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Results 28551-28600 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is to give you notice, that at my arrivel in this...
ALS : Library of Congress To prevent your trouble in writing over the Memorial in vain, I thought...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The pamphlets I was to send you, as we agreed, were broght...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having wrote to you several times, giving information of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having reciev’d no answer to several letters that I have...
I had the honor to recieve your favor of the 28th March, some few days past. A Quantity of the...
The General Assembly in may last directed a French Regiment to be raised in this State for the...
I have the Honor to Inclose you a Resolve of the General Assembly of this State, respecting the...
The bearer Mr Charles Forbes was not long since an Ensign in the British Service, had taken some...
I had the Honor of receiving your Excellencys Favors of the 25th & 29. December last, the former...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’homme est né pour l’homme c’est une verité inconnüe a bien...
Jai eu l’honneur de vous ecrire en date du 10. aout pour vous annoncer le malheur que j’ai eu de...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous annoncer une perte irreparable que nous venons de faire dans la...
J’ai lhonneur de vous confirmer mes lettres qui vous accusoient la reception de la remise Sur...
Depuis notre derniere du 10 cnt dont cy dessus copie, nous avons reçu par une lettre de m. Jn...
I had the honor of acknowledging you receipt of your Kind respected favor of the 20th. Novr....
on the 1st. Inst. I was honored with your most Gracious Favor of the 7th. Last February, which...
I Beg you to excuse me for my interrupting you of the important affairs, which employs your whole...
I had the honor of Paying my Respects on the 31st. May Last, in answer to your much respected...
20 September 1801, Marseilles. Transmits via Bordeaux a packet of dispatches from Cathcart, now...
18 August 1803, Marseilles . Wrote last on 13 and 21 July [not found]. Informs JM that he has...
I have the honor of Confirming you my Letters of the 27th. May & 9th. June last. On the 1st....
28 March 1804, Marseilles. Received a duplicate of JM’s 9 Apr. 1803 letter and his 1 Oct. 1803...
22 August 1801, Marseilles . Announces that Captain Bainbridge in the Essex arrived on 29 July....
19 March 1803, Marseilles. Last wrote on 10 Dec. 1802. Has since received JM’s circular relating...
10 April 1801, Marseilles Transmits copy of his 8 Apr. letter, sent to Barnet to forward. Also...
13 August 1802, Marseilles. His last was of 2 July. Reports arrival on 4 Aug. of the U.S. frigate...
10 December 1802, Marseilles. Encloses copies of “official Letters” from the U.S. consuls at...
13 July 1803, Marseilles . Confirms his last letters of 27 May and 9 June . Received JM’s...
With my last Respects of the 20th. Inst. I had the honor of forwarding you via Bordeaux one...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last Respects of the 15 th Ult o by the Brig Pilot of...
I have the honour of Confirming you my last respects of the 14th. June Last. On the 29. July last...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last Respects of the 13th. & 21st. July ulto. This is to...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last of the 2d. ulto. inclosing a State of the American...
I have the honour of annexing a copy of my Last Respects of the 8th. Inst.; that Letter with the...
5 September 1801, Marseilles. Encloses copy of letter from Swedish agent at Marseilles announcing...
I beg leave to reffer you to the contents of the letter, I addressed on this day to the Secretary...
I have the honor of Confirming you my last Respects of the 14th. June & 22d. August last. I now...
27 May 1803, Marseilles . Wrote last on 19 Mar. enclosing his accounts with the U.S., a bill for...
I have the honor of Confirming you my Respects of the 19th. last March, inclosing you the...
By my last Respects of the 8th. & 10th. Last April, I had the honour of transmiting you three...
I hope my Letter of the 14 th october 1807 with the Provisions by the Ship Fabius , reached you...
I paid you my Respects on the 13th. ulto. Viâ Bordeaux. On the 15th. do. The French Commissary,...
9 June 1803, Marseilles . Last wrote on 27 May by way of Cette, enclosing a letter for the...
I have the honour of Confirming you my last Respects of the 5th. Inst. via Bordeaux, & Copy via...
I had the honor of paying you my Respects on the 27th. ulto. Viã Cette, Inclosing a letter for...
8 April 1801, Marseilles Forwards two packets of dispatches from U.S. consul at Tunis by the Anna...
10 June 1802, Marseilles. Mentions that he will soon send a statement of the American ships that...
I have the honour of Inclosing you two Packetts of Dispatches I have received from the american...
I have The honor to beg your reference to The inclosed Copies of official Letters I have receiv’d...