James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Roger C. Weightman, 14 June 1826

From Roger C. Weightman

Washington, June 14. 1826.


As chairman of a committee appointed by the citizens of Washington to make arrangements for celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence in a manner worthy of the Metropolis of the nation, I am directed to invite you, as one of the former Presidents of the United States, to honor the city with your presence on the occasion.

I am further instructed to inform you, that, on receiving your acceptance of this invitation, a special deputation will be sent to accompany you from your residence to this city and back to your home. With sentiments of the highest respect & veneration, I have the honor to be, your most obedient servant,

R. C. Weightman,1
Mayor of Washington & chairman
of the Comee. of Arrangement.

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Roger Chew Weightman (1787–1876), a Washington, D.C., printer and veteran of the War of 1812, was mayor of the city, 1824–27 (Allen C. Clark, “General Roger Chew Weightman, a Mayor of the City of Washington,” Records of the Columbia Historical Society 22 [1919]: 62–67, 89, 97).

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