George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Pinckney, 1 September 1793

To Thomas Pinckney

Philadelphia Septr 1st 1793

Dear Sir,

Notwithstanding Mr Lear is already known to you, I cannot suffer him to depart without this letter of introduction to your civilities, whilst he may remain in London.

He is a person whose conduct has entitled him to my warmest friendship & regard—and one from whom you may obtain the best oral information of the real state of matters in this Country.

Mercantile pursuits with draws him from my family, and carries him to Europe for the purpose of facilitating the measure he has adopted, for his future walk.

Present, if you please, my respects to Mrs Pinckney; and be assured of the sincere esteem & regard with which I am ⟨Dear Sir Your Obedt & Hble Ser.

Go: Washington⟩1

AL[S] (photocopy), NjP: Edward Ambler Armstrong Photostats; ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW.

1Where text has been clipped from the AL[S], the words in angle brackets are supplied from the letterpress copy.

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