Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Stephen Cathalan, Jr., 8 April 1805

From Stephen Cathalan, Jr.

Marseilles the 8th. april 1805

My most Respected Dear Sir!

Since my Respects of the 8th. December Last, I had the misfortune of Supporting Two Irreparable Losses in my Family;

Mrs. Cathalan my Beloved wife, on the 28th. January Last, & my old Respectable Father, on the 17th. Last february, Left this world! Soriously Regretted by me, my old mother, & my Daughter!

a Great Comfort for my Remaining Family, was the Concern that their & our acquaintances, & the American Citizens then at Marseilles, took in our affliction; 23 american vessels whereof 5 to my address, where then in this Port & about fifty american Masters or Citizens, in Marseilles, they all empressed themselves to pay their Memory, Respect, on Board their vessels, & in assisting to their Respective funerals, I acknowledged to them my Gratitude; it is my duty to mention You this Circumstance, & at Same time to Inclose you a Copy of the epithaph I caused to be engraved on their Tombs!

never Such a number of american vessels had frequented this Port, nor was I So much Busied, than at that Fatal Epoque, to dispatch them, at their own Satisfaction, till a few Days past;

this is the Cause which has prevented me to address you Sooner on this melancolic Subject;

The remainder of my Family Joins me in their Best wishes & prayers to the allmighty, for the Preservation of your Precious Days, During many Succeeding Years, in Good health, with their most Respectfull Compliments;

I have the honor to be with great Respect Sir Your most obedient humble & Devoted Servant

Stephen Cathalan Junr.

RC (DLC); at foot of first page: “his Excellency the most honorable Thomas Jefferson President of the united States”; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Aug. and so recorded in SJL. Dupl, not found, enclosed in Cathalan to TJ, 9 May. Enclosures: epitaphs of Charlotte Angleys Cathalan and Stephen Cathalan, Sr. (MSS in same: TJ Papers, 147:25679-80; undated; in French; in Cathalan’s hand).

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