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Results 28421-28430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your kind Letter by Cousin Tufts was a pleasing and fresh proof of your Goodsense, Piety of Heart, sweetness of Disposition, and greatness of Mind, which renders you the Object not only of my tenderest Love, but of my veneration. It convinced me that you were actuated by those principles of Virtue which every One should endeavour to cultivate in their own Bosoms, if they wish to enjoy Peace...
Until further Orders, advanced Posts and Patrols are not to prevent all persons, having Passports Signed by two of the following Officers, to pass unmolested, Viz.: Cols. O’Hara and Stephens, and Capt. Fitzpatrick, of the British; Col. Gregson, Lieut.-Col. Hamilton, and Mr. Boudinot (Commissary of Prisoners), belonging to the Enemy. Colls. of the N.Y. Hist. Soc. for 1883 (New York, 1884), 564....
[ Valley Forge ] April 5, 1778 . Cannot comply with Mrs. Pemberton’s request, but is forwarding it to Thomas Wharton, Jr., who will no doubt approve the application. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Mrs. Pemberton had applied for a passport for wagons carrying supplies to her husband who was a prisoner. Wharton was president of the Supreme Executive Council...
[ Valley Forge ] April 5, 1778 . Encloses letter from Mary Pemberton. Has refused her request but will convey the wagons requested, if Wharton agrees. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Nesbit has a Demand for Money furnished to subsist some Prisoners in their Journey hither from Dunkirk. If you should think fit to discharge it by a Draft on our banker, I shall concur in approving it. I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant Addressed: Honourable Arthur Lee Esqr / Chaillot Notation: April 5th. 1778 The Lorient...
ALS and AL (incomplete draft): American Philosophical Society Not knowing any thing of the transaction referrd to me; nor whether the Captains have given any order for the payment, I cannot judge whether it is fit to discharge the enclosed Accounts. I have the honor to be Sir Your most Obedient and respectful Servant Addressed: To the / Honble B. Franklin / at / Passi Notation: Ar Lee to BF....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being Established here about twelve Months and finding I have Acquired Business and Consequence in this Place Suffitient to Enable me to render your Excely. or the Honourable Cause you are Imploy’d in, any Services that May be Required on this Part of the Coast of Spain, I think it My duty to Make you A Tender of My Services and to Assure Your Excy. that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to introduce to you my Friend Mr. Hawkins of Carolina, a Gentleman of Honour and Character for whom I have a particular regard. I am ever with the greatest Respect Your dutifull and affectionate Kinsman Addressed: Doctor Franklin / Passy. Endorsed: Letters answd. or that need no Answr Notation: Jona. Williams Nantes 5 avril 1778 Almost...
28429General Orders, 5 April 1778 (Washington Papers)
On monday 6 oClock in the morning the North Carolina Brigade to send a non commissioned officer & ten Privates to relieve his Excellency’s Guard for two hours only. The Brigade Inspectors, the Brigade Majors and all the Adjutants of the Army are to attend on the Grand Parade tomorrow morning at Guard mounting; if the weather should prove bad, they will attend the first fair day. No Furloughs...
Letter not found: from Col. George Baylor, 5 April 1778. On 1 May, GW wrote Baylor , “I am favd with yours of the 5th of last month.”