Adams Papers



This forenoon I was present at the marriage, of Mr. Nash and Miss Apthorp. They were married in the Chapel by Mr. Parker,1 as Mr. Freeman,2 the minister there, not having receiv’d orders, cannot perform the Ceremony. He was however present and in the Pulpit, where he was kind enough to give me a place. Mr. Tyler, who is intimate with him, introduced me to him. Mr. Nash was dress’d in his uniform, plainly, as becomes an Officer, and a gentleman. Miss Apthorp, was elegantly dress’d, though the colour of her gown appear’d to me, sober for the occasion. The old man3 look’d happy, as if he was giving his Daughter to a member of the British royal family. The mother appeared dejected, nor can any person, who considers the consequences of this event, wonder at it. The poor girl herself, as the ceremony was performing, trembled like a leaf—and for my heart I could not help trembling for her too. Her prospects are not, I think to be envied. Her father may think it, an honour for her to be connected with a british officer.

Mais sans argent l’honneur n’est qu’une maladie.4

The gentleman’s father is purser on board a king’s ship. He himself is 1st. Lieutenant on board another; his fortune independent of his pay, is not large I am told, and surely if an officer’s pay is scarcely sufficient to maintain him alone, it must fall short when he has a wife and family to support. But what with many People, would be a still greater objection to their union, is that this pair 3 months ago were perfect strangers to each other. Tinder, is but too often the emblem of a sudden passion: I wish it may not be in this Case. I sincerely hope, that the maxim audaces fortuna juvat,5 may prove just, and that every sort of Happiness may attend them through Life.

Dined at Mr. Palmer’s, and sent an excuse to Mr. Russel, who had invited me. The weather was disagreeable all the morning, and at about noon it began to be hazy. It continued so, all the afternoon; but I intended notwithstanding that, to go out this evening as far as Genl. Warren’s. I had my horse saddled and bridled, when the rain began to shower down in such a manner, that I determined at length to remain in town. I went with Mr. Tyler, and spent the evening with Mr. Gore,6 a lawyer. He spoke of a Mr. le Washington,7 who arrived here in the last vessel from London; a traveller greatly improved in the art of fiction. Slept again at Mr. Palmer’s.

1Samuel Parker was installed as minister of Trinity Church in Boston in 1774 and was elected Episcopal Bishop of the Eastern Diocese in 1804 (Sibley-Shipton, Harvard Graduates description begins John Langdon Sibley and Clifford K. Shipton, Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Cambridge and Boston, 1873- . description ends , 16:76–84).

2James Freeman, appointed reader at King’s Chapel, Boston, in 1783 and ordained rector by the congregation in 1787 after higher Episcopal authorities in New York refused to ordain him because of his unorthodox views (Francis William Pitt Greenwood, History of King’s Chapel in . . ., Boston, 1833, p. 135, 139–142).

3James Apthorp, of Braintree, the father of Lucy Ann (John Wentworth, The Wentworth Genealogy, 2 vols., Boston, 1870, 1:300–301, 306).

4“Mais l’honneur sans argent n’est qu’une maladie,” Jean Racine, Les Plaideurs, Act I, scene i, [line 11] (Oeuvres de Jean Racine avec des commentaires, 8 vols., Paris, 1768, 2:178). There are two editions of Racine’s works at MQA published before this date, both with JQA’s bookplate.

5Fortune favors the bold.

6Christopher Gore, member of the state constitutional convention in 1788 and in 1796 commissioner to settle American claims against England under Jay’s Treaty. He later served Massachusetts as governor and U.S. Senator (Hist. of Suffolk Co., Mass. description begins Professional and Industrial History of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Boston, 1894; 3 vols. description ends , 1:225; Biog. Dir. Cong. description begins Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1949, Washington, 1950. description ends ).

7Cited in the Massachusetts Spy, 15 Sept., as “Mr. Washington,” but otherwise unidentified. JQA’s letter to AA2, 19–30 Sept. (Adams Papers) makes it clear that Washington was a teller of “extravagant Stories” and not a writer of fiction.

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