Results 28501-28530 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
28501 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 15 May 1800 1800-05-15 Lieutenant Peyton has this moment informed me that he cannot comply with my order in taking charg...
28502 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 8 April 1800 1800-04-08 I have the honour to inclose to you the Resignation of Lieut. Peter Robinson of the first...
28503 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 30 April 1799 1799-04-30 I have the honour to enclose to you Brigadier General J. Wilkinson’s permission to me to visit my...
28504 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 7 May 1800 1800-05-07 I have the honour to enclose to you the Resignation of Philiman C. Blake 2d Lieutenant in the...
28505 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 1 June 1800 1800-06-01 I have been honoured with yours of the 28th. Ultimo, respecting Lieut Peyton. You are perfectly...
28506 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 13 May 1800 1800-05-13 Lieutenant Blake is fixed in his resolution of resigning his appointment in the first Regt. of...
28507 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 23 November … 1799-11-23 Lieutenant Jacob Wilson who has Just arrived at this Rendezvous, informed me that Capt. Peter...
28508 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 2 April 1800 1800-04-02 John Drayton Enlisted by Lieut. Climson at Dover in the county of Kent, on the 18th. day of...
28509 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 9 May 1800 1800-05-09 I have received your orders of the 7 Inst. respecting my recruits being Sent on to Pittsburgh—and...
28510 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 14 May 1800 1800-05-14 Directions from Colo Ogden DQMG, to James OHara, or his agent, to furnish transportation,...
28511 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 14 November … 1799-11-14 Officers were permitted by a general Order at the westward, when they obtained a furlough to take...
28512 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 28 May 1800 1800-05-28 I have receiv’d your orders to repair to the Harper’s Ferry, which orders I shall immediately...
28513 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 27 January … 1800-01-27 When I obtained your permission to go to Philadelphia last December it was for the purpose of...
28514 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 22 March 1800 1800-03-22 Your order of the 18th. I have this moment received, respecting the assembling my Recruits. I am,...
28515 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 11 November … 1799-11-11 Wilmington, Delaware, November 11, 1799. “… The success of the democratic, alias, disorganizing...
28516 Cass, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cass, 18 October … 1799-10-18 I believe that music would much facilitate the recruiting business in this quarter, am I at...
28517 Cass, Lewis Armstrong, John Lewis Cass to John Armstrong, 25 July 1814 1814-07-25 Agreably to the opinion of Genl. Harrison and myself expressed in our last letter to you, I shall...
28518 Cass, Lewis Crawford, William Harris Lewis Cass to William Harris Crawford, 24 April 1816 1816-04-24 An incident has occurred in our interscourse with the Indians, which renders it necessary for me...
28519 Cass, Lewis Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Lewis Cass to Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 17 … 1823-11-17 I had the honour to receive your letter, with its’ enclosure for Mrs. Boyd, which was immediately...
28520 Cass, Lewis Crawford, William Harris Lewis Cass to William Harris Crawford, 30 July 1816 1816-07-30 The west bank of this River from its mouth for about nine miles is in the possession of the...
28521 Cass, Lewis Jefferson, Thomas Lewis Cass to Thomas Jefferson, 27 June 1821 1821-06-27 your letter of the 31 st ult o reached me by last mail, and I have lost no time in attending to...
28522 Castaing, Pierre Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Castaing, 30 June 1786 1786-06-30 Lorsque Je partis de L’amerique, Il y a pres de deux ans, Monsieur le general Gates M’honnora...
28523 Castaing, Pierre Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Castaing, 29 May 1788 1788-05-29 Paris, 29 May 1788 . Encloses a response from Grand to his appeal for an advance of arrearages...
28524 Castella, {--} {--} Washington, George To George Washington from Castella, 24 July 1793 1793-07-24 Vous avez créé la puissance américaine, et c’est En l’afferminant que vous avez préparé un azile...
28525 Castle, Joy American Commissioners Joy Castle to the American Commissioners, 2 October … 1778-10-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society This May Inform you That I have got My Ship Which I ham Much...
28526 Castle, Joy First Joint Commission at Paris Joy Castle to the Commissioners, 22 June 1778 1778-06-22 Your petitioner is Come from Irland to Bordeaux to procure American papers to procead with a...
28527 Castle, William William Castle: Petition to the American Commissioners … 1778-06-22 DS : American Philosophical Society <[Bordeaux, before June 22, 1778: ] Your petitioner came from...
28528 Castries, Armand-Charles-Augustin de La Croix, duc … Washington, George To George Washington from Armand-Charles-Augustin de La … 1781-05-12 I take the liberty to recommand to your excellency’s care the inclosd letters. they are of the...
28529 Castries, Charles Eugène de La Croix, Marquis de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Castries, 30 December 1785 1785-12-30 La nommée françoise Rippert, Monsieur, reclame une somme de six cent soixante quinze livres , qui...
28530 Castries, Charles Eugène de La Croix, Marquis de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Castries, 12 August 1785 1785-08-12 J’ai reçu, Monsieur, avec la lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 3 de ce mois,...