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Results 2851-2900 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
So many months are past Since I received a Single line from Massachusetts—in former days I was...
Y r fav r of the 31 st Ult. address d to our M r H. was rec d in due Course M r Hilliard left for...
being very disirous of obtaining some Information relative to the University of Virginia I have...
The undersigned Commissioners, appointed “to select a proper site in the District of Columbia, on...
Your favor of May 31 came safely to hand, covering one from Mess rs Taylor & others a commee of...
I have for some time entertained the hope that your affairs being once wound up, your mind would...
I recieve, Gentlemen, with great thankfulness the Medals you have been pleased to send me,...
To the Committee of arrangement of the Corporn of the city of N.Y. I have to acknolege Gentleman...
I take the liberty to forward to you a copy of a communication to the American Academy on the...
Your letter of the 3d Instant, written on behalf of the Committee of Arrangements, for the...
I regret that it is not in my power to give you the information which you desire. I perceive the...
The subject of your letter of May 20. has attracted more notice certainly than it merited. that...
Your letter of the 26th: Ulto. in answer to mine of the 21st: came to hand on the 1st: Instant;...
A word to you, my dearest Ellen, under the cover of mr Coolidge’s letter. I address you the less...
I forwarded to shadwell mills, a day or two since, a keg of Tongues & sounds, & a package of dumb...
You have heretofore known that the ability of the University to meet the necessary expences of a...
Instructions for the government of the Artist in making the Clock for the University of Virginia....
With the profoundest reverence of respect, it has again fallen to my happy lot, in behalf of the...
With the profoundest reverence of respect, it has again fallen to my happy lot, in behalf of the...
I have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed communication from a Committee of the...
Your letter of the 22. by Mail was duly recd. Mr. Taylor had not till yesterday an opportunity of...
I have duly received your letter of April 28th. and with it a Medal of Gold, commemorating the...
My last to you was of the 6 th inst. since which yours of the 8 th is come to hand. the 3. cases...
I have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed Communication from a Committee of the...
The ensuing Fourth of July being the Semi=Centenial Anniversary of the Declaration of American...
Know Ye, That in pursuance of the Act of Congress passed on the twentieth day of this present...
yesterdy recd. mdp. yrs. of four […] may closg. df pro. mill. few dys ’fore one from —— shewg....
On mention being made to me. of the contribution of 5. D required from the Students of Chemistry...
Your favor of the 25 th came to hand yesterday, and I shall be happy to recieve you at the time...
The ensuing Fourth of July being the Semi-centenial Anniversary of the Declaration of American...
As you are now relieved from congressional claims upon your time, & attentions, I venture to...
Can you come and breakfast with us tomorrow morning? I have the papers ready for your inspection,...
Your letter with its enclosures reached Newfolk some days ago, while I was absent; or it would...
Estimate for 1826. made May 28. 26. Demands which must be met promptly Resources. D Annuity for...
Feeling apprehensive that you may be putting yourself to inconvenience by an immediate visit upon...
Since the date of my last letter to you I am enabled to add a little informn to that then given....
The freedom of this address to you if it needs any apology, will find it in the extent and depth...
I had postponed a reply to your last two Letters under the expectation of seeing you here. With...
I have read with great satisfaction your letter of the 15 th and most heartily thank you for the...
I have received your polite letter of the 28th. with the Splendid testimonial of the benevolence...
I rejoice that you have arrived safely at Princeton where may your health be perfectly...
Having after much persuasion prevailed upon my Cousin to remain still longer with us, we were...
Having found it impossible to carry into effect the arrangements which you were good enough to...
The Students here, continued in open rebellion till this morning at 10 Clock, when after a very...
It gives me great pleasure to be the medium of conveying to you a gold medal, commemorating the...
Col o Peyton is my correspondent in Richmond, selling and disposing of my crops and holding the...
Albemarle County May 22 nd. 1826. Rec d of Th s Jefferson Esqe his Draft on Co l. B. Peyton of...
W m Harris Jones presents his most respectful Compliments to M r Jefferson, & begs the favour,...
The summer has come upon us very rapidly without giving us any of our usual Spring weather. Some...
When I requested the catalogues from you, I was not the least aware, that the Boxes, in the...