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Results 28561-28590 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
[ New York, September 10, 1790. On October 9, 1790, Whipple wrote to Hamilton : “I had the honor to receive in due course your letter of the 10th ulto.” Letter not found. ]
The Albany post is arrived and not a line from my dear Betsey; though I have reason to believe she must have arrived before the departure of the Post. This is a disappointment to me, as I was anxious to learn how she & my Children got up & how they were. I wrote you a day or two since by a Vessel & shall write you again by the Wednesday’s post when I will tell you decidedly whether I can come...
Since mine to you of the instant, it has occurred to me, that the President, in his direction to me, has limited your absence to six months, which I did not recollect when I extended it to twelve. I am therefore under the necessity of retracting six, and of requesting you to consider your leave of absence as for six months from the time of your departure. I am, Sir, Your Obedt: & hum: Servt....
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, September 13, 1790. “Inclosed herewith is the Weekly return of Money recd and paid … to the 11th. instant. Your letter dated the 17th. August mentions the rect. of my ‘Letter of the 23 July with a paid draught No. 325 of the Treasurer of the United States’ … it is erroneous, no bill of that No. having been paid by me.…” LC , RG 36, Collector of Customs at Portsmouth,...
The hurry of business has prevented my thanking you sooner for your letter of the 6th and the trouble you have been so obliging, as to take towards providing me with a house. I doubt not the one obtained will answer very well my purpose. Its proximity to my office is a great recommendation of it. Inclosed is an order on your bank of the Treasurer in favour of for four hundred dollars, for the...
You do not hope in vain My very Dear love that I am tired of living alone. I was so the very hour after you left me. But I am not sure for all this that it will be possible for me to come to you. Though Mr. Eveleigh is here his health is such as to confine him wholly to his room and disqualify him intirely for business. Besides this, I am the only one of the Administration now here, and, for...
[ New York, September 15, 1790. On November 10, 1790, Heth wrote to Hamilton and acknowledged the receipt of Hamilton’s “private letter of the 15th. of September last.” Letter not found. ] Heth was collector of customs at Bermuda Hundred, Virginia.
The urgent avocations, in which I have been engaged, towards putting, in a train of execution, the laws of the last session, affecting my department, and a desire of reflecting maturely, and giving the reasons for the result of my reflections, fully, have caused me to delay, longer than I wished, the answers to the questions, with which you honored me, and I hope will excuse the delay. The...
Answers to Questions proposed by The President of the United States to the Secretary of the Treasury. Question the first “What should be the answer of the Executive of the United States to Lord Dorchester, in case he should apply for permission to march troops through the territory of said States from Detroit to the Mississippi?” Answer In order to a right judgment of what ought to be done in...
[ New York, September 16, 1790. On September 23, 1790, Nathaniel Appleton wrote to Hamilton : “I recd. your circular Letter of 16th Inst.” Circular not found. ]
Boston, September 17, 1790. “Your private letter of the 10th came by the post the last evening. I find by the collection act which authorizes the building ten cutters … the President is limited to ten thousand dollars. You will permit me to observe that although ten thousand dollars may be a fund sufficient to build ten boats or cutters of a size which may with safety act in the different part...
The case of the Brig Happy Return as stated in your letter of 19th. July has lain over some time for consideration. If the owners prove to your satisfaction that the goods imported are all as they allege of the produce or manufacture of the United States, no duty is now to be paid as the new collection law gives relief to the owners of such articles brought back. You will examine however...
I have the honor respectfully to inform you that on the 15th. inst: your Commission to William Winn as Surveyor of the port of Winton in N. Carolina was brought to my Office by a gentleman from that State. Conceiving it an irregular mode of procedure in a case of that nature, I have written to Mr. Winn a letter of which the enclosed is a copy. In the mean time I have deemed it my duty to lay...
Your letter dated the 3d. inst. inclosing a Copy of the instructions you have forwarded to Mr. Short, came to my hands by the mail of Wednesday. The appointment of that gentleman to negotiate the Loans in Holland, and the Instructions you have given for his government, meet my approbation. The first as no inconvenience it is conceived will result from his absence from Paris, is a measure of...
Mr. Justin Foote has delivered at this Office a Commission from the President of the United States, vesting you with the office of Surveyor of the Port of Winton in North Carolina. This Gentleman informed me that he was not charged with any letter of resignation from you, but stated the substance of your verbal communication to him at the time. Passing over the obligation of every good...
[ New York, September 20, 1790. The endorsement in Hamilton’s writing on the letter which Barton wrote to Hamilton on August 9, 1790 , reads: “From Mr Barton acknowleged Sepr 20. 90.” Letter not found. ] Barton was surveyor at Providence.
[ Philadelphia, September 20, 1790. On September 24, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Delany : “I have received your letter of the 20th instant.” Letter not found. ] Delany was collector of customs at Philadelphia.
[ Penobscot, District of Maine, September 20, 1790. On November 13, 1790, Hamilton wrote to David Sewall : “The day before yesterday a letter from the Collector of Penobscot of the 20th. of September … came to hand.” Letter not found. ] Sewall was judge for the District of Maine.
In answer to your letter of the 10th. instt. relative to the establishment of the boats or Cutters for the protection of the revenue, I have to observe, That, if there appears to exist a necessity for equipping the whole number therein mentioned, the arrangement for building and stationing them, seems judicious, and is to me perfectly satisfactory. It is my wish that your Enquiries, respecting...
Doctor Craigie has communicated to me, a letter from Mr. Daniel Parker to him, dated, London the 12th of July, which mentions that he had just seen Mr. De Miranda, who had recently conversed with the Marquis Del Campo, from whom he had learnt that the Court of Spain had acceded to our right of navigating the Mississippi. Col: Smith has also read to me a passage out of another letter of the 6th...
New London [ Connecticut ] September 22, 1790 . “Mr Nathaniel Richards will contract to supply the Light House at this Port, for one year from the first of October next with Oil, Wick, Candles & Soap … for 380 Dollars.… I have agreed to give Daniel Harris for tending the Light 80 dollars ⅌ year.…” ALS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “C,” Connecticut and New York, National Archives....
[ New York, September 23, 1790. On September 29, 1790, Appleton wrote to Hamilton : “I am favoured with yours of 23d Inst.” Letter not found. ]
[ Boston ] September 23, 1790 . “I recd. your circular Letter of 16th Inst. enclosing the various Forms prescribed for transacting the bussiness assigned to this Office.… I shall take the liberty to request the favour of your answers to the following Queries: Wether Warrants upon the Treasurer for Indents are to be taken up by the Loan Officers? Wether the Old Emission Money is to be...
Savannah, September 23, 1790. Encloses weekly returns. Recommends Captain Hendrick Fisher to command a revenue cutter. ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Habersham was collector of customs at Savannah.
Boston, September 23, 1790. “The repair of the Light-Houses on Plumb Island are now finished & the accounts have been presented for settlement; they correspond with the agreement I made saving the Painter’s bill—that I reported to you would be seven pounds fourteen shillings: the painters have charged sixteen pounds odd; the mistake arises in this way; they estimated the expence of painting it...
[ New York ] September 23, 1790 . “I duly received your letter of the 30th Ultimo.… I have no objection to the two Gentlemen, whom you mention as your Securities, but I have on consideration of the Magnitude of the trust, thought it prudent to require three Bondsmen in several of the principal Loan Offices, of which that of Pennsylvania is one.…” LS , Historical Society of Pennsylvania,...
Some very important objects in the business of the next sessions of the Legislature will render the early transmission of the several quarterly returns and accounts that will be due the 30th. instant indispensibly necessary. The early receipt of these papers is not only requisite for some extraordinary purposes of this Department, but information drawn from them will be particularly desired by...
I have received your letter of the 20th instant, enclosing one to you from Mr. William Bell of the same date. The Certificate mentioned in the latter was not found in your inclosure. I am always disposed to exercise the discretion that may be vested in me by the laws for the reasonable benefit of the fair trader in cases and under circumstances that admit of relief from me. Considerable...
Treasury Department, September 24, 1790. “In this enclosure you will find ⟨a⟩ letter for you transmitted to me by the collector of Providence. You will find also a copy of my answer to the letter which covered that to you. I request from you an account of the Cargo which the Nancy carried from Alexandria to Providence.…” LS , RG 56, Letters to and from the Collector at Alexandria, National...
I have received your letter containing a state of Facts in the case of the Cargo of the Sloop Nancy seized by the Collector of Alexandria. The Coasting Act renders it the duty of the Collectors to seize all Goods not contained in the Manifests of Vessels trading between two Districts in States that do not adjoin. Mr Lee therefo⟨re⟩ appears merely to have obeyed the injunctions of the...