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Results 28601-28650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your note of the 19 th Ult o Covering a Copy of an Instrument signed by Burwell Logwood , Rob t Peyton &
21 June 1810, Baltimore. Petition of Baltimore merchants recommends Robert K. Lowry as a fit person to be sent to Caracas as a consul or commercial agent. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Lowry”). 1 p. Signed by Gilman and eight others, including James Calhoun, Thomas Hollins, Isaac McKim, James Purviance, and “S Smith & Buchanan.”
Wealth, respect and friendship! from your grateful and affectionate friend. War with the “great hammer of the whole earth” to use the words of which the prophet Jeremiah applied to the king of Babylon, is now the order of the day in Philada.— MHi : Adams Papers.
When I take a retrospective view of the innumerable obligations which I owe you, not only as the revered Parents of my husband but as the kindest and best of friends, my heart expands with filial gratitude yet I know not how to attempt an expression of my feelings. After a residence of five years under your roof which has been endeared to me by some of the most interesting events of my life,...
It is reported that congress will be convend during the summer. I will thank you for information on this point, thereby to govern my summer movements, as well as upon any other. With much Esteem Your friend RC ( DLC ). Several newspapers printed a report to this effect. The source of the story was given as the N.Y. Evening Post , which made the claim shortly after the frigate John Adams...
About ten days since, I wrote you on the subject of a Wind mill of my own invention, soliciting your opinion of its usefulness, and that it might be patented in case you should think it deserving that attention. In little time after writing I discovered a material error which had happened from overlooking a small circumstance in estimating its power of raising weight. Although the Wheel runs...
When I was in Richmond lately, it was said Judge Griffin, wou’d probably, never be able to take his seat on the bench again. Will you pardon me if I take the liberty to place before you the name of a Gentn. as his successor, with whom you are as well acquainted as I am? I am far from expecting or wishing more than that, his fitness for the office, shou’d be decided by a comparison with others...
I have already acknowleged & thanked you for your favor of recieved in France. I came to this country with the intention of embarking in the April packet from Falmouth. I was dissuaded from this, & have since been disappointed in the vessel I expected from hence whither I came to embark. I am now waiting for the return of a Ship which is recommended to me as a peculiarly good one. In the mean...
19 June 1810, Alexandria. Acknowledges JM’s 15 June letter ordering a pipe of Messrs. Murdoch’s best wine, which with the enclosure for James Leander Cathcart will be forwarded to Madeira by a vessel sailing at the end of the week. RC ( DLC ). 1 p.
You will be surprized at recieving a letter from me from this place—I did not contemplate being here & still less being in Europe as late as this— My very great anxiety to be again in America to attend to some of my affairs which required something to be immediately done, as the friend with whom I left my power to represent me at Philadelphia , M r Breck , had died without naming a substitute—...
Since the departure of my Brother, Mr: John Q Adams, upon his Mission to Russia, and while he was still yet at sea, I had the pleasure to receive from him a list of names, comprizing the circle of his particular friends to whom he requested I would present, in his name, and as a small token of his respect, a set of Lectures on Rhetorick & Oratory, delivered during the period of his...
Since the departure of my Brother, Mr. John Q Adams, upon his Mission to Russia, and while he was yet at sea, I had the pleasure to receive from him a list of names, comprizing the circle of his particular friends to whom he requested I would present, in his name, and as a small token of his respect, a set of Lectures on Rhetorick & Oratory, delivered during the period of his Professorship at...
It would be a matter of surprize to you, if you were to learn that any person, who ever felt a solicitude for the public happiness & safety, were easy in the recent state of our foreign affairs. The provision in the treaty dismembring the Dutch Country on the avowed ground of a rule drawn from the French constitution . between France & Holland, the complicated but consolidated power of France...
Immediately on the Receipt of your favour of the Instant (which was handed me two days since), I addressed a Letter to the Mayor of New-Orleans , requesting him to Consult M r Moreau Lislet , as to the powers of the former Governors of Louisiana to remove persons who might intrude on the Batture ;— We know that an authority of the kind, was exercised by the
C’est avec reconnoissance que j’ai reçu votre Lettre, et je me trouve heureux d’inscrire Sur la liste de mes Souscripteurs, un nom qui rappelle Sans cesse les Services rendus a la Science par celui qui le porte. J’ose attendre encore une nouvelle preuve de votre bienveillance, en esperant Monsieur que vous me communiquerez les observations, et les faits que vous possedez relatifs aux...
I inclose you a letter just recieved from mr Rodney in answer to one I had written him requesting papers in his possession. be so good as to hand it, after perusal, to mr Wirt who will return it to me. I hope our practice in this country relieves us from the special plea which mr Rodney speaks of. this would place m ev ery thing under the grip of the judge , who in the cases of Marbury & of
I have finished the Eight silver Goblets and have gildid them agreable to your desier. I should had them done before this time but I had a Job of silver work on hand when I received your Excellency order I have deliver’d them to M r Jefferson put up Agreable to your Request, and hope they Will Meet your Approbation RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “His Excellency Thos Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as...
This letter is for yourself alone. I have recieved a communication thro’ D. Carr for which I sincerely thank you. I am busily engaged in collecting materials from the offices, arranging, E extracting E t c so as to place a very plain case in your hands. when fully possessed of the materials, I shall state the points on which I consider myself justified, submit the matter to my counsel, recieve...
Letters not found. 17 June 1810 (two letters). Acknowledged in Jarvis to JM, 26 Aug. 1810 . Expresses his gratitude on the receipt of the merinos sent by Jarvis and discusses the arrangements for the disposition of the lamb born since their arrival (see JM to Jefferson, 2 July 1810 ). Also places an order for old wine.
I take this opportunity from Alexanda. of acknowledging your very valuable favor by the vessel lately arrived there from Lisbon. The Marinos came to hand, without other injury, than an infection of the Scab, which I believe has been cured by a mercurial ointment I had immediately applied to them. The great zeal for this precious breed of sheep, resulting from irresisble [ sic ] evidence of...
I have just written to you by another vessel acknowledging the receipt & the favor of your Marinos & requesting you to send me a further supply of Bucellos Wine, such as I recd. in the 2 last pipes. I wish at least two more; and even four pipes if you apprehend future difficulty in procuring it. You will make an acceptable addition also, if you send some good Portugal Wine or Wines of another...
I this Day by the Mail received your kind letter, & am happy to hear you got Home, with your little Ones well, though I did not expect, or welcome you home in Idea till Monday afternoon—It was so very warm & dusty, that I thought neither you, nor your Horses would like to travel—I told Lydia, that you thought you felt better for your late excursion—“Do write, & ask her to come again” Said She,...
In consequence of a conversation that lately passed, betwixt the post-Master of this place, (Mr. Patton) & myself, I take the liberty, of addressing you at the present time. He says he is fearful, that a late Law of Congress, will compel him, to keep the post-Office open, on the Sabbath. The necessity of enforceing the Law, & the consequences that will result therefrom, are what I purpose to...
I have the honor of sending you copies of some of my memoirs in defense of american vessels and cargoes. A considerable number of american Cases still remain to be adjudged by the Council of Prizes. As there is no Agent to represent them, I think it is my duty to make a defence. I trust that my zeal and industry in this business, and in the discharge of my Consular duties will meet your...
The inclosed letters were brought, together with the separate Packet now forwarded, by the John Adams. The official communications received by her, from F. & G. B. you will find in the Natl. Intelligencer of this date. The Editor I perceive passes over the obnoxious refusal of G. B. to comply with the reasonable course of putting an end to the predatory Edicts of both Nations; and it is not...
This is the first letter, which I have written, since my convalescence after the dreadful attack from a hemiplegia, with which by a kind of sympathy with my poor wife, I was afflicted in a few weeks from her death. It happily affected no faculty of my mind, and has not taken away the sanguine hope, that altho’ I require in rough ground the aid of a crutch, I may be restored to the free use of...
Letter not found. 15 June 1810. Acknowledged in Cathcart to JM, 13 Aug. 1810 . Orders wine.
Letter not found. 15 June 1810. Acknowledged in Cazenove to JM, 19 June 1810 . Orders wine and transmits an enclosure to be forwarded to James Leander Cathcart in Madeira.
I am greatly in arrears to you my Dearest friend: nor can I now discharge the debt. This you will readily believe when I tell you that my darling little Jane is very ill, that I was up with her the greatest part of the last night; & am now suffering under serious apprehensions for her fate—Can any thing wring a father’s heart more severely, than to see a child whom he doats on, parched up with...
The inclosed letters were brought, together with the separate Packet now forwarded, by the John Adams . The official communications received by her, from F. & G.B. you will find in the Nat l Intelligencr of this date. The
Mr. Thweatt my particular friend and connection expecting that an excursion he is to make will put it in his power to pay his respects to you personally, en passant, and being desirous to do so, I with pleasure present him to you as a gentleman of perfect worth, and of sincere zeal in those political principles which you & I have so steadily cultivated. His energy in their support has been...
M r Thweatt my particular friend and connection expecting that an excursion he is to make will put it in his power to pay his respects to you personally, en passant, and being desirous to do so, I with pleasure present him to you as a gentleman of perfect worth, and of sincere zeal in those political principles which you & I have so steadily cultivated. his energy in their support has been...
I wrote you on the 11 th in answer to yours of the 4 th and yesterday recieved yours of the 7 th announcing to me the melancholy information of the death of my most esteemed friend mrs Eppes . an intimate and affectionate acquaintance of 40. years with her had always rendered her very dear to me. nearly the last of my early & most beloved friends has now dropt off, and I really view myself as...
I ought to have written to you before this day and have informed you of my Safe return home. benefitid by my excursion—on fryday I left Haverhill and went on to Newbury port, where I was kindly received and hospitably entertaind by mrs Coombs and family: my cold became less troublesome, and on Saturday morning we Sat our faces homeward. the morning was cloudy, and warm. we proceeded Slowly,...
From some circumstances which have come to my knowledge, I am induced to think, that measures are adopted to shake the confidence of Government, in their district attorney, George Blake Esqr. If so, the grounds are said to be, his having had in his office, a brother, & his having associated with native & foreign gentlemen, of different politicks . I regret exceedingly, that reports of this...
I have received your favour of the 8 Inst. I am very sensible of the obligation I am under to you for the trouble which your willing to take in favour of my Son. I have no particular preferance in favour of New York over the two Citys which you have mentioned further than it was Madisons choice & I would have wished to have gratifyed him in it. If it is necessary to pay more than his board &...
As Mr. Erving leaves Town early in the Morning and it is now past Midnight I have scarcely Time to do more than acknowledge the Receipt of your kind Letter by Dr Logan. In a few Days I will trouble you with a Letter of some Length. The newspapers will apprize you of the Violence & Injustice of France towards the U. S. I hope it will be found possible (at least until England does us Justice) to...
I took the liberty last fall of submitting to your inspection, as our Patron, Mr Massons Lectures on Fortification which he had presented to the U. S. Mily. Philo: Society. Besides the satisfaction of producing in our own Language the french improvements in this art, I was desirous of knowing whether you thought the Subject worthy of publication and dissemination. Brigadier General Morton of...
13 June 1810, Providence. Reports that Justice William Cushing will resign from the Supreme Court and suggests Barnabas Bidwell be nominated as his replacement. Bidwell’s appointment would “gratify our friends in New England, and afford no cause for censure to our Enemies.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Bidwell”). 1 p. Fenner was the Republican governor of Rhode Island, 1807–11.
13 June 1810, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circumstances prevented his traveling to France, and a member of Senate has told him the office to which he previously aspired is still vacant. Hopes JM can act while Senate is in recess. Demands from a numerous family require that he find “any office, of Small Emolument.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.
I received from the hands of M r John Smith the letter of recommendation You wrote me in his favor, and I have made it a particular duty to shew this amiable Young Gentleman all the attentions & procure for him all the satisfaction to which he has such distinguished claims. he is now upon the moment of his departure for Moscow where he contemplates spending a part of the Summer. M r Smith will...
Every moment of Amusement that I am able to afford you, is an Addition to my happiness, for which reason I send you from time to time all such numbers of Duanes papers as contain any new Speculations upon the state of our Country.—The enclosed, is I suppose of that nature, for I have read its title only. Have you seen Sillimans travels int o England, Scotland & Holland? They are gener ally...
I had the Honor to write you on the 22 March whereof the proceeding is a Copy. By the late arrivals we have reason to believe, that the Emperor of France means to shut all the European Ports against our vessels—it appears that most of those that are there, together their Cargoes are sequestered & many condemnations actually taken place; I am therefore afraid that not only the Property which I...
I had heard of your arrival in the Atlantic states some time since, and yesterday recieved your favor from N. Orleans of May 4. announcing your intended voyage, and that I should have the pleasure of seeing you at Monticello . this would at all times be highly welcome to me, but during this season will be peculiarly so, on account of the proceedings which are the subject of your letter. I have...
I had this Morning the Honor to receive your Letter of the 7 th Inst: requesting that I would send you by the return of Post the Memoire of Moreau de Lislet on the subject of the Batture . This Paper is, I believe, in the hands of the attorney General and agreeably to your directions I have written to him to send it either to you or to me as soon as possible. M r Poydrass no doubt has it; but...
The nail rod which you have so long expected, and which was shipped from Philadelphia the 12 th of last month , was only received a few days since. It was forwarded to day by a M r Fitch , to whome we had to pay 12/. on account of the carriage. I inclose you a note for your signature, with which to renew the one in the bank. I likewise inclose you a
Yours of the 8 th is recieved. I thought it had been agreed between us that I should give you information only when I should be notified of the time of my attendance in Richmond , and that not writing would be evidence to you of my continuance at home. in fact my journey to Richmond is put off to the Fall. I shall therefore be at home till the middle of July, about which time I shall go to...
I learn from mr Thweatt that in the settlement of the accounts in the case of Skelton’s v. Wayles’s representatives, some doubt has arisen whether a sum of £210, the price of three negroes which I purchased of John Fleming’s estate, has not been erroneously stated by me to be still in my hands, as mr W. Fleming , the surviving exr of John Fleming , supposes it to have been paid. my statement...
Articles of the personal estate of Bathurst Skelton dec d which came to the hands of Th: Jefferson , & which stand in account to the credit of that estate. £ s d 1772. Jan. 18. By amount of houshold articles, as per inventory recorded 65–10–10½ 1774. Apr. 16.
Since my arrival in this country I have heard it generally remarked, that windmills would be exceedingly useful here.—They are in use on the mississippi , but not constructed on any plan, that I know of, which I think to be so managable & useful as the plan I now present to you.— It is of my own invention, never having seen or heard of any thing of its construction. I forward it to you for the...