James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Henry D. Gilpin, 14 January 1828

To Henry D. Gilpin

Montpellier Jany. 14. 1828

Dear Sir

Recollecting that there must have been associates in the biographical commemoration of the act of Independence, some of whom at least, may not share in the partiality which suggested my name for the use proposed in your letter of the 4th. inst: that consideration added to the one conveyed in my answer, induces me to request that, if an inscription of the work going to the Press be intended, some other object for such a mark of respect, may be preferred.

I beg you to be assured, Sir, that in this further view of the subject, I retain without diminution, my sense of the friendly motives, for which I repeat my acknowledgments, with a renewed offer of my cordial salutations.

James Madison

RC (PHi: Henry D. Gilpin Papers); draft (DLC).

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