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Results 28391-28440 of 184,431 sorted by author
Health is a grand object with man; but it becomes all important when the preservation of it in...
The bearer of this will God willing be my son Landon whose inclinations for the Army have been...
Letter not found : from Landon Carter, 14 Feb. 1797 . GW wrote Carter on 27 Feb. : “Your favor of...
Without further Preface I will proceed to answer your 10th quere, as to the Period to be prefered...
In pursuance to a conversation I had with you at Mt Vernon I have proceeded as near as I could...
I beg your pardon for this intrusion; but indulged by you as I have been in a late correspondence...
I am now to give you some account of an Arrangement which I rather wish to adopt, than one I have...
Captain Peachey calling to give me the Compliment of his departure gives me opportunity of...
I have often set down to entertain Mine and my Countrys fri⟨ends⟩ with what should come upermost,...
Letter not found: from Landon Carter, 27 Sept. 1777. GW on 27 Oct. thanked Carter “for the good...
By Lieutenant Beale of our 5th Regiment I am endeavouring to lead my trembling pen, to the duty...
Mr Swaringham intending up tomorrow for Winchester gives me an opportunity of expressing my great...
Your favr of the 27th ulmo came to hand three days ago just when I was puting into the Office a...
As I know I shall not be troublesome to you with my little intimacy I have ventured to recommend...
8 February 1811, Cleve, Virginia. Apologizes for the intrusion but assumes JM has clerks “who...
Your Queries are very apt ones, and I regret my inabillity to answer some of them so...
There is much Time escaped since I commenced my Reply to your queries, 29th ulmo; owing to my...
I cannot avoid embracing the opportunity of Captain H. Faunteleroy’s returning to his duty in...
Owing to my absence from home on the arrival of our weekly post, I did not receive your Favor of...
To hear of you, conducting our opposition to the feelings of an approaching Slavery, with an...
21 November 1802, Rhodes Tavern. Presents a letter from Colonel Taylor and asks for JM’s business...
Letter not found: from Landon Carter, 6 Sept. 1799. On 11 Sept. GW wrote Carter : “In answer to...
The Bearer Mr John Lawson having heard of nothing to discourage his Military inclination now...
You are respectfully informed, that at a meeting of the New-York Horticultural Society, held on...
Your favor inclosing £36 11 0 is now before me, which Sum I consider as a full discharge of your...
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 4th. instant and should have answered it...
I hope I shall escape the charge of presumption while I adress you on a Subject not less...
The distressed situation of Doctr. William Carter born in Wms’burg educated at Wm. & Marys &...
I have taken the earliest moment after the receipt of your letter to effectuate its object. The...
I have received your favour containing three drafts each of 600 dollars. With respect to the land...
I have received your favour of the 15th. instant and immediately replyed. From the offer you have...
I have this moment received your letter of the 9 th ultimo , and have to express my regret at...
In consequence of what has passed between us relative to your purchasing a part of my land, I...
Articles of agreement concluded between Wm. Champe Carter on the one part and Thomas Jefferson as...
Having occasion to negotiate a draft of yours immediately I have found a difficulty in the...
William Wray, a Youth of a Reputable Family, & a Nephew of mine by Marriage, having lived with me...
Not discouraged, that I did not, recieve an answer to the letter I presumed to write to you,...
Having been induced by a variety of circumstances to believe that it is my duty to give the...
The English Newspapers will probably have by this time informed you of the death of my excellent...
Books, which in the service of virtue, breathe a vital spirit, must be supposed ambitious of...
Accept the cordial salutation of one who claims to have in view the same objects with...
On Tuesday the 13 th your very obliging and much–valued letter of June 5, was sent me from...
Daily viewing a facsimile of your signature to that most most glorious of all human records—The...
The final constitutional and Federal Instrument of the Republic of Virginia Section I. ( Primary...
The Writer, who never for one moment bore a hostile sentiment towards the United States of...
By order of The Honble B. General Wayne of 27th ultimo, A general court martial was held in this...
Wm Cartwright Daniel Newbery. Samuel Tozier. Joseph Paulen. James Hiat Abram head Shiped on the...
Gaetano Caruso has the honor to state to the President of the United States that in the year 1805...
Both Your favours The One in the fore part of the Summer Allowing Me to pay $25 to the Ann Smith...
I have now to Acknowledge the recp t of Two favours from you, the One in Answer to mine respe c...