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Results 28551-28600 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Copy: Library of Congress “A Man came to tell me he has invented a Machine, which would go of...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] May 12, 1794 . “I have received your letter of the 25th. of April in...
Since my last nothing material has occurred. The Indiana Company some days ago preferred a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The friendship you showd me in transacting the Debt that was...
Your Letter of the 18th May has been duly received, and I learn from it, that you have purchased...
I recieved last night your fav or of the 7 th and in it the following certificates of stock in...
I have received, Letters from my Family at St. Petersbourg, at two Several Times, under the Seal...
AL (fragment): Historical Society of Pennsylvania [ First part missing ] Franklyn for the Favor...
[ Williamsburg ] 22 Mch. 1780 . There is little prospect of procuring supplies absolutely...
I feel a reluctance in addressing myself to you, which the knowledge of your character will...
I am favd with yours of the 10th inclosing a letter from Colo. Butler, whose presence I hope will...
The Marquiss de la fayette handed me your favour of the 14: Instant which woud have been sooner...
Notwithstanding Mr Lear is already known to you, I cannot suffer him to depart without this...
Duplicate Your favor of the 24th of March written in Cypher, never got to my hands until the 10th...
I do myself the honor to transmit herewith a copy of two “Discourses on Suicide,” lately...
A short time before the receipt of your letter of the 4 th. of Nov r: I had written to you &...
Your excellency will, I hope, readily believe, that I most cheerfully obey the commands of my...
If the Troops at this Post can be prevailed upon to defend it as they should do, it must cost...
Inclosed I send you Excellency the Arrangement of the Officers of the Delaware Battalion under my...
Not knowing who is the Chairman of the Faculty for the present year, I must return the inclosed...
Having had under consideration the letter of the Director of the mint of this day’s date, I...
Your favour of the 29th. Ultimo has been duly received, and the proposition which it contains, I...
I received your favor of the 1st: instant, covering one for Colo. M. which I shall forward to...
The House of Representatives concur in the bill sent from the Senate, entitled “An act to...
28575[Diary entry: 28 May 1774] (Washington Papers)
28. Dined at Mrs. Campbells & Spent the Evening at my Lodgings.
Je me faisois une grande feste, samedy dernier, D’avoir Ihonneur de vous voir, de diner avec vous...
The Collector of New York has informed me, that the witnesses in Capt. Whitbey’s case are ready...
Copy: Library of Congress Your other Swedish Prize is retaken and carried into England, as we...
21 October 1802, Cambridge. Regrets calling JM’s attention from official duties to a private...
AL (draft) or copy: Carrow Thibault, (Ardmore, Pa. 1955) On the Seventh of this presant Septr....
¶ From Martin Van Buren. Letter not found. 5 March 1816. Offered for sale in American Art...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Izard’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and returns him the...
I was last evening Honored by your two favs. 12th & 15th. the former, respected the inclosed Bill...
28584[Diary entry: 14 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
14. Mr. B. Fairfax & myself went a huntg. Started a Fox & run it into a hole but did not catch it.
The Board have recieved a Letter from Col. Rawlins Commissary of Prisoners at Fort Frederick in...
[ New York ] May 8, 1786 . Requests “the honor of seeing” Hamilton “in the course of this day.”...
Permit me once more to give you the trouble of forwarding the enclosed letters to their...
I received on Saturday your favor of the 25—had before received the copy of your oration, which...
[ Philadelphia, July 26, 1792. On August 6, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your …...
I duly received your favor of April 9 & am much gratified with that affectionate attachment,...
In reply to your letter of this date, the President of the United States directs me to inform...
You will see by the inclosed letter to Lord Stirling, which you will be pleased to deliver him,...
The last letter which I had the honor to write to you was dated on the 10th instant. Since which...
I wrote you last on the 7th. since which yours of the 3d. is recieved. Your next (which I shall...
your favor of the 10th. inst. has been duly recieved. amidst the direct falsehoods, the...
The undersigned merchants of the town of Boston, having been informed that the appointment of a...
La Poste, qui part à 5 heures aujourd’hui, & un mal de reins violent, m’obligent de renvoyer la...
I have received your Excellencys Letter of the 23 November inclosing one to Sir Guy Carleton...
I have this moment receiv’d your favor of Yesterday, & hope General Varnum with the Detachment...
I did not know till this moment that the manifests for my tobo. [passed] at Milton the last...