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Results 28771-28800 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
28771[April 23 Thursday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 23 Thursday. 1778. Dined at home with Company.
L’honorée vôtre du ioe de ce mois me parvint mardi passé 21e. Je la communiquai tout de suite...
Your letter of the 10th of this month reached me last Tuesday, the 21 st. I immediately forwarded...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress; LS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Deane, who best knew...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief <Amsterdam, April 23,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le desir d’avoir de vos nouvelles Monsieur et de n’estre pas...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Dubourg having finish’d the Translation of my Pamphlet, I...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library La presente Vous sera remise par Monsieur Dobrée mon...
AD : American Philosophical Society Les deux quartiers de Pension de Mr. Benjamin franklin sont...
28780General Orders, 23 April 1778 (Washington Papers)
A most scandalous Performance has made it’s appearance in the Philadelphia Evening Post of this...
Mr Robt Temple, at whose request this is written, waits on your Excy to procure the favour of...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 20th int [in]forming me of your arrival at Morris Town....
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Thomas Conway, 23 April 1778. GW wrote Gouverneur Morris on 18...
As to the first question— whether we ought to attack General How in his lines —I adhere to what...
In the conversation which I had the honor of having lately with your Excellency, you informed me...
I take the liberty to transmit you a Letter, which I received yesterday from Governor Tryon,...
Letter not found: from Col. Stephen Moylan, 23 April 1778. On 13 May, GW wrote Moylan , “You...
Agreeable to Your Excellencys Requisition to the General Officers, I have investigated the...
My being unacquainted with the Situation & ground on which the Enemy are Incamp’d renders me...
Your Exellency having been pleased to Submit to the Consideration of the General officers three...
Agreable to your request, I have paid the highest attention to the several Matters referred by...
In the beginning of the War every Motive induced us to act upon the defencive Matters are now...
I have the honor of yours of the 16th instant. I know of no more eligible mode of remitting the...
I have endeavoured to Investigate the Questions Offered by your Excellency —and am fully and...
Since my last of the 18th Inst. by a Messenger returning to Govr Livingston I have had the honor...
28796Ap. 24. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Buffauts, with much Company.
28797[April 24 Fryday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 24 Fryday 1778. Dined at Mr. Buffauts with much Company.
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778 . Invites Armstrong to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George...
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778 . States that a box of “hard” money taken from British at Princeton...
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778. Invites Mifflin to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George...