Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from the Board of Trade, 22 March 1780

From the Board of Trade

[Williamsburg] 22 Mch. 1780. There is little prospect of procuring supplies absolutely necessary for the army in the state. It is proposed to send a trustworthy person, John Moss, to Philadelphia with tobacco notes in the amount of 300 hhds. to purchase supplies there. Signed by Ambler and Rose. Countersigned: “Mar. 22. 1780. Approved. Th: Jefferson.”

RC (CSmH), 1 p.; Tr in Board of Trade Journal (Vi), printed in Official Letters description begins Official Letters of the Governors of the State of Virginia, ed. H. R. McIlwaine description ends , ii, 112.

On the same day that the above letter was written and approved the Board of Trade ordered “that Mr. John Moss be requested to attend the Board on Saturday next to propose his terms if he will undertake the business” (Board of Trade Journal, above). There was evidently a subsequent letter from the Board of Trade to TJ, reporting the result of the conference with Moss, which has not been located (see TJ to Board of Trade, 25 Mch. 1780). On 1 Apr. the Board ordered that a letter of instructions be written to Moss and that another be sent to the Virginia delegates in Congress requesting them to aid him in his purchases for the state.

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