convinced it will procure me many private enemies, but at the same time I flatter myself it will promote the general...
Enclosed I have the honor to transmit my accompts & acot: curt: which closes my accompts as Consul for Tripoli I have likewise annex’d a full exposition of the monies which have been expended under the head of Tripoli since my administration commenced, & hope that it may meet the approbation of government. The Presents for Algiers have nearly all arrived some diamond solitaires excepted which...
28 December 1801, Leghorn. No. 14. Sends enclosures “which will inform you of the trifling occurrences since my last.” Reports “we are amazingly fortunate that none of our merchant vessels have been captured,” as one of the Tripolitan cruisers has been as far west as Cartagena; President is at Toulon, George Washington at Naples, Philadelphia off Tripoli, and Essex guards cruisers at...
After a lapse of more than five years, permit me most respectfully to enquire, how do you enjoy your health, and to hope that it may long be preserved in a state as perfect as I have ever wish’d it to be in. Vicissitude, my good Sir, marks all human events, and how many of them have I experienced since I first had the honour of your personal acquaintance in 1796 then just return’d from a cruel...
17 December 1803, Leghorn. “Enclosed with this is my acct: curt. with the United States for the ammount of $44,550 the whole of said sum being accounted for & the vouchers forwarded to the Department of State, except the ballance which is in favor of the United States $5854 82/100 which shall be accounted for when I make out my acct: of disbursements for this year; & lest some of my good...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 9 August 1806, Boston. “I had every thing prepared for the Franklins departure at a moments warning when I was hond. with yours of the 4th inst. Having in some measure anticipated the answer I might expect to receive I had look’d for a proper vessel for the purpose and was fortunate in finding the two Brothers of Salem a very handsome little Ship of 155 Tons, I...
The following is a Journal of occurences since the date of my dispatches forwarded direct to America by our Consul at Tunis. On April the 19th. I received a packet from Mr: Eaton at Tunis which came enclosed to Mr. Nissen containing letters from Messrs. Smith and OBrien, from the former of the 10th. of November & 4th. of February in which I am inform’d that several of my dispatches have been...
25 June 1804, Leghorn. No. 7. “Enclosed are duplicates of my last communication & a copy of my correspondence with Comodore Preble which will inform you in detail of the situation of the Squadron and of my operations at the Court of Naples which I hope will meet with the President’s approbation. “On my return from Naples I receiv’d your highly esteem’d favor of December the 26th. 1803 & am...
2 March 1805, New York . “I have the honor to inform you that I arrived in the river on the night of the 27th. inst. & immediately forwarded Comodore Prebles dispatches to the Secretary of the Navy, I would have forwarded you a copy of them had I not been prevented from landing my family by bad weather and the negligence of the Pilot until this afternoon, but as the Comodore has proceeded to...
I had the honor of receiving yours of the 21st. May on yesterday evening & shall scrupulously observe the instructions contain’d therein. It was accompanied by a letter from Comodore Dale a copy of which is enclosed A—with my answer B, which will inform you of the operations which we mean to pursue should the meet with the Comodores approbation. By my dispatches forwarded direct from Tunis,...
21 March 1805, New York . “Not having cash sufficient to transport my family to the seat of government their place of residence, I have taken the liberty to draw upon you in favor of Mr. Jacob Barker for the sum of two hundred & fifty spanish dollars which you will please to pay & deduct the said from the five hundred dollars allow’d by government to pay part of my expences home.” RC ( DNA :...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Bashaw of Tunis to the President of the United States. The nature of the demand therein made, as well as the insolent stile it is couch’d in will dictate the necessity of re-inforceing our squadron in this sea as soon as possible after the meeting of Congress, as I presume it would be inconsistent to accede to this demand after having refused the cannon...
9 September 1803 , “ US. frigate Adams at sea .” “In my last communication of the 30th. Ulto., I had the Honor to inform you of my departure from Leghorn on the 27th. do., on board the U.S frigate Adams, and to promise you a detail of our opperations in relation to our affairs with the Regency of Tunis, which I now have the Honor to transmit, for the information of government.… “Friday Sept:...
It has been contended i n this Consulate by Several Masters of Vessels, that Seamen left onshore in consequence of wounds or s ickness ought of right to be maintain’d at the co st of the United States and that consequently t hey have no right to pay three months wages i n advance to Seamen So discharged, & State as a re ason that those Seamen pay Hospital money to the United States As I would...
On my return from Phila. I was hond. with your communication of the 16th. Ulto. & found that Mrs. Cathcart had given an order for the delivery of the wine to the person whom you directed to receive it, & according to your request I now inclose the acct. of cost & charges amt, $1696.33/100. I have taken passage in the Brig Savage for Gibraltar on my way to Cadiz where I mean to establish myself...
I was honor’d by the receipt of Yrs enclosing an Act pass’d on the 6th. of Feby. for the protection of the commerce & seamen of the United States of America on the 16th. inst. The communications therin mentioned I have not receiv’d probably owing to their bulk, as Mr. Gavino informs me that he has some Pamphlets for me which he intends to forward by sea. I enclose a copy of my dispatch No. 8:...
On the 12th: of October I had the honor to be presented, with yours of the 18th: of April and 10th: of May last, by Commodore Morris. No. 1 and 2 of the enclosures, will give you our latest intelligence from Tripoli. No. 3 Contains my Opinion relative to the Measures most proper to be adopted in the present crisis. And No. 4 will inform you the terms on which Sweden has concluded a Seperate...
After a lapse of more than fourteen years , permit me most respectfully to enquire, how do you enjoy your health? and to hope that it may be long preserved in as perfect a state as I have ever wish’d it to be in— Vicissitude my good Sir marks all human events! and how many of them have I experienced since I first had the honor of your personal acquaintance in 1796: then just return’d from a...
22 June 1803, Leghorn . No. 7. Has heard nothing of the capture of Smith by the last post from Naples, only that the Prudent , Captain Crowninshield, has departed. “From an almost uninterrupted series of misfortunes which literally commenced before I was born & seems to be assiduous in persecuting me through life I have become naturally credulous in believing reports which excite sensibility &...
I have the honor to inform You th at on the 25: Jany Admiral Duckworth’s Squadron hove into sight, composed of the Ships named at foot, in chase of th e Rochford Squadron of Six Sail of the Line & Frigates, who h ad Escaped their Vigilance in a Gale of Wind, and Supposing th ey were a head of them hove too. The Comus Frigate arrived t he 26th. at Night from Terceira, and had been chased by a...
I arrived here in the United States Brig Siren on the 12th: inst: & on the 14th: I got practique in consequence of having landed immediately at the Lazzaretto, & my writing a note to General La Vilette the Tuscan Governor of Leghorn with whom I am personally acquainted, the Brig was quarantined for some days longer in a similar manner that the Adams was last May of which you are no doubt...
Enclosed are my accts. of disbursments & acct. curt. and likewise a quintuple of Mr. Leon Farfara’s acct. for cash & bills paid in lieu of the stores stipulated by the treaty between the United States and this Regency & likewise for the Brig Sophia promised to the Bashaw by Captn. OBrien when said treaty was concluded, The contingent expencis ammounted to 1500 dollars, the whole sum paid by me...
In the month of Augt. 1805 I done myself the honor to address you on the subject of future employment, I have ceased to importune you ever since being convinced that it is impossible for every applicant to meet with the encouragement he may expect, & probably no vacancy has offer’d that I could with propriety have applied for until the present moment. The motive of the present application is...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 10 August 1806, Boston. “I had the honor to write to you yesterday informing you that I had pitch’d upon the Ship two Brothers of Salem to carry Mella Menni out in: she is a fast sailer has a bulwark pierced with twelve ports exactly like the Franklin which might be lined in little time & at small expense & would then make a very good appearance. It occurs to me...
Understanding that the Consulate at the Island of Madeira is vacant, I have taken the liberty to address the President, soliciting him for the appointment. If my former services, with which you are well acquainted, renders me an object worthy your attention, I request the favor of your interposition in my favor, & you may be persuaded that the strictest attention to the duties of the office &...
I have the honor to inform you that I arrived in this City last Monday, & a few days afterwards heard that your Exy: had left orders for a Commission to be made out for me as Consul genl, resident at Cadiz, this intelligence was very grateful to my feelings in a double point of view, as it indicated that I still retaind a portion of your confidence & esteem, & promised the pecuniary means of...
On the 31st. of Jany. the United States Ship Washington arrived here from Tunis and Naples & sail’d in a few days with all the merchant vessels under her convoy that were ready to depart. We have since heard of her safe arrival at Mersailles. The President has been thoroughly repair’d at Toulon & has sail’d for Gibraltar, I presume to await the arrival of the other squadron which we expect...
I have the honor to inform you that on the 23d. Inst. this Island was returnd to its former Masters, and on the 24th. the Portuguese Flag, was displayed on all the Fortifications. The Civil Government w ill be administerd by the Portuguese Governor & Council as heretofore, but the British Troops are to be continued here to protect This Colony, consequently will re main in Possession of all the...
16 May 1801, Tripoli. No. 6. Recounts further deterioration in U.S.-Tripolitan relations since 19 Apr. Reports pasha’s ceremonial declaration of war, when U.S. flagstaff was cut down. Encloses letter to pasha of 26 Apr. and message of 11 May protesting war threats and treatment of U.S. flag. Has reached an agreement (copy enclosed) with Danish consul, who will tend to American affairs,...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 15 June 1806, Philadelphia. “I receiv’d your favor of the 10th. inst. in course of post, & since have been constantly employ’d in the execution of the duties assign’d me: The Ambassador has seen every thing worthy notice in this City & its environs, & I had proposed to leave town on monday morning but am prevented by the eclipse which renders it improper to...
I am extremely happy to inform you that the report of the capture of Mr. Smith has proved to be false. He arrived safe at Malta, as did the ship Prudent on which he was supposed to have taken passage at Messina. All well. A respectable merchant at Genoa by last post gave his correspondent here the following intelligence, Viz. By an arrival from Tunis we are inform’d that the Dey of Algeirs...
§ From James Leander Cathcart. 28 August 1806, Boston. “I am happy to inform you that Mr. Mella Menni has changed his conduct since he has return’d, his politeness at present can only be equal’d by his inconsistency; he has promised to pay for the Merchandize which I had purchased by his order, the Schooner with the Guns &ce. has arrived & at present I am in hopes to be enabled to inform you...
27 March 1804, Leghorn. No. 6. Encloses copies of letters from Preble and Mathieu and his replies. “I shall depart for Naples to join the Come: in the morning & will remain with the Squadron as long as he may think it necessary; In a former communication I observ’d that I did not conceive it good policy to send the Consul general to Tunis & Tripoli even if practicable which is doubtful it...
My last dispatch inform’d you of our transactions at Tunis. I have now the honor to communicat e those at Algiers. On the 19th. in the evening we arriv’d in thi s Bay where we found a French Frigate whose Commander inform’d us, that the Dey of Algiers had not declar’d War against France as we were inform’d at Tunis that their boat was on Shore in order to accommodate matters amicably if...
20 January 1804, Leghorn. Has drawn on JM for $5,250 in favor of Anthony Dugan for $5,000 cash received from Dugan at 5 percent discount, “said sum to be applied for the relief of the Officers & crew of the United States (late) Frigate the Philadelphia now in Captivity in Tripoli, which I request you to honor & have placed to my acct: until final settlement.” “Mr: Dugan acting as Agent for his...