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Results 28601-28650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Subscribers respectfully recommend, Roger Strong, Esqr. late one of the Aldermen of this City, as a suitable person to be appointed Marshall of the Southern District of the State of New York. Mr. Strong, was a revolutionary Soldier—has been a practitioner of Law (being admitted to the grade of Counsel in all our Courts) for many years, altho’ now out of practice—is a man of an...
With the warmest Sense of Gratitude & Affection, I accept your kind Congratulations on my Arrival in this Town—permit me to assure you that I participate in your Felicity, from the Happiness I feel in having this opportunity to pay my Respects to your worthy Inhabitants. If during the long & trying Period in which my Military Services have been Employed for the Interests of the United States &...
28603[Diary entry: 18 October 1789] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 18th. Went in the forenoon to the Episcopal Church and in the afternoon to one of the Congregational Meeting Houses—attended to the first by the Speaker of the Assembly Mr. Edwards, & a Mr. Ingersoll, and to the latter by the Governor, the Lieutt. Governor, the Mayor & Speaker. These Gentlemen all dined with me (by Invitation) as did Genl. Huntington, at the House of Mr. Brown, where I...
28604[Section Title] (Adams Papers)
Section Title A Journal from the time I left Corunna to the time I arrived at Astorga.
We the undersigned take the liberty of recommending the Honr Marmaduke Williams for the appointment as a Judge in the Mississippi Territory, to fill the Vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Bruin— We are Sir with due respect yours &c DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.
I am to inform you that there are Part of Two Companies, of the Rhode Island Brigade, consisting of about 74 Men, now upon Block Island, who were sent there, to secure the Stock until it could be removed. If you think proper that these Men should be ordered to the Camp please to let me know it, and I shall immediately give Directions for their marching. The Packet sent out to countermand Capt....
The Commissary has arrived, and I suppose You will learn a State of his Affairs by his Letter. I was as Active as I could be, in hurrying up Salt. I would have been at Fort-Cumberland two days ago, but have been employd in the disagreeable Service of Apprehending Deserters—Four, out of a gang of 20 Banditti, all with Arms and ammunition, are apprehended, We are in hot pursuit of the rest,...
What began as a contested capture-at-sea prize action during the Revolution had grown by 1809 into a much-publicized test of state will and federal authority. Republicans anxious to demonstrate that the federal government in their hands would respect the rights of states found the case embarrassing; Federalist newspapers gleefully pounced upon it as an example of their opponents’ hypocrisy....
16 May 1801, Philadelphia. Recites facts establishing his citizenship and ownership of the Fair American , which was anchored off Jacmel when seized by “armed men from the British Frigate Circe.” British took ship as a prize to Jamaica, and case will come before Vice-Admiralty Court there in June. Captain of Fair American has returned to Philadelphia. Asks for government aid “in Obtaining...
28610[Diary entry: 22 September 1764] (Washington Papers)
22. Finishd Sowing the Wheat in Corn Ground on this side the Run at Doeg Run Qr. Wint[er] (Wheat) from home 36 Bls. thrashed at the Quartr. 38 Bls. in all 74 Busl. Finishd plan[tin]g. Turnips behind Garden wch. was begun 20th.
28611[Diary entry: 25 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Went to the Quaker meeting in the Forenoon & St. Peters in the Afternoon. Dind at my lodgings. quaker meeting : It cannot be determined which Quaker meetinghouse GW attended. According to Toner, it was probably the meetinghouse at Second and High streets (Toner Transcripts, DLC ). St. Peter’s, an Anglican church located at Third and Pine streets, was completed in 1761. From 1762 to 1775...
Your favour of the fourth, has diffused a glow of Joy, in our obscure Village, where our dear Abby was popular. I most Sincerely congratulate you both, and your Father and Mother and her Mother to all of whom this event must be very pleasing; By the description you give of him the young Gentleman, he will be fit for a Merchant a Farmer, a Statesman an Admiral a General or whatever, Providence...
28613[Diary entry: 8 February 1767] (Washington Papers)
8. Soft, clear, & Warm. Wind Southwardly.
Being near my departure for Monticello I leave here with orders to forward them to you by the first vessel, a box containing the minerals from Capt. Lewis which were the subject of a former letter, & another containing an instrument called a Bathometer sent to me by it’s inventor. believing it cannot be otherwise so well disposed of, I beg leave to deposit it with the Philosophical society...
Having been absent from Boston I was not acquainted with the Letter you wrote Governor Hancock; untill near a Week after it had been rec d — The Governor & Council being of opinion that all the rights of Government in this case were transferred to M r . Phelps & myself in consequence of our purchas—and that they should take no step relative to the business— I immediately set of[f] for Rutland...
Philadelphia, June 27–July 29, 1803. States: “This morning I received your favor of the 26th. inst.” Answers questions concerning certain aspects of William Duane’s indictment and trial for libel. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Letter not found. Duane had been indicted in 1800 under the Sedition Act for libel of the United States Senate. H needed the information concerning Duane’s...
I have the satisfaction to acknowledge your kind Letters of the 19th: Novm. & 1st. inst. The favourable opinion you have been pleased to express of my Address is very grateful to my feelings. The belief, that the effort I was about to make when I commenced this Address, would plead strongly with minds like yours in favour of the Author, altho, his work should not merit much praise cheered me...
I beg leave to congratulate your Excellency on the joyful Event, the adoption of the Constitution of the United States by the State of Rhode Island on Saturday last; and to recommend to your Notice Capt. Samuel Snow (Son of the Revd & venerable Joseph Snow of this Town) as a Candidate for the office of Surveyor of the Customs in the Port of Providence. He was esteemed a good officer in the...
I wrote you last on the 21st. The present will cover Fenno of the 23d. & 27th. In the last you will discover Hamilton’s pen in defence of the bank, and daring to call the republican party a faction . I learn that he has expressed the strongest desire that Marshall should come into Congress from Richmond, declaring there is no man in Virginia whom he wishes so much to see there, and I am told...
Your favor of the 4th of August came safe to my hands under cover from Mr Colston—whom I have authorised to draw upon me for the full balance as stated in the a/c transmitted by you. It dwells however upon my mind (but not perfectly) that the first item therein—viz.—£8.17.3 has been paid to some person who appeared authorised to receive it; but as My voluminous Papers (brought from...
The letter & Postscript which you saw published in the National Intelligencer giving an acct of the tremendous Battle between Chauncey & Yeo was from Gen. Wilkinson whose imagination had converted a running fight into a close action dismasting boarding &c. Indeed there is nothing so deceptive as nautical appearance to those not familiar with such scenes. Yeo’s constant object has been to...
Captain Harrison informs me, his Provision will fall short in a few days. It is impossible for one at this time to grant him a supply. I must desire, therefore, you would assist him. For whatever he expends, I will take care you shall receive a reasonable satisfaction. If you fail in this point, I am under an absolute necessity of Ordering his Detachment to this place. Yours &c. LB , DLC:GW ....
Your two favours of Nov. 22. and that of Feb. 4. came to hand during the session of Congress, and making part only of a very extensive subject, I was obliged to postpone it till Congress had risen. The laws also which you were so kind as to send have been received. Our collection stands thus at present. Laws of 1775. Dec. 1783. Oct. 1776. May and Oct. 1784. May and Oct. 1777. May. 5. 1785.Oct...
Agreeable to Your Excellency’s Direction I waited on his Excellency Governor Trumbull at his Seat in Lebanon, delivered him the Letters, and make him a Report of the Provision and Rum received agreeable to the inclosed with a Copy of a Letter annexed. His Excellency informed me that the State by Commissioners, with the other New England States, had the 26th Ulto resolved to furnish the...
[ Paris, 13 Jan. 1786 . Entry in SJL reads: “le Curé de Gelannes. Acknoleging receipt of his of Xbre. 31.” Not found.]
Frenchman’s Bay [ District of Maine ] July 1, 1791 . “… Your letter of March the 10th enclosed a copy of Return of Vessels built in this District. There has been no business of that sort.… Your Letter (Circular) of the 21st March observes I should inform you what Post Office would be most convenient for me to get my Letters from. I could wish to have them left at the Post Office at Beverly &...
If you knew the power you have to make happy You would lose no opportunity of writing to Betsey & me; for we literally feast on your letters. But our impatience increases as the prospect becomes more promising; and you must permit us ever to chide Mr. Church for his tardiness. Expectations must be converted into realities. Life is too short to warrant procrasti[nati]on of the most favourite...
at the request of one of our Woman Friends Anne Miflin , resideing in the City of Phillidelphia , who was on a religious Visit in this State and haveing a Concern that bore on her Mind respecting the Black Colonisation of the Black people on the Coast of Africa and that some plan Might be adopted for that purpose and for relief of this State, from so heavey a Burthen, (a like Concern lay on...
Taking in consideration the Enemy’s cruelty towards many of the Citizens of this State their Prisoners in New york not taken in actual Service, & therefore not considered by the continental Commissary of Prisoners (& who indeed seems to look upon his negotiating their exchange even for the Enemys citizens captivated by ours as matter of grace & not immediately in the line of his duty), as...
I have kept my bed those tow days past but find myself mutch better at presant though yet full distreesed and shall till I se you fretting was the Cause of my Illness I thought you had been told to stay away from our house and yesterday with tears I my Eyes I beged Mr. once more to permit your visits and he told upon his honnour that he had not said anything to you and that It was your own...
28631General Orders, 16 January 1781 (Washington Papers)
Lieutenant James Giles of the 2d regiment of Artillery is appointed Adjutant to the same from the 1st Instant vice Lieutenant Ashton transferred to the 4th. A Report from the Board of War was read; whereupon Ordered, That the Board of War draw no Warrants on the Paymaster except for the Invalid regiment and the regiment of Artificers in the department of the Commissary General of Military...
I am glad to find by your letter of the 27th ulto that you had had some good rains, previous to the date of it. Those rains, with such as have followed since, may give a very different appearance both to your Oats & flax; & may enliven, & push forward the Corn and B. Wheat; but I fear much for any grass that may have been cut, there having been no weather to cure it (in this part of the...
I should before now have answered your esteemed favor of the 9 th Feb y last , but I wished to communicate something relative to the Looms: I find nothing yet worthy of your attention.— I have made several Enquiries relative to the mode of lining the Cisterns for Water. In the West Indies where Pouzzolane abounds, they plaster them in the inside with this Substance mixed with lime & sand, and...
Tho revelling in what you justly call luxury, planting and adorning the place round me, yet you have presented me with the highest luxury in producing a people emancipated and enjoying their natural rights under just & equal laws procured by your exertions. Did envy enter into my composition you would have no small share of it. but my walk is humble and limited. I endeavour that the good is...
L’horrible tems qu’il fait aujourdhuy Monsieur empeche un pauvre piéton d’aller de vous rendre de vive voix ce que M de Montmorin a à vous faire savoir d’après son entrevue de ce matin. En voici le resultat en peu de mots. Le Ministre instruit de votre embarras, y compatit de tout son cour, et voudroit bien y remedier. Il va faire tous ses efforts en conséquence, mais comme les besoins actuels...
I have inclosed the Warrant for executing the Deserter—The blanks you will fill up, and direct the Ceremony as You please. Will it not be adviseable to arrange & equip the Troops under Innoculation in Philada? That, on an Emergency, they may be of some service. Another skirmish happened Yesterday between Genl Maxwell & about 2000 from Amboy, they came to forage—The Genl writes me that he has...
Accept my Thanks for the long & friendly Letter of the 14 Inst. which I have had the Pleasure of recieving from you. It was for many Reasons grateful to me—I value the Esteem of the wise and virtuous, and had wished to know the particulars of Transactions, respecting which only vague and unsatisfactory Reports, had come to my Knowledge. Delicacy forbid my breaking the Subject to you when...
By seeing mortons peaper of this day it informs me you Recd my letter of the 12th Inst., Im also informed the Indians are to Receive a Sum of money this day[.] tis my oppinion you had better postpone the giving it untill you Know the Contents of my peapers which I think will prevent your Ever giving them it[.] if your Letter is not Sent to the post office the Sooner I think the better[.] I...
Whereas, information has been received that a number of individuals, who have deserted from the Army of the United States, have become sensible of their offences, and are desirous of returning to their duty: A full pardon is hereby granted and proclaimed to each and all such individuals as shall within three months from the date hereof, surrender themselves to the commanding officer of any...
This will be handed to you by Mr. Monet a Minister of the Methodist Church who goes to your City to solicit Donations to enable their society to build a house of worship in this place— During Mr Monets residence here he has conducted himselfe in a decent orderly manner: The Members of his church are becomeing numerous & respectable who I am sure will be grateful for any attentions you may have...
Yours reached me so late last Night that it was impossible to send off the provision before this Morning, and I hope th[at] Genl Maxwell will not be obliged to return for want of it. Had the day been good, the whole Army would have moved down towards Metutchin disencumbered of Tents or Baggage, and would then have acted as Circumstances would have permitted, the Moment the weather is such that...
20 December 1803. “P the good Intent for Philadelphia I take the liberty to send you under care of the Collecter three boxes containing fruits in Brandy almonds, & prunes.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p.
I have recd, with pleasure your obliging Letter of the Sixth. Accept, Sir my cordial Thanks for the Portraits of my Friends Rush and Jay. The latter appears with proper Dignity in his Robes of Chief Justice and the Likeness of the Countenance is correct. What Shall I Say of the former? Dr Rush the last time I Saw him in March 1801, was as upright as a Reed and his Countenance no less animated...
Providence, October 25, 1791. Acknowledges Hamilton’s “Letter of the 14th instant, covering part of the Margin of the Certificate of Registry … granted for Sloop Susannah.…” ADfS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Providence, National Archives. As this letter deals with routine Treasury Department matters, it has not been printed ( LS ,...
I am dill diligently & laboriously occupied, in reading & hearing your “political economy”—I call it yours because I do not believe that Tracy s is more of an original in point of purity , perspicuity or precission—I have read as yet only to the 90 th page—it is a connected chain of ideas and propositions, of which I know nothing not which link to strike out. His philosophy appears to me to roll
28646[Diary entry: 26 February 1797] (Washington Papers)
26. Clear & cold all day Wind at No. Wt. & Mercury 19. All the Military & Naval Officer[s] dined with me yesterd. Mercury at 19 degs.
[ Annapolis, 18 Jan. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Carr. Not send P. C. [Peter Carr] to Maury. Where is A. S. J. [Anna Scott Jefferson]. My health better.” Not found.]
Had the honor of receiving your Excellencies Letter dated the 25th Inst. In answer to which beg leave to Observe that in the Conversation had with you we mentioned our willingness to settle the disputes between the Officers and us upon any equitable Mode you might direct. When Colonels Humphrey & Trumbull Called upon us in order to settle those differences they proposed that the Commander in...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Warden and having recieved a single copy of the Review of Montesquieu he is anxious to have the benefit of the safe conveyance by mr Warden & the Essex to get it to France . he again therefore takes the chance of a letter still finding him at Washington & of asking his care of it with a repetition of his wishes for a happy voiage. RC ( ViU...
Since my last, which was writen imediately, after the affair of the day before yesterday, I have collected the following particulars—The party which attempted to surprise this post was Commanded by Colo. Sterling of the 42nd Regt & composed of the following Corps—to wit—the 42d & 33d regts—a party of Welch Fuzeliers, together with a full company of Light Infantry of the 2d Battalion of...