Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Tyler to Thomas Jefferson, 9 June 1810

From John Tyler

Richmond June 9th 1810

Dear Sir,

The Gentleman who bears you this is desirous of presenting to your view a Model of his own invention for improving the Art of distillation, and as I know how prone you are to encourage discoveries of every kind to what ever department of science they may belong, I take the liberty of introducing him to your Notice—Whether to encourage any scheme which may facilitate the means of inebriety can be proper will depend on the use which may be made of it—If for home consumption one wou’d think that the slow method of distilling ardent spirits affords already enough for all our purposes—If for foreign consumption, then the cheapest and least laborious mode of bringing the agent into operation shou’d be prefer’d.

I receiv’d your favor in answer to my former Letter, and am much oblig’d for the Lights you display, on the subject of schools and also for the kind sentiments you express’d, as to myself, for which I return you my sincere thanks.

That you may long continue to enjoy the sweets of retirement if it be your desire, from the boisterous Scenes of political Life1 until2 that final dissolution may take place which all manner of Men and things must submit to, is the ardent wish of my Heart; and cou’d I again see my Country united in the bonds of peace and brotherly love; but above all in the true spirit and love of liberty; then shou’d I also say, “Lord now let thy servant depart in peace.”

I am with every Sentiment of respect your humble friend and fellow Citizen.

Jno: Tyler

RC (DLC); in a clerk’s hand, with signature and one revision by Tyler; endorsed by TJ as received 18 June 1810 and so recorded in SJL.

The gentleman may have been Michael Garber, of Staunton, who received a patent for an improvement in distilling on 13 July 1810 (List of Patents description begins A List of Patents granted by the United States from April 10, 1792, to December 31, 1836, 1872 description ends , 84).

1Preceding seven words interlined by Tyler.

2Manuscript: “intil.”

Index Entries

  • Bible; Luke referenced search
  • education; J. Tyler on search
  • Garber, Michael search
  • inventions; distilling search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction to search
  • patents; of M. Garber search
  • Tyler, John (1747–1813); and distillation of spirits search
  • Tyler, John (1747–1813); letters from search
  • Virginia; and education search