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Results 28651-28700 of 184,431 sorted by author
This Letter will be delivered to your Excellency, by Mr. Nemers the son of the gardener, who has furnished to me, the Small trees and plants you desired. He goes yearly to Paris, to furnish the gardens of the greatest part of the princes and Gentry of that Town. He will tell you, that this year, on account of the Severe winter, we have suffered, and we still suffer, It was impossible to...
Bordeaux, 10 Sep. 1792. He arrived here on the 5th. Since his departure from Marseilles, wheat prices there have risen to £60₶. Wheat can still be freely purchased and exported to foreign ports. But if free trade in this article should end, a horrid famine soon would ensue, for an abundance of wheat depends on high prices. The National Assembly has reduced the duty on tobacco imported on...
24 May 1804, Marseilles. “I have the honor of enclosing you a Copy of a letter to me from Mr Baussier Charges d’affaire of the French Republic at Tripoly of the 16th. march last with a Copy of a letter I received under his Cover from Captn. Bainbridge of the same day, which reached me the 15th. instt. as their Contents may be useful for your information, also of a letter from our minister...
Mr. Cathalan’s respects to his Excy. Th. Jefferson Esqr. The State of the Purchase appears to me Just, for the quantity of hogshds. bought at Marseilles; for the prices they appear right, excepting the parcels at 39—of which I was not informed, but I dear Say they were paid so. They say that those prices alltogether are more than the Treaty, but they don’t mention that 15 p.ct. Tare makes a...
Marseilles, 23 May 1793 .He wrote on 19 Mch. about the unfortunate fate of the Aurora , André Lewis Burgain master, belonging to Zacharie, Coopman & Company of Baltimore. Burgain was finally discharged from prison yesterday after the proper administrative and judicial authorities had examined and found wanting the evidence brought against him by his chief accuser, Captain Neel, the French...
21 October 1804, Marseilles. “Confirming you[r] last Private letter, I have the honor to advise you that I have received from Tains, your Chest Containing 72 Bottles Virgin White Wine hermitage of the year 1800. with 3 Bottles do. Paille (Straw Colour) 1799. for Sample, which I intend, to Ship, with other things you desired from me, on the Amn. Ship New Orleans Captn. Butler Bound to Norfolk...
By Two Letters that I have received from algiers the 13th. and 26th. Last July, from Capn. Richd. obrian American Captive in that Place, I am Informed that— “the 12th. July 1791—a 6 ½ A M. this day departed this Life Mahomet Pacha Dey of algiers , and was Immediately succeeded by the addi Hasnagi or Prime Minister, now hassan Pacha. I have reason to think that U. S. will more easily obtain a...
Marseilles, 25 Jan. 1788. Acknowledges letters of 28 and 31 Dec.; has sent “Second Couffe Egyptian Rice on Captn’s. Shewell Vessel” to “William Drayton Esq. Chairman of the Society of Agriculture of Charlestown Sh. Carolina”; encloses bill of lading; hopes TJ has received the articles he desired; the barrel of oil was sent from Aix some days ago; encloses bill, amounting to 272.₶ 5, for...
I Take the Liberty by this Letter Whereof the Bearer is Mr. Julius Oliver , who will have the honour to be Presented to you, by Messrs. Jos. Anthony & Sons—my Worthy Friends & Correspondents & who have been So Good as to take Care of him, Since he is in Philadelphia, for the Benefit of his education; to Introduce you this young man— When he arived there he was then a young Boy, & it was not...
I beg your Refference to the Inclosed Copies of my Letters of the 8th. & 22d. ulto.—& to the here annexed Circular of the 1st. Inst. in which I advise the aman. Merchts. that on the 1st. June next, I will alter my Firm, as merchant, as at foot of the Same;—but as to my Consulur firm, I will continue it as before Stephen Cathalan Junr. as it Coincides with my Commission, & it would not be...
31 December 1803, Marseilles. Encloses a copy of his 22 Dec. 1803 dispatch and transmits papers “which I have received from Mr. Geo: Davis Charged of the U. S. Consulate at Tunis with his Letter to me of the 17th. Novemb. last, Confirming me the unfortunate Event of the U. S. Fregate Philadelphia.” “I hope that Commodore Morri⟨s⟩ [Preble] who Sailed from Gibraltar Bay about on the 15th. Nover....
Marseilles, 11 Mch. 1792 . He encloses a receipt for a box of “Brugnols Prunes,” shipped on the Kitty , Capt. Stephen Moore, and notes that he has sent to Robert Gilmor & Co. by the Louisa , Capt. Birkhead, a box of confectionary for TJ or TJ’s daughter.—Also enclosed is a bill of lading for four barrels containing 100 young olive trees and one barrel containing 8 caper plants. These have been...
25 October 1802, Marseilles. Transmits a packet from James Leander Cathcart at Leghorn. The Constellation arrived at Toulon 18 Oct. from Leghorn needing rudder repairs and sailed from Toulon on 22 Oct. for Gibraltar “to settle with Consul Simpson definitively The Treaty between U. Stes. and Morocco.” The Constellation was ordered by Morris not to stop at Marseilles or at Spanish ports for...
Marseilles, 10 June 1791. Encloses another letter from O’Bryen and Stephens. Parret thinks that to obtain an advantageous treaty with Algiers the first step is to redeem the prisoners. Spain lost millions by not doing so. Parret thinks, and he agrees, that about £40,000 sterling in money, vessels, or presents would be adequate, after which peace could be obtained. Will give Parret and de...
I hope this Letter will meet your Excellency at Cette, and on that account I direct it to M. Meinadier. I dare say, you have been pleased in Seing the famous Fontain of Vaucluse, as famous, by the lampid waters Spliting with a great noise against the rocks, as it is by the Loves of Petrarch and Laura. The Country about L’Isle and avignon is also Charming, tho’ by the Cold wheathers we have had...
I have the Honor of inclosing you a Packett from Consul James Lear. Cathcart of Leghorn. The U.S. Fregate Constellation Capn. Murray arrived from Leghorn in Toulon on The 18th. inst. wanting Some repairs on her Rudder which was Soon done. She Sailed on The 22d. inst. Strait for Gibraltar being ordered by Commodore Morris to go There, without Calling here or in The Spanish ports to offer Convoy...
2 July 1802, Marseilles. Encloses lists of American vessels that entered and cleared the port between 1 January and 30 June 1802 [not found]. Last vessels left under Swedish convoy. States that on 10 June 1799 he sent Timothy Pickering “an account of my disbursements for printing Consultations of Doctors on The yellow feaver &ca.” but Pickering never acknowledged receipt of it. Encloses an...
7 October 1803, Marseilles . “What Preceeds is a Copy of my last respects of the 18th. august last; I have now the honor of forwarding you a dispatch to your address, which I have received direct yesterday from Mr. G. Davis Charged with the Consulate of the United States at Tunis, Which by his Letter of the 13th. ultimo, he recommends me to send you by the earliest and Safest opportunity; I,...
I have been honored with your much esteemed & Respected Favor of the 28th. april last, on the 22d. ultimo; on the 23d. do. I forwarded your inclosed for Mr. Jourdan of Tains, begging your reference to the Copy of the Letter I Wrote them & to the Copy of their answer to me here inclosed; I have no doubts, Since you have pointed the exact quality of their Wine you prefer as well as the American...
§ From Stephen Cathalan Jr. 13 May 1806, Marseille. “I have the Honour of remiting you here inclosed the list [not found] of the American Seamen, discharged in this port of Marseilles, from American Vessels by Mutual consent, according to the third Section of the act Suplemeny. of the 28th. february 1803. in the year 1804 from whom I have retained one of the three months over & above wages,...
I received Just now the Inclosed Letter for your Excellency from England. It has been unsealed I don’t know where. I inclose you the Cover , which was also unsealed, Just as I received it. I have only taken out the paper unnecessary . This Letter has been unsealed Just as all those comming from Levant or Turkey are by the Mails via of austria. I hope you will have received in time my last...
I had the honor of paying you my respects on the 18th. August last—I hope you will have received one Case containing naples maccaronny, & Genoa Paste which as ⅌r. Invoice, & Captn. Wm. Hammon’s Receipt here, I caused Messrs. Kuhn Green & Co. of Genoa to be shipped on the 26th. Dber. last for New York to be consigned to Thos. Storm Esqre. at New York to be forwarded to you; amounting to £76–5....
I was favoured in due Time with your much Respected Letter of the 5th. last June, and Beg you to accept my Best thanks for the usefûll Information, you Gave me, for the Best means of Placing money in the united States; Messrs. Mason & Fenwick placed the 1st. July Last Dard. 6000—for my own account in the Bank of the united States, with which they had only Twelve shares of Dard. 400—making...
I take the Liberty of handing you a Copy of my Respects of the 8th. Inst. I will only add now, that I have, and am Still acknowledged by the Governt. of France, as Consul of the united States, that tho’ I have deffended with Constancy & energy, the American Vessels Captured Since the arreté of the 12th. Ventose , and obtained in the most Critical Periods the restitution of Some of them, I have...
Since my Last Respects of the 10th. Last Septr. from Bordeaux, I have the honour of acknowledging you, your most esteemed favours of the novber. 6th. 14th. and Decber. 2d. of which I have duly noted the Contents; The Letter you may have wrotte to me via London, at the Same time you wrotte to Consuls, Fenwick and Edwd. Church, which they received the 20th. october Last at Bordeaux, (when I was...
I had the honor of paying you my respects on the Septemb. last inclosed in my Letter to the Secretary of State of the 22d. do.—Since your most esteemed Favor of the 11th. July and 20th. reached me on the 22d. octob. by our Minister Plenipry. at Paris and the other on the 24th. do. inclosing your remittance on Paris ⅌ fr = 1312.50 c. duly accepted to be paid on the 11th. Jany. next and passed...
I have received in time your Public as well as your Private Letters you did me the honour of writing me the 22 Last June, 8 october by your recommended Gentn. Doctor Watters who is Still in this Place Since Two Months and to whom all the Services in my Power, I render; as well as on your honoured Recommendation, as on his Merit; of the 6th. 9ber. Last, of the 14th. do. these Learning me your...
I had the honour of recieving your Letters of the 17th. Last June and 26th. Last August; this Last came the First to me. That of the 17th. June advising me that the President of the United States has honoured me with the appointment of Vice-Consul for United States of America in this Port of Marseilles, reached my hands very little Time since. The Commission Inclosed in it, Wilm. Short Esqr....
14 June 1804, Marseilles. “I have the honor of Confirming you my Respects of the 7th. and 22d. last May, inclosing you the List of the American Merchant Vessels entered into my District & Cleared from the 1st. July to the 31st. december last. “I Remit you here inclosed Duplicates [not found]: No. 1. An Account of the distressed Seamen Supplied by me between the 14th. July and 31st. December...
27 July 1804, Marseilles. “Since writing you the inclosed of this day, I have received the enclosed Dispatch from Mr. Geo: Davis, at Tunis for you; it reached me by a Danish Fregate of War, which is anchored in this road to perform quarantine and repair her Riggins and Sails. “By that same opportunity, one of my friends has received a Letter from Mr. Beaussier, the french Chargé D’Affairs at...
Since Long time I am deprived of your agreable favors, however I had the honor of paying you my respects in 3 Letters Since the Midle of april, perhaps they were or intercepted or miscarried, as one that I wrotte to my Brother in Law at versailles. I had the Pleasure of Seeing yesterday M. Morgan an English Gentleman related to Dr. Price, who said to me he Left your Excellency (since the...
Here inclosed is Copies of my letters of the 28th., January & 2d. February last—On the 22d. Do. at the Request of Captn. William Hazard I took the Liberty of addressing you my letter of introduction in his favor, which I have the honor of confirming you. I have shipped on the ship Louisiana Captn. John C. Brevoor Master of Philada. ready to sail for Philadelphia one Bundle containing two round...
Marseilles, 30 June 1787. Hopes this letter will find TJ at Paris, pleased with his journey; “the Season is now too far advanced to travel, but nothing is difficult when Inspired as you are, by the desire to render the result of your observations usefull to your Country”. The ship, Minerva , Captain Dill, arrived on 14 June with a cargo of tobacco and Carolina rice. It was with great...
Marseilles, 23 May 1791. Hopes olive trees shipped on Marie Antoinette , Capt. Joseph Barret, will suffer “nothing else than a retardment”; if trees are damaged, he will replace them. Encloses O’Bryen and Stephens’ letter of 25 March to the “Society of Philantropy.” He has thanked Parret and de Kersey, who have spoken very warmly on the subject and have charged him to urge that a nation “who...
Invoice of one Chest Containing Mustard & Vinegar de Maille & Aclocque of Paris, Shipped for account—and risk of Thomas Jefferson Esquire President of the United States, on the American Ship Franklin of Newlondon, Captn. Robert N. Avery, bound for Newyork to be Consigned to the Collector of the Customs there & be forwarded by him to the president at Washington, being for his Table’s use. TJ 1...
22 September 1804, Marseilles. “I have duly received your two favors (private[)] of the 9th. June last, I have taken a due note of the sundry Articles you desired from me, for your use which I shall not fail to procure you of the best qualities, as we are coming in the best season for it; we have here but seldom American Vessel bound to Cheasapeak, but more frequent opportunities for Boston,...
I am Since long time deprived of the honor of your favours. Perhaps your Excellency will be advised before this reaches you, that the algerians, have captured and Condemned sundry of our vessels, on bad pretexts that our Pass are too large or too small, that amongst our crew we have some sellers, of nations in warr with them, that some of those nations are interested in our vessels, all those...
I have the honor of Confirming you my Respect of the 9th. august last;—not having had Since any american vessels in this port bound for the U. States I have directed Messrs. Jourdan & Fils of Tain to Send one Hundred bottles Virgin white wine hermitage to Wm. Lee Esqr. our Consul at Bordeaux to be forwarded by him to you, by the first vessell bound for U. States & be consigned to the Collector...
on Receipt of your Respected & allways well come favor of the 29th. last June, (the 18th. Sepbr. ulto.) I sent an abstract of your Paragraph to Messrs. Jourdan & fils of Tain, relative to their Last Supply of wine, with my candid & Friendly Reproachs, & to the exact quality you Desire;— I beg your Refference to their answer here Inclosed, of the 1st. Inst. by which you will observe that this...
By my letter of the 5th November last, I had the Honor to inclose you the invoice of the greatest Part of the sundry articles you ordered me. This is to remit you here inclosed the Bill of lading & Invoice of a Chest Mustard & vinegar of Maille which I have shipped on the Ship Franklin Robt N. Avery Master Bound for New York, to be Consigned to the Collector & be forward’d to you amounting to...
Messrs. Cathalan presents their respects to his excelency Ths. Jefferson Esqr. and wait on him to take leave and his orders for Marseilles he has after great deal of Pains Sold his two Cargoes of Tobacco lately arived at 34. the Virginia and 31 the Maryland, payable 3 Months after delivery at Cette. Mr. Cathns. will leave this place next friday evening, or Saturday before dinner. RC ( DLC );...
The Estate of the Purchases of Tobacco is ready. I had it in my hands this morning for a moment, and has been Brought to the Commity of the Farmers, where they have sent it I believe to the Minister; it is inside exactly as you desire, but you will observe that it begins, the 1st. of January 1786 and the treaty of Berni is of the 24th. May. You will observe also, of the larger parcels bought...
I have the honour to beg your Reference to my last Respects of the 10th. March last, whereof here inclosed a Copy. I Remit you here inclosed the State of the American Vessels Entered into this port, with the State of These Cleared from this port, from the 1st. January last to the 30th. June ulto. The last Vessels are sailing under the protection of his Sweed Majesty’s freegate, Camilla, down...
Your Excellency will excuse me, if I have a too long time postponed of reppling to your most esteemed lines; I know I am in fault and will not make any appology. I still hoped it would be possible to venture some olive trees to America this Season, but the cold returning again in february, which has continued to Ice, till the last weeck, we apprehend they are allmost killed, which will be a...
In pursuance of your order, thro’ Mr. Julius Oliver, of the 8th: last January, which he transmitted to me from Bordeaux (where he is Still detained Since his arrival there from Philadelphia) I have the honor of remiting you here inclosed Bill of lading for the hermitiage Wines and other provisions you desired from me to procure you, which I have Shipped on the American built & Registered...
I had the Honor of addressing you on the 5th. last August & 14th. ulto. This, under Cover of William Lee Esqre: our Consul at Bordeaux, is to remit you here inclosed a Copy of a Letter I Just receive from our Consul at Naples dated the 9th: inst. begging your Reference to its unexpected Contents. I have already advised the american Masters & Citizens of the U. States in my District & am...
Being Just informed by Consul Wm. Lee that the American Ship Charlestown Packet is to Sail from Bordeaux on the 20th. inst., I have only time to have the honor of handin g you here inclosed a Copy of part of my Correspondan ce with the Commry. of the french Navy in this Port & with H. E. Genl. Armstrong M. Pry. & D. B. Warden Esqre., Consu l of the U. States at Paris, relative 1o. to the Two...
I am since a too long time indebted with the Letter your Excelency honoured me the 13th. last august; if I have not answered you sooner, it has been more for want of Material objects worth of your attention than by neglect. The New Constitution established in the United States of America is indeed a very happy event, it will render the Commonwealth, not only reputable but powerfull in very...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last respects of the 6th. inst. and hope of the inclosures from me, handing you at t he Same time dispatches from Wm. Eaton Esqr. Consul of the U. Sts. at Tunis. That Packett will reach you Thro’ William Lee Esqr. our agent at Bordeaux as well as This one inclosing you three Packetts of dispatches from James Lear. Cathcart Esq for you and a letter for...
By my Respects (Private) of the 22d. Septer. and 21st. octob last I acknowledged you receipt of your esteemed Letter (Private) of the 9th. last June, and in pursuance of your orders therein Contained I have Shipped, on the American Ship New-Orleans of Philadia. William Butler Master, bound from This port to Norfolk in Virginia, to be Consigned there to the Collector of the Customs, as per bill...