James Madison Papers

Jacob Radcliff and Others to Alexander J. Dallas, 28 June 1816

Jacob Radcliff and Others to Alexander J. Dallas

N. York 28th. June 1816.

The Subscribers respectfully recommend, Roger Strong, Esqr. late one of the Aldermen of this City, as a suitable person to be appointed Marshall of the Southern District of the State of New York. Mr. Strong, was a revolutionary Soldier—has been a practitioner of Law (being admitted to the grade of Counsel in all our Courts) for many years, altho’ now out of practice—is a man of an irreproachable Character, & is held in much estimation by his fellow Citizens. His Talents—his legal acquirements—his habits of Business are such as qualify him to discharge the Duties of the Office much to the public Advantage.

Jacob Radcliff

[and seven others]

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1809–17, filed under “Strong”). After the salutation to Dallas, the signatories wrote: “for The President.” Jacob Radcliff was the mayor of New York City. The other signatories were members of the city’s common council (Peterson, Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 8:549).

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