To James Madison from John Graham, 27 July 1810
From John Graham
Dept of State 27th July 1810
Dear Sir
I am requested by Mr Smith to forward to you the inclosed Papers which I have this Moment received from him.1 He also desires me to say that he accompanies Mrs Smith to Bath, and will be there on Sunday next.
The Memoire of Moreau de Lislet is not in this Dept. I wrote to Mr Rodney for it so far back as the 10th June—at the request of Mr Jefferson and as I have not heared from him in reply, I presume he has sent it to Mr Jefferson. I beg to refer to a Copy of my Letter, inclosed. I do so as I understand the Mail is closing. With the Most Sincere & Respectful attachment I am Sir your most obt Sert
John Graham
RC and enclosure (DLC). RC docketed by JM. Enclosure is a press copy of John Graham to Caesar A. Rodney, 10 June 1810 (1 p.). For other enclosures, see n. 1.
1. On 26 July 1810 Robert Smith instructed John Graham to forward to JM the following papers: the memoir of Moreau de Lislet; copies of the “Communications prepared for Gov. Holms”; the “dispatch from Mr [John Quincy] Adams”; and the “packet from Mr Onis” (DNA: RG 59, ML). Graham might also have included a letter from William Jones to Robert Smith, 17 July 1810, and its enclosures (see John D. Lewis and others to Robert Smith, 1 Apr. 1810, and n.).