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Results 2861-2870 of 184,431 sorted by author
I nominate the following Persons, for Officers to the Regiments directed to be raised, by a Law passed the Sixteenth day of July last. Cavalry Lieutenant Colonel John Watts................................. Virginia Majors. Solomon Van Rensselaer........New York John Tayloe................................ Virginia Captains. Richard Willing................. Pennsylvania Benjamin...
your kind Letter of July 4th. ought to have been answered sooner. my apology would be long and tedious.— I highly applaud your design of Writing the Life of Mr Otis, a man whom none who ever knew him, can ever forget.— In what I have written of Mr Otis, I have not written to Sagadahock and the Provence of Maine; to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucked; to Hampshire and Birkshire; to Barnstable...
Question 18. Does Sufficient Tranquility, Contentment and Prosperity reign, in those Places where the War does not rage? Can one Sufficiently Subsist there, without feeling the oppression of the Taxes? Does Plenty abound there? Is there more than is necessary for Consumption? Are the People well affected and encouraged to pursue the War, and endure its Calamities, or is there Poverty and...
As I received your favor of the eleventh in due season, I regret that I have not till now been able to find a time to acknowledge it.—I thank you, Sir, for your two discourses on the death of General Washington, & for your eulogium on his character. There are in it more particulars of the biography of the General, which were new to me than in any other composition I have seen upon the...
Contrary to my established habit for many years I must now become an intercessor for a candidate. You must remember a virtuous & industrious lady old lady the widow Owen who lived to be 90 odd years of age, and maintained an always an excellent character and was highly esteemed by your mother. You must remember also young Hollis her grandson who lived some time in our family and was the...
I nominate Daniel Mc.Neal of Massachusetts to be a Captain in the Navy—to take rank from the 5th of June 1798 Thomas Williams of Virginia also to be a Captain in the Navy DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I am now to inform you, that I am ordered by Congress to this Country, and you will please to address your future Letters to me as Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, at the Court of Great Britain. The Relation nevertheless between you and me, is not yet dissolved, because Congress have not yet sent me a Letter of Recall, nor appointed another Minister to succeed me at...
My old Acquaintance M r Walton, who Served in Congress, with me in 1776 and 1777 is returned a Senator from Georgia in the room of General Jackson who has resigned. He is or has lately been Chief Justice. As old Acquaintances are easily Sociable We soon fell into Conversation about Affairs old and new. I asked him whether The Negative of M r Rutledge would have any ill Effects at the...
Yours of April 15th. this moment received. I thank You for it—and for your offer of Milk, but We have Milk in vast Abundance, and every Thing else that we want except Company. You cant imagine how finely my Brother and I live. We have, as much Bread and as much new pure Milk, as much Pudding, and Rice, and indeed as much of every Thing of the farinaceous Kind as We please—and the Medicine We...
De la Marre, tells us, that in the North of Holland they make use of Fucus to support their Dikes. In other places, they employ these plants to fertilize their lands. on Several of the french Coasts of the ocean, they call "Cluys" those of these plants which the Sea casts upon the Shore; and Vraicq, those which they go and pull off from the rocks, in the months of January and February, an...