James Madison Papers

James Madison to George W. Featherstonhaugh, 7 January 1830

Richmond Jany. 7. 1830

Dear Sir

I have recd. your’s of the 3d. instant. A regard for consistency does not permit me to take the Step you wish in behalf of your Son’s views towards Westpoint. But I can not withold an expression of the pleasure I feel at the testimony borne by his Preceptor to his talents & worth. And the pleasure is enhanced by his relation to an old and intimate friend, whose able & patriotic labours I had opportunities of witnessing in the Old Congress, during a most trying period of the Revolution.

I take this occasion of thanking you, Sir, for the copy of your Translation of Cicero’s Republic. Not having seen the original, I can not speak of the particular merits of the translation. The work itself, tho’ sufficiently Ciceronian in its character, does not, as was not indeed to be expected, enlighten, much the Experienced Architects of Modern Republics.

I hope you will adhere to your purpose of a Geological excursion into our quarter; which will give me an opportunity of repeating at Montpellier assurances of the cordial respect, which I now pray you to accept.

James Madison

Printed facsimile in Superior Galleries’ Manuscript Auction Catalog, 15 Oct. 1991, item 1494.

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