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Results 28551-28560 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I recd yours of the 26th March inclosing an elegant draft of part of Hudsons River. If your Affairs are in such a situation that they will admit of your attendance upon the Army I shall be glad to see you as soon as possible. Capt. Scull, who is intended for one of your Assistants, has been for some time employed in surveying the Country adjacent to the Camp. I am Sir Yr most obt Servt. Df ,...
I recd yours of yesterday inclosing the proceedings of a Court Martial against sundry inhabitants for supplying the Enemy with provision, and a Return of your Brigade. When you have gone thro’ the trials of the whole, I would recommend it to you to send such, as you think dangerous and who would join the Enemy if released, to the president, with a desire to confine them or put them to labour...
I have the honor of yours of the 4th instant. If Capt. Arnold makes so many difficulties before he comes into the feild he will perhaps find more after he has entered, and I therefore would rather have him drop the Scheme than take it up unwillingly. Mr Boudinot is at present at Newtown with the Commissioners, but I will send him that part of your letter which respects the illicit trade...
In Answer to your Excellency’s favour of the 9th with which I am just now honoured; if Moss should be convicted, I will, on account of his having been employed by the military, interpose my offices to procure his pardon, but I am greatly mistaken indeed if he is not one of the most consummate Villains that ever was born, & this moment employed as a Spy for the Enemy—I suspect him particularly...
I have your favr of the 6th Yours to Colo. Hamilton a few days before came also to hand. Your Return of the Cavalry is really vexatious, but what can be expected when Officers prefer their own ease and emolument to the good of their Country or to the care and attention which they are in duty bound to pay to the particular Corps they command. In every service but ours, the Winter is spent in...
I recd yours of Yesterday. As you seem to think you have been treated in an unusual manner, I will give you my reasons for ordering Colo. Scammel to act as he has done. You had been repeatedly reported by Brig. Genl Scott as absent without leave and even when present inattentive to your Duty I therefore had you arrested, upon your arrival in Camp, that you might answer these charges. Finding...
I have been favored with yours of the 10th Feby & 12th March to which I should have replied sooner had I not been taking some steps to inquire whether the rank of Colo. of Engineers conferred upon you August 12th 1776 would entitle you to take rank in the Massachusets line as from that time. I am inclined to think it would give great dissatisfaction to those Colonels who were elder Lieut....
I do myself the honor to inclose you a Resolve of Congress of the 4th instant empowering me to call for 5000 Militia from the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. Much as the Army stands in need of Reinforcements, I would not wish to call upon the States for their Militia in great numbers before there is an absolute necessity. I shall therefore only make a demand at present from...
285591778 April 12. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
The Attention to me, which has been shewn, from my first Landing in France, at Bourdeaux, by the People in Authority of all Ranks and by the principal Merchants, and since my Arrival in Paris by the Ministers of State, and others of the first Consideration has been very remarkable, and bodes well to our Country. It shews in what Estimation the new Alliance with America is held. On Fryday last,...
28560[April 12. Sunday.] (Adams Papers)
April 12. Sunday. In the Course of the last Week, particularly on fryday, I was visited by a Number of American Gentlemen. Sir James Jay of New York, Brother of the then Chief Justice, who has since been President of Congress, Governor of the State, Ambassador abroad and Chief Justice of the United States, but is now in 1806 like so many others of our first and best Men in the Post of honor a...