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Results 28531-28560 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
28531 Parke, John Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel John … 1778-04-10 I was Yesterday at Head Quarters, with an Intention of laying my Situatiation before your...
28532 Washington, George Ryan, Michael From George Washington to Major Michael Ryan, 10 April … 1778-04-10 I recd yours of Yesterday. You know very well that by the Rules of the Army which have been and...
28533 Washington, George St. Clair, Arthur From George Washington to Major General Arthur St. … 1778-04-10 Majr Schull leaving Camp without giving me a second oppertunity of speaking to him, prevented...
28534 Shreve, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Israel Shreve, 10 … 1778-04-10 two Day ago, by Express, I was inform’d the Enemy that Landed at Squan, Burnt the Buildings,...
28535 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Thomas Wharton, Jr., 10 April … 1778-04-10 I have the honor of yours of the 6th inclosing a passport for the Waggons with Stores for the...
28536 Bancroft, Edward Franklin, Benjamin [Edward Bancroft] to [Franklin and John Adams], [before … 1778-04-11 Two copies and transcript: National Archives In early 1778 Silas Deane and his friend Edward...
28537 Adams, John April 11. Saturday. 1778-04-11 Went to Versailles, with Dr. Franklin and Mr. Lee—waited on the Count De Vergennes, the Secretary...
28538 Adams, John [April 11. Saturday 1778.] 1778-04-11 April 11. Saturday 1778. Went to Versailles with Dr. Franklin and Mr. Lee, visited the Secretary...
28539 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 11 April … 1778-04-11 I Now Sit Down to inform You That I have Safely arrived at Paris which we Did on Wednesday...
28540 Tucker, Samuel First Joint Commission at Paris Samuel Tucker to the Commissioners, 11 April 1778 1778-04-11 These may serve to inform your Honours of my present Situation, and how far advance’d, in...
28541 O’Hara, Charles Grayson, William Colonels Charles O’Hara and Humphrey Stephens, and … 1778-04-11 The Commissioners appointed by His Excellency Sir William Howe to take into Consideration all...
28542 Grayson, William O’Hara, Charles Colonel William Grayson, Lieutenant Colonels Robert … 1778-04-11 The Commissioners, appointed by His Excellency General Washington, “to confer, determine and...
28543 Tucker, Samuel American Commissioners Samuel Tucker to the American Commissioners, 11 April … 1778-04-11 ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <On board the Boston , Bordeaux, April 11, 1778: I shall...
28544 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de American Commissioners Vergennes to the American Commissioners, 11 April 1778 1778-04-11 ALS : Harvard University Library J’ai recû, Messieurs, La lettre d’hier que vous m’avés fait...
28545 Alagnac, —— d’ Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— d’Alagnac, 11 April 1778 … 1778-04-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Clermont-Ferrand in Auvergne, April 11, 1778, in French: I...
28546 Hutton, James Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from James Hutton, 11 April 1778 1778-04-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this is a Mr. D’Aguiton of Geneva, a very...
28547 Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Le Roy, [11 April 1778] 1778-04-11 AL : American Philosophical Society J’ai appris Mon Illustre confrère que M. Adams est arrivé la...
28548 Washington, George General Orders, 11 April 1778 1778-04-11 The Commander in Chief earnestly calls on all officers to pay the strictest attention to the...
28549 Barry, John Washington, George To George Washington from Captain John Barry, 11 April … 1778-04-11 I send by the bearer the things I have Purchased for Your Excellency, It wood have gave me grate...
28550 Washington, George Continental Navy Board From George Washington to the Continental Navy Board … 1778-04-11 I am favd with yours of the 31st ulto. All the Articles which you send over are to be directed to...
28551 Washington, George Erskine, Robert From George Washington to Robert Erskine, 11 April 1778 1778-04-11 I recd yours of the 26th March inclosing an elegant draft of part of Hudsons River. If your...
28552 Washington, George Lacey, John Jr. From George Washington to Brigadier General John Lacey … 1778-04-11 I recd yours of yesterday inclosing the proceedings of a Court Martial against sundry inhabitants...
28553 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 11 April … 1778-04-11 I have the honor of yours of the 4th instant. If Capt. Arnold makes so many difficulties before...
28554 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 11 April … 1778-04-11 In Answer to your Excellency’s favour of the 9th with which I am just now honoured; if Moss...
28555 Washington, George Moylan, Stephen From George Washington to Colonel Stephen Moylan, 11 … 1778-04-11 I have your favr of the 6th Yours to Colo. Hamilton a few days before came also to hand. Your...
28556 Washington, George Parke, John From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel John … 1778-04-11 I recd yours of Yesterday. As you seem to think you have been treated in an unusual manner, I...
28557 Washington, George Putnam, Rufus From George Washington to Colonel Rufus Putnam, 11 … 1778-04-11 I have been favored with yours of the 10th Feby & 12th March to which I should have replied...
28558 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Thomas Wharton, Jr., 11 April … 1778-04-11 I do myself the honor to inclose you a Resolve of Congress of the 4th instant empowering me to...
28559 Adams, John 1778 April 12. Sunday. 1778-04-12 The Attention to me, which has been shewn, from my first Landing in France, at Bourdeaux, by the...
28560 Adams, John [April 12. Sunday.] 1778-04-12 April 12. Sunday. In the Course of the last Week, particularly on fryday, I was visited by a...