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Results 2871-2880 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
If it should be the Pleasure of the President of the united States, or the Secretary of the Navy, to place Lieut. Knox as the Junior, or an Extra Leiutenant either Temporarily, or Perminently It would be exceptable to to me. MHi : Adams Papers.
Your letter of the 22nd April has been delivered to me by Mr. Peter Paulus to whom I shall most chearfully Afford such advice or countenance as he may stand in need of. But it seems this Gentlemans wants are not confined to those Points, he applies to me for a Supply of Money to set up his Trade, I have explained that your desires in his favor do not extend to the advance of Money, and I am...
Although my health is very indifferent, and my eyes soo weak and dim, that within a fortnight, I could Scarce affect any thing, either by labour or in writing—yet I must indulge the gratification of thanking you, for the few affectionate lines with which your kindness favoured me with. My Physician Says—all will be Soon well—the chief remedies are—abstinentia et quiete.Was your life less...
I inclose to you the decent Fashion in which we it was yesterday opinioned to let the World know Mr. Lee has a Successor. Pray strive by Mr. Issac Smith’s Knowledge of the Sailing of Vessels to let Arthur get the paper before his Foes. The 3 Ministers are to have per An: £2500 sterling. Their Secretaries £1000 in full of Services and Expences. To commence at Outset and finish in 3 months after...
I was so much occupied during my stop at Borden Town I could not answer your Letter therefore busy myself here having nothing to do with all the nonsense I can think of for pastime. You can easily conceive, the dreariness of my situation travelling alone with your father who though more of a than I can recollect since the earliest period of our marriage is still too much of a Statesman to be...
I have written to Ostend for the two gazettes in question. In the meantime, I will continue, always as soon as possible, to lend you mine. I am very happy to hear that your son has returned in good health to Passy. Some day this spring you should send me him, together with Mr. Cooper’s grand child and your other son. I will show them Versailles and ensure they return satisfied. My son will be...
There is this day a Confirmation of the News of the taking the fleet mentioned in my Letter —with this addition that there is 62 instead of 55 taken—they had great quantities of provisions and warlike Stores on board, a considerable quantity of Brass Ordinance also, which they were carrying to their fleets and Armies—this Event is very unhappy for the English, and has sunk their funds. The...
Permit me, most respectfully to congratulate yr. Excellency on yr. advancemt. to this, your exalted Station; permit me, also, ( in confidence ) earnestly to request an appointment here, on the first vacancy, whereby I may be enabled to support my Family, in this my advanced age, & whereby I may render my Country some little service. nothing, but imperious necessity, can apologize, for thus...
I have been extremely flattered by the letter which you did me the honor to write me on the 10th. Inst. It is no virtue to be insensible to the praise of great & good men. I could not have received a more grateful reward for any labour than your approbation. I beg the favor of being presented very respectfully to Mrs. Adams. and / have the honor to be / with sentiments of the highest...
I beg leave to intrude upon a few of your important moments, in behalfe of William Armstrong, late commander of a letter of marque Brig, belonging to me, and called, the little Porga ; which vessel was captur’d the 3d Nov. last by a Cutter Privateer, belonging to the Island of Guernsey—whither Capt Armstrong and his company were carried, after being stripped almost naked, according to the...