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Results 2861-2870 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
La bienveillance que vous m’avez temoignée dans les deux lettres que vous avez eu la bonté de m’ecrire, et notamment dans celle du 13 Janvier , m’enhardit a vous entretenir de nouveau de mes projets et même a vous demander des conseils. Persuadé que la culture de la vigne deviendroit une Source de richesses pour les Etats unis , et en particulier pour la Virginie , j’avois fait a ce sujet un...
LS : National Archives; copy: Library of Congress I have before me your Letters of the 5th. 9th. & 12th of this Month. I received all the Papers relating to Capt. Landais Prize. That Matter is now under Consideration. I am sorry for the Communication of Plans that you mention, but hope no ill Consequences will attend it. I think the Instruction of Congress which you mention should be observed;...
If you had investigated the Question, concerning Possessions or that about matter and Spirit, in your Treatise on the Diseases of the Mind it could have been only, by way of digressions like Swifts digressions concerning Criticks. his digression of the modern kind, his digression in praise of digressions his digression concerning Madness, in the Tale of the Tub: which although they are all...
In your letter of 18 January to your Mama, you mentioned that you read to your Aunt Cranch a chapter in the Bible, or a Section of Dr. Doddridges annotations every evening, this information gave me great pleasure, for so great is my veneration for the Bible & so strong my belief that when duly read & meditated upon, it is of all the books in the world, that which contributes most to make men...
In executing the Instructions of Congress of the Seventh of March last, as well as all former Orders, which concern the Court of Great Britain, the Ministry will no doubt find my Commission and Letter of Credence Sufficient Authority. But you will See by a Letter from the Duke of Dorsett, which your Ministers here sometime since transmitted, that the British Cabinet have conceived doubts,...
28664th. (Adams Papers)
Walk’d into Newbury in the evening with Thompson; and we returned through Joppé, by a different route from that which I usually come. We past an hour at Mrs. Emery’s. Her daughter is very amiable, though not handsome. She entertained us sometime by playing upon the Harpsichord. Mr. J. Greenleaf was there; it is reported that he is paying his addresses there. The dispositions of the persons are...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I had no Line from you per last Packet. But I had the Satisfaction of hearing you were well by Mr. Beache’s Letter. I wrote to you per Capt. All, and sent you some little Things. I continue well, and am ever, Your affectionate Husband Bache’s letter was that of Jan. 4 above, and BF ’s by Capt. All was, we assume, that of Feb. 14.
On my arrival at O. C. House on thursday I found your favor of the 12 th inst: with the document expected, & the letters from Short & Warden enclosed. The two last whole are now returned. No copy of the document was in the Office of State, as you suppose must have been the case. This was owing to the letter being written by your own hand at Monticello , and being sent on to
Letter not found : from Philip Van Rensselaer, c.6 Sept. 1778. On 14 Sept., Horatio Gates wrote Van Rensselaer: “I thank you for your obliging letter by Quin. … Your letter to the General, and that to the Board of War, with the Return, were immediately forwarded to Head-Quarters” (Van Rensselaer, Annals of the Van Rensselaers , 184). Van Rensselaer’s letter to Gates carried by James Quinn was...
The purport of this Epistle will I presume apologize for the liberty I take in addressing you. By the accounts we receive from Philadelphia we are inform’d that a dreadful disease rages there which proves fatal to most people, & that the Contagion probably will spread to other parts of the Country; an Idea has occurr’d to me that this Malady may be obviated, & I therefore think it my duty to...