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Results 28651-28700 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
28651 Howe, William Washington, George To George Washington from General William Howe, 16 … 1778-04-16 At the earnest Request of Mrs Higgins who desires to have the Honor of waiting upon you, I am...
28652 Livingston, Henry Beekman Washington, George To George Washington from Col. Henry Beekman … 1778-04-16 Letter not found: from Col. Henry Beekman Livingston, 16 April 1778. On 16 April, GW wrote...
28653 Washington, George Livingston, Henry Beekman From George Washington to Colonel Henry Beekman … 1778-04-16 I have just received your favor of this date inclosing a Letter To the Marquis La Fayette. your...
28654 Washington, George Mason, David From George Washington to Colonel David Mason, 16 April … 1778-04-16 I recd yours of the 1st instant inclosing the proceeding of a General Court Martial upon John...
28655 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1778-04-16 Your Excellency’s Letter with the Resolve of Congress it inclosed have been laid before a Board...
28656 Shreve, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Israel Shreve, 16 … 1778-04-16 Letter not found: from Col. Israel Shreve, 16 April 1778. On 25 April, GW wrote Shreve , “I have...
28657 White, [John] Washington, George To George Washington from Cornet [John] White, 16 April … 1778-04-16 Letter not found: from Cornet [John] White, 16 April 1778. On 16 April, John Laurens wrote White:...
28658 Adams, John April 17. Vendredi. 1778-04-17 Dined at home with Company—Mr. Platt and his Lady—Mr. Amiel and his Lady—Mr. Austin—Mr. Alexander...
28659 Adams, John [April 17. Fryday.] 1778-04-17 April 17. Fryday. We dined home with Company. Mr. Platt and his Lady, Mr. Amiel and his Lady, Mr....
28660 Belton, Joseph First Joint Commission at Paris Joseph Belton to the Commissioners, 17 April 1778 1778-04-17 Being unforunately, on a Voyge from Baltimore to Charles Town, in January last, disabled at sea,...
28661 Franklin, Benjamin Jay, James From Benjamin Franklin to James Jay, 17 April 1778 1778-04-17 ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I knew before the Receipt of your Letter (to which...
28662 Belton, Joseph American Commissioners Joseph Belton to the American Commissioners, 17 April … 1778-04-17 ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Passy, April 17, 1778: I was captured at sea last January...
28663 Moylan, James American Commissioners James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 17 April … 1778-04-17 ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer you to what I had the honor of writing...
28664 Washington, George General Orders, 17 April 1778 1778-04-17 The Regimental Quarter Masters are directed to go into the Country and make Contracts with proper...
28665 Eden, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Eden, 17 April 1778 1778-04-17 Notwithstanding the different Parts, Sir, that we have taken in the unhappy differences still...
28666 Gates, Horatio Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Horatio Gates … 1778-04-17 Mr de Wolffen, a Prussian officer, of the rank of lieutenant, will have the honour of delivering...
28667 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 17 April 1778 1778-04-17 I had the honor of addressing Your Excellency the 14th by Barry. I am now to present & refer Your...
28668 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 17 April … 1778-04-17 I inclose for your Excellency’s perusal the 475 No. of Townes Evening Post on Account of a...
28669 Washington, George Mease, James From George Washington to James Mease, 17 April 1778 1778-04-17 scarcely a day passes but I am either applied to by different Officers for cloathing, or by...
28670 Smallwood, William Washington, George To George Washington from Brig. Gen. William Smallwood … 1778-04-17 Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. William Smallwood, 17 April 1778. On 18 April, GW wrote to...
28671 Tryon, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Tryon, 17 April 1778 1778-04-17 Having been honored with His Majesty’s Instructions to Circulate the Inclosures; I take the...
28672 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Thomas Wharton, Jr., 17 April … 1778-04-17 I have long been convinced that one great cause of the backwardness of the people to supply us...
28673 Adams, John 1778 April 18. Samedi. 1778-04-18 This Morning the Father of General Conway came to visit me, and enquire after his Son as well as...
28674 Adams, John [April 18. Saturday. 1778.] 1778-04-18 April 18. Saturday. 1778. This morning, the Father of General Conway, a venerable Personage from...
28675 Thaxter, John Adams, Abigail John Thaxter to Abigail Adams, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 Since I had the pleasure of addressing you last, I have found in the office a Narrative...
28676 Bondfield, John First Joint Commission at Paris John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 Yesterday Monsr. Le Comte de Fumel Governor of the Castle call’d at my Lodgings to inform me that...
28677 Williams, Jonathan First Joint Commission at Paris Jonathan Williams to the Commissioners, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 Your Excellencies favour of the 13 Instant I have duely received. You may depend that I shall not...
28678 Jay, James Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from James Jay, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society The Affair of the Officers last winter having nothing to do...
28679 Franklin, Benjamin Jay, James From Benjamin Franklin to James Jay, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society The Affair of the Officers last Winter had this...
28680 Franklin, Benjamin Williams, Jonathan Jr. From Benjamin Franklin to [Jonathan Williams, Jr.], [18 … 1778-04-18 ALS (mutilated): American Philosophical Society The many Affairs [ illegible ] our hands, with...
28681 Bondfield, John American Commissioners John Bondfield to the American Commissioners, 18 April … 1778-04-18 ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 18, 1778: The comte de Fumel informed me...
28682 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1778-04-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, April 18, 1778: I have received yours of the 13th,...
28683 Boeckmann, Johann Lorenz Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Johann Lorenz Boeckmann, 18 … 1778-04-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society Vôtre noble charactere, pour qui il n’est rien de petit,...
28684 Melmoth, Courtney Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Courtney Melmoth, 18 April … 1778-04-18 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Very sudden and particular Business deprive me and Mrs....
28685 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 18 … 1778-04-18 ALS : Harvard University Library As I have never had any recall of the powers the Commissioners...
28686 Washington, George General Orders, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 In the return called for yesterday from the officers marching Parties into Camp, the General...
28687 Washington, George Bland, Theodorick From George Washington to Colonel Theodorick Bland, 18 … 1778-04-18 I yesterday was favd with yours without date. The Season is already so far advanced, that however...
28688 Kirkbride, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Kirkbride, 18 April … 1778-04-18 Letter not found: from Joseph Kirkbride, 18 April 1778. On 20 April, GW wrote Kirkbride , “In...
28689 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 On Thursday evening I had the Honor to receive your Two Letters of the 14th Instant. I am much...
28690 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 I beg leave to refer Your Excellency to my Letter of yesterday by McClosky. This will cover Copy...
28691 Morris, Gouverneur Washington, George To George Washington from Gouverneur Morris, 18 April … 1778-04-18 I expected before this to have written to you “Provision is made for the American Officers” but...
28692 Putnam, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 18 … 1778-04-18 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 18 April 1778. On 29 April, GW wrote Putnam , “I...
28693 Washington, George Smallwood, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1778-04-18 I have this moment recd yours of yesterday by Capt. patton. Suffering so audacious an...
28694 Jay, John Van Schaack, Peter From John Jay to Peter Van Schaack, 18 April 1778 1778-04-18 Your Fav r of the 15 Inst came to Hand last Evening. I feel very sensibly for your unfortunate ^...
28695 Fothergill, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Fothergill, [before 24 … 1778-04-19 AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society; copy of AL : Archives du Ministère des affaires...
28696 Adams, John Ap. 19. Dimanche. 1778-04-19 Dined at home, with Mr. Grand our Banker, his Lady, Daughter and Sons, Mr. Austin, Mr. Chaumont,...
28697 Adams, John [April 19. 1778.] 1778-04-19 April 19. 1778. Dined at home with Mr. Grand, our Banker, his Lady, his Niece and Ward...
28698 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 April 1778 1778-04-19 This Letter will be conveyed to you by Sir James Jay and Mr. Digges. Sir James is a Brother of...
28699 Adams, John Smith, Isaac Sr. John Adams to Isaac Smith Sr., 19 April 1778 1778-04-19 This Letter will be delivered you, by two Gentlemen who are returning to America, Sir James Jay...
28700 First Joint Commission at Paris Conyngham, Gustavus The Commissioners to Gustavus Conyngham, 19 April 1778 1778-04-19 We have received a Complaint from the remaining Part of your Officers and Crew, of an unfair...