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Results 28561-28590 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’homme est né pour l’homme c’est une verité inconnüe a bien des Gens, et qui Vous, Monsieur, savez la pratiquer. Je suis un Italien, vous etes Ameriquain: ces sont deux lieux bien opposés; mais tous ceux qui cultivent les Lettres sont Paysans, et Amis. Il y á un Monde pour eux tout particulier. J’ai travaillé toute ma vie sur les observations, qu’un homme...
Jai eu l’honneur de vous ecrire en date du 10. aout pour vous annoncer le malheur que j’ai eu de perdre mon pere . depuis lors j’ai reçu vos honorables lettres , & jai acheminé a nice celles que vous m’aves adressé pour expedièr. Jai aussi reçu de la part de M r John Vaughan un effet Sur paris de ƒ 1312.50—Cequi Servira a effectuer vos commissions. N’etant pas trop au fait de Ces Sortes...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous annoncer une perte irreparable que nous venons de faire dans la personne de m. Etienne Cathalan Consul des Etats unis d’Amerique ; une mort prematurée a la suite d’une tres courte maladie, vient de nous enlèver, un tendre pere & un Epoux cheri; nous avons besoin des grands Secours du Ciel, pour pouvoir Suporter notre vive, & Juste douleur. feu m. Et. Cathalan avoit...
J’ai lhonneur de vous confirmer mes lettres qui vous accusoient la reception de la remise Sur paris de ƒ1312.50—que m Vaughan m’a adressé pour V e C te destinés a faire des empletes en Vins. Jai chargé de vos commissions M. Julius oliver qui vous en a ecrit , en vous en adressant partie. M. Sasserno a adresse les vins que vous lui demandez a m J. Dodge , qui doit vous les avoir expediés. Je...
Depuis notre derniere du 10 cnt dont cy dessus copie, nous avons reçu par une lettre de m. Jn Vaughan de philadelphie , une remise pour votre compte de ƒ1312–50 ƒc payable dans Paris a 60 Jours de vue dont votre compte Sera dechargé apres l’encaissement. nous vous confirmons notre priere de nous etre favorable pour nous procurer la rentrée de ce qui etoit du par le gouvernement a feu m. Et....
I had the honor of acknowledging you receipt of your Kind respected favor of the 20th. Novr. last—This is to inclose you a Copy of a Letter from Mr. Jourdan & fils of Tain, in answer to mine about the wines of hermitage, to which I beg your reference—I am Sending a Copy of the Same to Senator P. Butler for his Government, as I cannot procure him white virgin wine, before next winter & in the...
on the 1st. Inst. I was honored with your most Gracious Favor of the 7th. Last February, which became a day of Joy & happiness for me and all my Family; When I had perused it’s Contents, I assembled them all in my old Father’s Bed room, & charged my Daughter to read and make a faith full Translation of it to him, to my Mother, & wife; Since She has spent Three years at the English nuns, Rue...
I Beg you to excuse me for my interrupting you of the important affairs, which employs your whole time for the happiness, & welfare of your Country, in your high Station as President, to deposit in your Bosom, what I have experienced lately from one Wm. Baker of Boston, who is so much concerned in the forged Sea papers of the Ship Pomona, Captn. Ths. Lewis was Supplied, with at Barcelona in...
I had the honor of Paying my Respects on the 31st. May Last, in answer to your much respected favor of the 7th. Feby. Last; remitting you Bill of Lading & the Invoice of Sundries Shipped by your order & for your account on the american Brig fair american John Spear Master bound for Boston; hereunto Inclosed you will find a Bill of Lading for the Same, with another one for one chest Conting. 50...
20 September 1801, Marseilles. Transmits via Bordeaux a packet of dispatches from Cathcart, now at Leghorn, who reports the action of U.S. schooner Enterprize in taking a Tripolitan polacre. Believes this has caused the pasha to doubt wisdom of declaring war on U.S. and hopes squadron under Commodore Dale’s command will soon give him “other Instances of Mortification to the great honour of the...
18 August 1803, Marseilles . Wrote last on 13 and 21 July [not found]. Informs JM that he has received his exequatur, “Signed by the first Consul at Brussells on the 3d Thermidor (22d. July ulto.) as p. Copy here inclosed.” Assures JM he “Will Continue in the Strict Performance” of his duties “and in the Execution of the laws” of the U.S. In a postscript asks JM to deliver the enclosed to the...
I have the honor of Confirming you my Letters of the 27th. May & 9th. June last. On the 1st. inst: I have duly received your Circular Letter to the Consuls &ca. of the U. States with a Copy of the Laws of the Session of Congress, Preceeding the Last, also a Copy of the Act Supplementary to the Act Concerning Consuls &ca. and for the further protection of American Seamen to which I have paid...
28 March 1804, Marseilles. Received a duplicate of JM’s 9 Apr. 1803 letter and his 1 Oct. 1803 circular with a copy of the laws passed at the last session of Congress together with comptroller Gabriel Duvall’s remarks. Also received a 12 Dec. 1803 letter from Duvall “with one new Register and the reference to the Secret Marks which I Carefully Keep by myself for the Verification of those that...
22 August 1801, Marseilles . Announces that Captain Bainbridge in the Essex arrived on 29 July. Since the ship had been at Gibraltar and had met vessels at sea, it would have been quarantined for fifteen days; consequently, Bainbridge left immediately for Barcelona, taking with him the Martha , the only vessel ready to sail under his convoy. They arrived at Barcelona on 1 Aug. and departed on...
19 March 1803, Marseilles. Last wrote on 10 Dec. 1802. Has since received JM’s circular relating to expenditures for the relief of seamen and will attend to it. Observes with pleasure from the president’s address to Congress that more effectual means will be provided for returning seamen to the U.S. Many are discharged in foreign ports by mutual consent or are called deserters in an attempt to...
10 April 1801, Marseilles Transmits copy of his 8 Apr. letter, sent to Barnet to forward. Also transmits, through Mountflorence, another packet from Tunis. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Marseilles, vol. 1). 2 pp.; docketed by Wagner. A full transcription of this document has been added to the digital edition.
13 August 1802, Marseilles. His last was of 2 July. Reports arrival on 4 Aug. of the U.S. frigate Boston under Capt. Daniel McNeill, “who sailed with 4 american Merchantmen under his Protection on the 6th. ditto for Barcelona, Alicant &ca. down the Streights.” Received on the same day a packet of dispatches for JM from Cathcart, which he sent to Robert R. Livingston to be forwarded. Transmits...
10 December 1802, Marseilles. Encloses copies of “official Letters” from the U.S. consuls at Tunis and Algiers. “Such Copies I Send to our Consuls on The Coast of Spain. The Letter from Tunis reached me Via Leghorn but This Moment I receive one direct from Consul Willm. Eaton of The 16th. ulto. with a Packett to your address wh. I Forward by This Mail according to his directions under Cover of...
13 July 1803, Marseilles . Confirms his last letters of 27 May and 9 June . Received JM’s circular letter on 1 June, with a copy of the last session’s laws and “a Copy of the Act Supplementary to the Act Concerning Consuls &ca. and for the further protection of American Seamen.” Has “paid due attention” to the last: “I hope … we will not See in future Such a number who after having been...
With my last Respects of the 20th. Inst. I had the honor of forwarding you via Bordeaux one Packet of Dispatches from Consul James Lear. Cathcart Esqr. Yesterday I was honored with your Letters (Duplicates via Bordeaux) of the 7th. and 14th. last July, Inclosing me the New Commission of the 8th. do. Signed by the honorable President of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson Esqr. Sealed...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last Respects of the 15 th Ult o by the Brig Pilot of Philad a Alex er Dixon Master, beared of one Case Cont ing 50 Bottles White hermitage wine & one Box Maccaroni to be Consigned to the Collector of the District of that City,
I have the honour of Confirming you my last respects of the 14th. June Last. On the 29. July last anchored in this Road The United States Freegate Essex Commander William Bambridge Esqre. at 10 o Clock in the Morning. As She had been at Gibraltar and had meeted with Some Vessels at sea, This Health–office could not Give her free pratik but after a quarantine of 15 days, which determined The...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last Respects of the 13th. & 21st. July ulto. This is to advise you that I have received my Exequatur Signed by the first Consul at Brussells on the 3d. Thermidor (22d. July ulto.) as pr. Copy here inclosed. I am, Then at last duly acknowledged by this Government as Commercial Agent of the U. States; I beg you to be Assured that I Will Continue in the...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last of the 2d. ulto. inclosing a State of the American Vessels Entered and Cleared out from this district to the 30th. last June with a General account of my disbursements on account of the United States Government down to That day amounting to Frcs. 900. On the 4th. inst. arrived in this Road the Und. States Fregate Boston under the Command of Danl....
I have the honour of annexing a copy of my Last Respects of the 8th. Inst.; that Letter with the therein mentioned, dispatches, I have Sent to Consul Isaac Cox Barnett Esqr. at Bordeaux, with direction of forwarding the Same to Snt. Sebastian or any other ports on the Western Coast of Spain, where may be american Vessels ready to Sail for the united States, & Should he be Certain that the war...
5 September 1801, Marseilles. Encloses copy of letter from Swedish agent at Marseilles announcing that the king of Sweden has ordered American merchant ships to be admitted to Swedish naval convoys in the Mediterranean, “as he is engaged in a Common Cause with the United States against Tripoly.” Since American reciprocity is to be expected, Cathalan is sending copies of the letter to U.S....
I beg leave to reffer you to the contents of the letter, I addressed on this day to the Secretary of States, James Monroe Esq r in which I request him to Lay it before you; You will be pleased to observe that I claim against the unprecedented exceptions he has instructed H Ex y Will. H Crawford to reject from my Statment of disbursment & acc t Current with the U.S. in reimbursing me of my...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last Respects of the 14th. June & 22d. August last. I now beg your reference to the here annexed Copy of a letter from the Agent General of Sweed in this port, to me, by which you will observe that his Majesty the King of Sweeden has ordered that the Merchant Vessels of the United States Shall be admitted under Convoy of his men of War in the...
27 May 1803, Marseilles . Wrote last on 19 Mar. enclosing his accounts with the U.S., a bill for postage from 2 July 1802 amounting to Fr 109.8, and dispatches for JM from O’Brien and Eaton. Encloses a packet from Eaton. On 15 May received a copy of Gallatin’s circular of 23 Mar. with a copy of section 9 of the law passed 28 Feb., which he has had published in the newspaper as requested. Hopes...
I have the honor of Confirming you my Respects of the 19th. last March, inclosing you the Vouchers of my disbursements on the Account of the United States, With a new bill for postages from the 2d. July 1802 to that day amounting to ƒ109.8, also dispatches from our Consuls at Algiers & at Tunis directed to you. You will find herein inclosed a packett for you, Sir, from our Consul at Tunis. On...