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Results 28621-28670 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
28621 Madison, James Jarvis, William From James Madison to William Jarvis, 17 June 1810 1810-06-17 I have just written to you by another vessel acknowledging the receipt & the favor of your...
28622 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1810-06-16 I this Day by the Mail received your kind letter, & am happy to hear you got Home, with your...
28623 Carswell, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Carswell, 16 June 1810 1810-06-16 In consequence of a conversation that lately passed, betwixt the post-Master of this place, (Mr....
28624 Warden, David Bailie Madison, James To James Madison from David Bailie Warden, 16 June 1810 1810-06-16 I have the honor of sending you copies of some of my memoirs in defense of american vessels and...
28625 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 15 June 1810 1810-06-15 The inclosed letters were brought, together with the separate Packet now forwarded, by the John...
28626 Randolph, Edmund Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, 15 June 1810 1810-06-15 This is the first letter, which I have written, since my convalescence after the dreadful attack...
28627 Madison, James Cathcart, James Leander From James Madison to James Leander Cathcart, 15 June … 1810-06-15 Letter not found. 15 June 1810. Acknowledged in Cathcart to JM, 13 Aug. 1810 . Orders wine.
28628 Madison, James Cazenove, Anthony Charles From James Madison to Anthony Charles Cazenove, 15 June … 1810-06-15 Letter not found. 15 June 1810. Acknowledged in Cazenove to JM, 19 June 1810 . Orders wine and...
28629 Carr, Dabney Wirt, William Dabney Carr to William Wirt, 15 June 1810 1810-06-15 I am greatly in arrears to you my Dearest friend: nor can I now discharge the debt. This you will...
28630 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 15 June 1810 1810-06-15 The inclosed letters were brought, together with the separate Packet now forwarded, by the John...
28631 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 14 June 1810 1810-06-14 Mr. Thweatt my particular friend and connection expecting that an excursion he is to make will...
28632 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 14 June 1810 1810-06-14 M r Thweatt my particular friend and connection expecting that an excursion he is to make will...
28633 Jefferson, Thomas Thweatt, Archibald Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Thweatt, 14 June 1810 1810-06-14 I wrote you on the 11 th in answer to yours of the 4 th and yesterday recieved yours of the 7 th...
28634 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1810-06-13 I ought to have written to you before this day and have informed you of my Safe return home....
28635 Gerry, Elbridge Madison, James To James Madison from Elbridge Gerry, 13 June 1810 1810-06-13 From some circumstances which have come to my knowledge, I am induced to think, that measures are...
28636 Macon, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Macon, 13 June 1810 1810-06-13 I have received your favour of the 8 Inst. I am very sensible of the obligation I am under to you...
28637 Pinkney, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pinkney, 13 June 1810 1810-06-13 As Mr. Erving leaves Town early in the Morning and it is now past Midnight I have scarcely Time...
28638 Williams, Jonathan Madison, James To James Madison from Jonathan Williams, 13 June 1810 1810-06-13 I took the liberty last fall of submitting to your inspection, as our Patron, Mr Massons Lectures...
28639 Fenner, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Fenner, 13 June 1810 … 1810-06-13 13 June 1810, Providence. Reports that Justice William Cushing will resign from the Supreme Court...
28640 Jeffers, William Nicholson Madison, James To James Madison from William Nicholson Jeffers, 13 … 1810-06-13 13 June 1810, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circumstances prevented his traveling to France, and a member of...
28641 Harris, Levett Jefferson, Thomas Levett Harris to Thomas Jefferson, 13 June 1810 1810-06-13 I received from the hands of M r John Smith the letter of recommendation You wrote me in his...
28642 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 12 June 1810 1810-06-12 Every moment of Amusement that I am able to afford you, is an Addition to my happiness, for which...
28643 Hellen, Walter Adams, John Quincy From Walter Hellen to John Quincy Adams, 11 June 1810 1810-06-11 I had the Honor to write you on the 22 March whereof the proceeding is a Copy. By the late...
28644 Jefferson, Thomas Claiborne, William C. C. Thomas Jefferson to William C. C. Claiborne, 11 June … 1810-06-11 I had heard of your arrival in the Atlantic states some time since, and yesterday recieved your...
28645 Graham, John Jefferson, Thomas John Graham to Thomas Jefferson, 11 June 1810 1810-06-11 I had this Morning the Honor to receive your Letter of the 7 th Inst: requesting that I would...
28646 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 11 June 1810 1810-06-11 The nail rod which you have so long expected, and which was shipped from Philadelphia the 12 th...
28647 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Randolph Thomas Jefferson to Randolph Jefferson, 11 June 1810 1810-06-11 Yours of the 8 th is recieved. I thought it had been agreed between us that I should give you...
28648 Jefferson, Thomas Ladd, Thomas Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Ladd, 11 June 1810 1810-06-11 I learn from mr Thweatt that in the settlement of the accounts in the case of Skelton’s v....
28649 Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Statement of Account with … 1810-06-11 Articles of the personal estate of Bathurst Skelton dec d which came to the hands of Th:...
28650 Fitz, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas Gideon Fitz to Thomas Jefferson, 10 June 1810 1810-06-10 Since my arrival in this country I have heard it generally remarked, that windmills would be...
28651 Fitz, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas Gideon Fitz’s Drawing of his Windmill, [ca. 10 June … 1810-06-10 Signification of the letters in the drawing, A Axletree, say 15 inches diameter. B. Arm, say 9...
28652 Snyder, Simon Madison, James To James Madison from Simon Snyder, 9 June 1810 1810-06-09 In compliance with the request of the General Assembly, of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania I...
28653 Tyler, John Jefferson, Thomas John Tyler to Thomas Jefferson, 9 June 1810 1810-06-09 The Gentleman who bears you this is desirous of presenting to your view a Model of his own...
28654 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 8 June 1810 1810-06-08 Since I rendered the account of our Merinos sent on by My Overseer, I have learnt, that Mr. Hooe...
28655 Dunn, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Dunn, 8 June 1810 … 1810-06-08 8 June 1810, Richmond. Implores JM to send him money so that he can extricate himself from debt...
28656 Madison, James Macon, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Macon, 8 June 1810 1810-06-08 Letter not found. 8 June 1810. Acknowledged in Macon to JM, 13 June 1810 . Suggests two cities...
28657 Jefferson, Randolph Jefferson, Thomas Randolph Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 8 June 1810 1810-06-08 I have this moment met with your waggoner who tells me that you are all well. I have expected for...
28658 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 8 June 1810 1810-06-08 Since I rendered the account of our Merinos sent on by my Overseer , I have learnt, that M r Hooe...
28659 Rodney, Caesar A. Jefferson, Thomas Caesar A. Rodney to Thomas Jefferson, 8 June 1810 1810-06-08 Your favor of the 30 th ult o found me at this place where I have been detained by the situation...
28660 Thornton, William Jefferson, Thomas William Thornton to Thomas Jefferson, 8 June 1810 1810-06-08 I am very glad that the young Fig trees arrived safe, and also that the former ones were still...
28661 Irvine, Baptist Adams, John To John Adams from Baptist Irvine, 7 June 1810 1810-06-07 I have caused one of our papers of to-day to be forwarded to you: it contains an enquiry...
28662 Rodney, Caesar A. Madison, James To James Madison from Caesar A. Rodney, 7 June 1810 1810-06-07 The delicate situation of Mrs. Rodney at the death of her father compelled me to return home &...
28663 Smith, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Smith, 7 June 1810 1810-06-07 I hope & believe that I am not interested in the late Surrender of the American property by the...
28664 St. Mary’s College Account with St. Mary’s College, [7 June] 1810 1810-06-07 Dr. his Excellency James Madison for Master John P Todd 1810. College Charges as specified in the...
28665 Gooch, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas Gideon Gooch to Thomas Jefferson, 7 June 1810 1810-06-07 I arrive on the 6 th Inst. at Mr Madisons farm Blackmeadow with the merino sheep and wool that is...
28666 Jefferson, Thomas Graham, John Thomas Jefferson to John Graham, 7 June 1810 1810-06-07 Having permission from the Secretary of state to ask a communication of any papers in his office...
28667 Kelly, John Jefferson, Thomas John Kelly to Thomas Jefferson, 7 June 1810 1810-06-07 This will Serve to introduce to your acquaintance M r Elliott Alcocke , who is desirous of...
28668 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 6 June … 1810-06-06 Captain Thomas of the Express, a vessel belonging to Mr: W. R. Gray arrived here a few days ago,...
28669 Cazenove, Anthony Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Anthony Charles Cazenove, 6 June … 1810-06-06 A. C. Cazenove has the honour of acknowledging the receipt of Mr. Madison’s note of the 30th....
28670 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Smith to Thomas Jefferson, 6 June 1810 1810-06-06 I had the Honor to forward to you by the last Mail, most of the Papers belonging to this...