Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Stephen Cathalan’s Invoice of Items Shipped to Thomas Jefferson, 26 October 1818, enclosure no. 2 in Stephen Cathalan to Thomas Jefferson, 30 November 1818


Stephen Cathalan’s Invoice of Items Shipped to Thomas Jefferson

Invoice of Sundries Shipped by Step Cathalan Esqr by order & for account & risk of Ths Jefferson Esqr at Monticello (Virga) on board the brig Planter of Petersburg, Del Anderson Master bound to Petersb, (Virginia) to the Consignation of the Collector of that District;—Viz:

F  ¢
No 1 a 6
Six boxes of 50 Bottls each red wine of Bellet (Nice) of 1812; Say 300 Bles a ƒ 1,56¢1 Pr Bottle, charges & package included at Nice 468
Freight from Nice to Marseilles as Pr Bill F  9
Porterage, Custom, Duty, Store rent at the entrepot &ca &ca   13 60 22 60
    F 490 60 
TJ One Cask, in double Cask, old Rivesaltes wine, Invoice of Fcois Durand of Perpignan, of the 4th of Septb
Velting 32 veltes at ƒ 10, Pr velte F 320
Cask & Double Cask 21
Transport from Rivesaltes to St Laurent & other charges at that place 9.
Freight from St Laurent to Marseilles 15
Porterage at Marseilles, Store rent of the Entrepot, Craftage, Duty &c   10 15 375 15
TJ Three boxes containing Superfine olive oil of Aix Together N54 oil; the bottles Packing, Duties included &ca a ƒ 3,15¢ Pr bottle 113 40
TJ One boxe containing 12 bottles Anchovies @ ƒ 2,75¢ Pr bottle on board 33
TJ One Basket macaroni  105 all charges included on board à ƒ 53,50 56 15
F 1068 90
E. E. Stephen Cathalan.

MS (MHi); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Cathalan; on p. 2 of sheet folded to form four pages, with Cathalan’s Invoice of Items Shipped to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 26 Oct. 1818, on p. 1, TJ’s Account with Cathalan, 30 Nov. 1818, on p. 3, and p. 4 blank.

n54 oil: presumably “54 pounds of oil net weight.” Inferring from other Cathalan documents, the abbreviation and symbol following macaroni evidently stand for “pounds net ancient weight of Marseille.” e. e.: “Errors Excepted.”

1Above this amount TJ noted: “.29¼.”

Index Entries

  • anchovies search
  • Anderson, Daniel (ship captain) search
  • Bellet (wine) search
  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); invoices from search
  • Durand, François; and wine for TJ search
  • fish; anchovies search
  • food; anchovies search
  • food; macaroni search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; Invoice from Stephen Cathalan search
  • Jones, Joseph; as collector at Petersburg search
  • macaroni; sent to TJ search
  • Nice; wine from search
  • oil; olive search
  • olives; oil search
  • Planter (brig) search
  • Rivesaltes, France; wine from search
  • wine; Bellet search
  • wine; of Nice search
  • wine; of Rivesaltes search
  • wine; TJ orders from S. Cathalan search