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Results 28601-28650 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have been duly honor’d with your two letters of the 18th and 20th of Septemr. My opinion on a certain subject has been forwarded, and I hope will, ‘ere this, have come to hand. Inclosed you will be pleased to receive a list of such characters, as from the documents furnished by Mr. Lear, from my enquiries, and from the intimations contained in you letter of the 20th, appear to stand, upon...
I have received your favor of the 23d instant and observe the forms and Circular of the 16th have reached you. Before this gets to hand you will receive a number of Blank Certificates for the subscribers to the New Loan. The Warrants for Indents issued by the late Board of Treasury cannot with safety or propriety be received at the Loan Offices. The old emission Money is directed in the...
Your circular Letter of the 23rd Inst. I recd. and shall pay due regard to the instructions therein. I beg leave to observe that from the Nature of the Accounts and the Number of them in my office it will be hardly possible with every exertion to make the returns agreeably to the forms before the Middle of November, although the Accounts in my books are up to the 20th of last Month, but...
When one of your abilities is placed in a Station where you Can be so Usefull to Mankind, I hope it will not be thought, too officious by one who Veiws the establishment of Liberty in America with pleasure to Send you the followg. Pamphlets Viz. 1st. State of the Publick Debts of Britain & plan of Redeeming them by Dr. Price 2d– Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the...
I am apprehensive that further applications to Congress on the subject of compensation for the service of paying Indents in Pennsylvania will be unpleasing and perhaps unsuccessful. It appears that all expence of that kind might be avoided by a payment of Indents to the state of Pennsylvania in full of the Interest due on such Loan Office Certificates as are yet in the hands of the Comptroller...
I request you to furnish me as soon as may be with the Forms of reports entries Oaths Bonds Certificates and other Documents & papers that shall have been adopted by you in the execution of the several laws which concern your Office. This will of course not include those papers or proceedings for which forms have been sent from this Department. Any papers of the nature above described...
I had lately a visit from a certain Gentleman the sole object of which was to make some observations of a delicate nature, concerning another Gentleman employed on a particular errand; which, as they were doubtless intended for your ear, and (such as they are) ought to be known to you, it is of course my duty to communicate. He began (in a manner somewhat embarrassed which betrayed rather more...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, September 30, 1790. “In Conformity with the 12th Section of the Act for Registering & Clearing Vessels I herewith enclose Copies of the Memos, enclosed on Certificates of Registry, of the Change of Masters that appear to have taken place in Vessels belonging to this district. Inclosed also are the Certificates of Registry of Vessels given up in consequence of the...
Your letters of the 7. & 24. of Sept relative to the Brig Happy-Return and the Sloop Nancy have been received: I am extremely sorry that my misconstruction of the Law should be the cause of so much trouble and expence to those concerned in freighting the Sloop Nancy, and shall therefore attend immediately to your recommendations respecting the seizure of the Cargo at Alexandria. She returned...
It being intended that one of the Revenue Boats or Cutters shall be built in Connecticut I request that you will on receipt of this endeavor to agree with some proper persons for the building & fitting of a Vessel of a size suitable to the nature of the service. From my inquiries in the Port of New-York I find that a complete Vessel capable of keeping this Coast in the Winter season may be...
I have received your letters of the 18th and 21st Ulto. and thank you for the intelligence therein communicated; of which I have not as yet received any confirmation. I shall be oblig’d by your continueing to give me such information on public affairs as you may think sufficiently interesting to be imparted. I am, Sir,   Your mo: obt. Servt. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Since my last to you, your letter dated the 15th Ulto containing your sentiments on the questions I had proposed for your opinion and advice, is come duly to hand. I feel myself much obliged by the full and able consideration you have given to the subject. From present appearances, however, it does not seam as if there would be occasion for any decision on either point which gave birth to my...
[ Philadelphia ] October 4, 1790 . “The new Collection Law commen[ce]d on Saturday last. A strict obedience shall in our district be punctually adhered to, although I doubt whether the 2nd secto in to Page 25th can be followed, unless at a considerable expence to the Continent, and as I believe out of the power of the Collector Naval Officer & Inspectors in the first instance to put in force....
Treasury Department, October 4, 1790. “It being necessary that I should prceed according to the directions of the Legislature to complete the Light house at Portland in the Province of Maine, I find the remote situation of the place will render your assistance requisite on the occasion. Enclosed you will find the Act of Congress which must limit your disbursements. I wish this business to be...
The indisposition of the Comptroller of the Treasury renders it necessary for me to ask your acquiescence in the following temporary arrangement for the discharge of Monies payable at the Treasury. I propose that the Warrants signed by me shall be presented to you for payment from time to time by individuals to whom the Monies are due or by their lawful Attornies. It is my request that you...
On the second instant I went to Newport and made oath to my declaration (of which the enclosed is a copy) relative to the case of the Sloop Nancy, Chrisr Thornton master, before the District Judge agreeably to your directions; excepting the presence of the Attorney of the United States who was absent. Mr. Marchant has enclosed it to the District Judge of Virginia, and it will be forwarded by...
Were a Lottery established annually by Congress towards sinking the National debt One hundred thousand dollars or more might every year be obtained in addition to the other modes for raising Money; And should the plan be adopted, the public ought to be well assured That the money arising therefrom should with the greatest faith be appropriated & laid out for the purchasing of public...
Edenton, North Carolina, October 5, 1790. “Your favor of the 31st. of August last, accompanied by one from The Honble Mr. Jefferson, inclosing the commission for my appointment as Commissioner of the Loan Office in this State, I had the honor of receiving the 23d. of September. In your letter you are pleased to say, ‘That during the reception of the subscriptions to the Loan, which is to be...
I had the honor of receiving your letter of the 27th. ulto., by the mail on the 2d. inst. and have in the interval made some enquiries relative to a successor to the late Collector of George town in south Carolina. I am apprehensive from the result, that the necessary information cannot be obtained but from the place, to which end the necessary steps will be taken. I shall also make the...
The alteration of one of the proposed instructions for conducting your Office rendered an addition of a Column for Certificates of the Register of the Treasury necessary in the form M. It was however overlooked. You will therefore determine whether either of the two Columns for Certificates issued by State Commissioners intended for those States wherein there have been two is unnecessary in...
I have received from Nathl. Gilman Esquire the Commissioner of Loans for New-Hampshire, a letter of the 27th. September informing me, that he has transmitted his commission to you, with a resignation of his Office. I beg leave on this occasion to call to your mind the name of Woodbury Langdon Esquire, who from my recollection of circumstances, and from the result of my enquiries to day,...
I have received your letter of the 29th. ulto: The papers concerning Capt. Lyde, put into your hands by the Vice President, which you say were enclosed to me, have not been transmitted—but from the recommendations in favor of Captain Williams, I think him entitled to a preference. Not being possessed of any commissions, I have to request (unless your farther enquiry should point to more proper...
[ New Bern, North Carolina, October 7, 1790. On December 13, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Daves : “I learn from your letter of the 7th. of October.” Letter not found. ] Daves was collector of customs at New Bern, North Carolina.
Philadelphia, October 7, 1790. “Your two letters of the 30th Sept & 1st Inst. I recd respecting your directions for the Cutter or Revenue Boat for this Bay, & the forms of the official Papers of this office. As to the first I believe though I give it only on my own knowledge that the Sum of 1000 dollers for the building and outfit , is much too little, but as I shall do every thing my duty...
My letter of the 27th of Septr to you proceeded on the supposition that the duty of Tonnage mentioned by you under the denomination of light money was for the purpose of supporting the lighthouse establishments in your state and consequently distinct from that imposed by the Act entitled “An Act to incorporate certain persons by the name of the River machine Company in the Town of Providence...
[ Boston, October 7, 1790. On November 22, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Lincoln : “You mentioned in your letter of the 7th. of October.” Letter not found. ]
AS the Subscriber expects to remove from this city by the 20th inst. he requests all those who may have any demands against him, to present them previous to that day, in order to their being discharged. New-York, Wall street, No. 58, Oct. 7, 1790. The [New York] Daily Advertiser , October 14, 1790. H, of course, was moving the Treasury Department from New York to Philadelphia in accordance...
[ New York, October 7, 1790. On October 11, 1790, Osgood wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your favor of the 7th. Instant.” Letter not found. ] Osgood had been a member of the Continental Congress from Massachusetts and was appointed Postmaster General in 1789.
It is necessary to inform you that the late Loan Officers Certificates for Interest due on the public Debt are to be received only at the New Loan Office for the State wherein such Interest Certificates were issued. The Certificates contemplated, are those given in lieu of the Indents or facilities signed by M. Hillegas Josh. Hardy or Henry Kuhl. As there will probably be presented to you...
I do myself the honor to inform you, that the result of my enquiries concerning the character of Capt: Jonathan Maltbee, is, that he is a man of fair character and an experienced & good Seaman, who might be expected to execute his duty faithfully as the Commander of a revenue Cutter. I do not learn however, that either he or Capt. Law are remarkable for their activity. The principal point of...
The Question proposed to me by the Secretary of the Treasury respecting Loss sustained by Robbery from public Officers during the late War, has been maturely considered, and I am of Opinion that the Officers are not chargeable on that Account unless Negligence can be imputed to them. 9 Octr. 1790 ADf , New-York Historical Society, New York City. Harison was United States attorney for the...
I did not receive, ’till three days since, the letter which you did me the favour to write me of the 27th of August. I accept with great pleasure the honor done me by the institution over which you preside. The motive to it, which on the part of the Trustees, you announce in terms so obliging, claims my particular acknowlegements. If my endeavours to promote the public good are worth any...
I had the honor to receive in due course your letter of the 10th Ulto & now enclose you a list of Persons suitable for Officers for One of the Revenue Cutters. Those mentiond for master and first maite have many years commanded Ships and are on accot. of their federal Sentiments & attachments to government as well as other considerations in my opinion the best qualified of any persons in this...
Your favors of 30th Ulto. is recd. I am apprehensive that the quantity of Old Emission money will be very great. I have already recd. into the Office about a Million Dollars which fills a middling sized Chest; a few Years since there was an order of Court for the Town Clerks to make the best return they could of the quantity of paper money in their respective Towns, the returns amounted to...
Treasury Department, October 10, 1790. “The purchase of a Boat such as is generally described in your letter of the 25th Ulto. has been authorized in some of the Districts & I have no objection to your procuring one for the Port of Alexandria.…” LS , RG 56, Letters to and from the Collector at Alexandria, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National...
Rhinebeck [ New York ] October 10, 1790 . “I have delayed answering your obliging and friendly Letter.… The Arrangement of Commissioners, I am satisfied is as it should be. There is an affinity between the present and former Offices which I did not sufficiently advert to. I assure you, I had no wish to interfere with the Gentleman you allude to; he never once occurred to me, nor was the...
[ New York, October 10, 1790. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS , sold by Stan V. Henkels, April 21, 22, 23, 1891, Lot 863.
Your letter of the 30th. Ulto came duly to hand with its enclosures. For the information contained in it I thank you, as I shall do for all others of a similar nature. The motives, however, by which the Author of the communication to you was actuated, although they may have been pure and in that case praiseworthy, do also (but it may be uncharitable to harbour the suspicion) admit of a...
I have received your favor of the 7th. Instant; & as it appears to me very proper that the Dispatches which you mention should be forwarded to the several Loan Officers free of Postage, I have accordingly ordered the Postmaster at Philadelphia not to charge any on the same. I am Sir   &ca. LC , RG 28, Letter Books, 1789–1794, National Archives. Letter not found. Robert Patton.
I find there are some certificates for interest issued in lieu of “ Indents of Interest ” in the State of Georgia, which express that they are for as many Dollars (as by recurrence to the records of the principal Certificates) would have been the Interest, if those certificates had been for specie, although they are liable to liquidation, at various rates according to their dates. I think it...
I have received your letter of the 5th instant. The public service requiring the arrangements, which you have made, relative to the Light Houses of Newport and Portland, they are perfectly agreeable to me, and receive my approbation. I am, Sir   Your most obedient Servant LS , United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut; LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Treasury Department, October 12, 1790. “You have my Authority to purchase Scales for the use of your Office.…” LS , The Andre deCoppet Collection, Princeton University Library. Webb was the collector of customs at Bath in the District of Maine.
I find from a letter from one of the Commissioner of Loans that it is conceived, certificates of the state debts cannot be subscribed to the new Loan, unless they express that they are issued for services or supplies toward the prosecution of the late war. By this construction all certificates containing a simple acknowlegment of debt to a certain amount, and all certificates for monies loaned...
The enclosed letter, addressed to me by the Baron Perin, treating of a subject to which I am a stranger, and the means of information not being within my reach; I have to request that you will cause such enquiry to be made into the Circumstances therein stated as may enable you to give him an answer. And I wish you to transmit my letter to him with yours. I am sir   Yr. most Obt. servt. LC ,...
New York, October 14, 1790. Recommends “a Sea faring gentleman of my acquaintance in North Carolina … Captain William McDaniel of Washington” for command of a revenue cutter. ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Thomas, a resident of North Carolina, had applied for the post of commissioner of loans for North Carolina in August, 1790.
Mr. _____ I have read the determination of the National Assembly of France of the 25th. of August, respecting the Family Compact, their cordial support of Spain seems at present very questionable. I cannot help thinking that the friendship of this country is not unimportant to you, even at present, and it will become infinitely more so; the resources of France and of Spain if well administered...
You will perceive by the letter which is enclosed for your transmission of it to Mr. Woodbury Langdon, that I have appointed him Commissioner of Loans in the room of Mr. Gilman, whose resignation I received by the last post. I am, Sir,   Your Obt. Servant LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Nathaniel Gilman. See H to Washington, October 6, 1790 .
Baltimore, October 15, 1790. “The forms generally adopted by me in executing the Laws of this State and of Congress, were made conformably thereto; and as these laws have been frequently altered—particularly the state Laws, I have not many blanks now by me that will be of use in devising forms for the business of the Custom House, under the present System. Inclosed, with this letter, you will...
A few days since the Brig revolution Captain Coffin entered here from Amsterdam with an intention to unlode part of his Cargo here & part at New York. Part is landed here & the Captain has a Copy of his Manifest given him in which I have distinguished the articles landed here & he has given bonds for the due landing the remainder in New York. By law I am empowered to put an inspector on board...
New York, October 16, 1790. “Were there any other way, or were it possible to clear myself of my present embarrassment without your aid, I would not give you this trouble. One hundred dollars would pay all my existing debts; but where to obtain them, I know not. My having been sued and harassed since I arrived in this City have caused great anxiety to my mind, and called my attention from...