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Results 2871-2880 of 184,431 sorted by author
Last night we had rain all night accompanied with a very high Wind, and the storm continues. Heard Mr. Camel Campbell of Oxford. About noon cleard away. I think it necessary to call my self to a strict account, how I spend my Time, once a week at least. Since the 14th of April I have been studying the 1st Part of Butlers Analogy. Spent the Evening at home with Mes srs . Camel, Green. Copious...
The third of September, will be more remarkable for the Signature of the definitive Treaties than for the Battle of Naseby or Worcester or the Death of Oliver Cromwell.— We could obtain no Alteration from the Provisional Articles. We could Obtain no explanation of the Articles respecting the Tories nor any Limitation respecting Interest or Execution for Debts. I am however less anxious about...
I received the letter you did me the honor to write me, on the 7th. of this month. Inclosing a copy of an additional return of the Census of Alabama in virtue of an act of Congress of the 7. of March 1822 / and salute you with the respect and affection / of your obid: & very humble Servant MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I ought to make an apology, for delaying So long to answer your Favour of the Sixteenth accompanied with Some printed Copies, of the Address of Thanks from the Body of Merchants and Manufacturers of the City of Leyden, to the great Council. The great Qualities, which this Nation has always displayed upon occasions proper to call them Forth, appear with too much Splendour upon this occasion to...
I have two agreable friendly Letters from you, unanswered. The last is dated the 4th. I am much obliged, by your kind Remembrance of me. I hope to have the Pleasure to see you Some day or other at Paris, and to introduce you, to the Gentleman you mention. As to making Peace, the Time is not yet come. We must wait, untill you have well beaten the English, and it would not be well to deprive you...
I have rec d yours of 24 th and thank you for your relation of our little domestic affairs at Quincy. Brisler did not arrive last night as you callculated. His Children may detain him longer than you expected.— some of the public Offices are about removing to Phyladelphia this Week. I can Send James with my Horses and Charriot to meet you at Hoebucken Ferry or Elizabeth Town or any other Place...
Mr. Adams presents his Compliments to the Rector and the Preceptor, and acquaints them that his eldest Son is thirteen Years of Age: that he has made considerable progress already in Greek and Latin: that he has been long in Virgil and Cicero, and that he has read a great deal for his Age, both in French and English; and therefore Mr. Adams thinks it would discourage him to be placed and kept...
I return to you my answer to the volunteer corps of the Infantry at Lancaster. I pray you to communicate this to Mr. McHenry that he may send the commissions. I am &c. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
To Acquaint the Foreign Ministers of the Courts going into Mourning on Sunday next the 2 d: of Oct r. for His late Royal Highness The Infant Don Lewis Brother to His Catholic Majesty Viz t The Ladies to wear black Silk or Velvet, Coloured Ribbons Fans and Tippets, or plain white or white and Gold or white and Silver Stuffs with black Ribbons. The Men to wear black Coats, and black or plain...
I have rec d your Letter of the cold Sunday on which I wrote you one from Stratford. In N. York Charles gave me the original Letter, the Duplicate of which you transmitted me. I communicated it to the P. with five preceeding Numbers. After reading them The P. was pleased to say that “M r Adams’s Intelligence was very good, and his Penetration and foresight very great. At least Things appeared...