Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Paul Jones, 19 July 1779

To John Paul Jones

LS:8 National Archives; copy: Library of Congress

Passy July 19. 1779.

Dear Sir,

I have before me your Letters of the 5th. 9th. & 12th of this Month. I received all the Papers relating to Capt. Landais Prize. That Matter is now under Consideration. I am sorry for the Communication of Plans9 that you mention, but hope no ill Consequences will attend it.

I think the Instruction of Congress which you mention should be observed; and also that every Opportunity of Distressing the Enemy should be embraced, that is not inconsistent with the Execution of your general Orders.

The Delay of your Cruise occasioned by Accidents makes it necessary to give a longer Time for your finishing it at the Orcades, before you quit it to go to the Port of your Destination. I do therefore at the Request of M. De Sartine, lengthen it to the End of September.

With great Esteem, I have the honour to be, Dear Sir, Your most obedt. humble Servant.

B Franklin

Honble Capt. Jones.

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur le Capitaine Jones. / Commandant la Frégatte le / Bonhomme Richard, au / Service des Etats Unis, de L’Ameque. / à L’Orient

Endorsed: From Doctr. Franklin July 19. 1779. No. 11.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8In WTF’s hand.

9At a later date Jones inserted a mark here, underlined the preceding three words, and in the margin wrote, “It is clear I saw my Danger and sailed with my Eyes Open rather than return to America Dishonored.”

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