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Results 28391-28440 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Yesterdays Mail brought on the Dispatches from Mr Pinkney which had been entrusted to Mr Erwing....
I beg leave to apologize to you for the state of the packet accompanying this. The boat in which...
I have the honor of enclosing a Copy of Governor Harrison’s Letter of the 25th. ultimo, and of...
The Branch Bank has notified the Presidents of the Banks in this city, that on monday they had...
I must beg leave to apologize to you for the state of the packet accompanying this— The boat in...
In my last, I informed you particulars of the death of M r Pirney , and the uncomfortable...
Altho’ you are retired from the noise & bustle of public business, still I presume you behold...
Amsterdam, March 1st, 1782.—wrote to the duke De La Vauguion “As Friesland has taken the...
Received Quincy August 7th: 1810 of Thomas B Adams the sum of twenty-five Dollars and fifty Cents...
The Letter from Lieut. Colo. Sparks of which the enclosed is a Copy, came to hand by yesterday’s...
After acknowledging the receipt of your favor for which I am grateful and to assure that beyond...
I should with great pleasure answer the enquiry in your letter of July 15. relative to the power...
The Procrastination of Age is the best Apology I can make for my long neglect to acknowledge your...
Your Exhortation to Punctuallity and your Tic doulourouse had scarcely been read to my Family...
I have to acknowledge my obligations to you for your oration on the 4th. of July. Although I may...
I have the Honor to forward to you some English News Papers received at this office on Saturday....
6 August 1810, Fort Constitution, New Hampshire. Seeks a discharge from the U.S. Army for John...
6 August 1810, Washington. Proposes that he should go to Florida, posing as an ordinary tourist,...
6 August 1810, Wilkes County, Georgia. Inquires how and where he may obtain land bounties for his...
The tardiness of acknoleging the reciept of your favor of May 10. will I fear induce a...
a parcell of seed directed to me for you is now forwarded, I know not whence or how they came,...
I recieved last night yours of yesterday . this being court day at which mr Bacon & myself must...
I inclose you a letter from D r Barton to myself, with a note from him expressing a wish it might...
Nothing can better illustrate the opinions I have frequently had the honor to give on the subject...
In my last letters to Mr Smith I mentioned my intention of returning to the United States;...
I have safely recieved the eloquent oration of mr Lincoln delivered before the Bunker’s hill...
I have the honor to acquaint you that the Junta of Etremadura having lately determined on selling...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 26th Ult: and immediately called on Mr Bradley, who...
I have been favored with your letter of the 26th. ult., and conformably to your desire have...
Je ne Saurais Jamais assez Vous réiterer mes Excuses De toutes les libertés que j’ause prendre,...
M r Bacon , my overseer now comes for the Merino sheep, & will concur in any division of them...
Amsterdam, Feb. 24, 1782—wrote to Mr. Dumas: “Your favor of the 23d is just come to hand. Thank...
I have the honor to enclose you Copy of a Letter just received from Governor Harrison. A Similar...
2 August 1810, Well Walk, Hampstead, Middlesex County. Recommends P. F. Fauche for post of U.S....
Yours of July 17 . has been duly recieved. be assured that the delay in the paiment of the hire...
At the request of Governor Claiborne , I inclose you a letter from him on the subject of the...
I take the Liberty of addressing you in behalf of my Son, now at St Petersburgh, and to ask of...
I take the Liberty of addressing you in behalf of my son, now at st petersburgh, and to ask of...
Wanting in the case of the batture. (copy deliv d to Gov r Claiborne ) Edict of 1664. granting to...
Your favor of July 20. was recieved on the 24 th . your conjecture is right that the plank E t c...
I asked the favor of you the other day to give me a copy of your account. it is so long since we...
United States Court fifth Circuit and District of Virginia to wit Edward Livingston a Citizen of...
[ Ed. Note : To defend himself in Livingston v. Jefferson , TJ prepared a lengthy “Statement of...
If this should happen to arrive before the sailing of the Hornet, be so good as to forward the...
On enquiring respecting a proper situation in a mercantile house for your nephew, and after...
Having left the post road on a visit to West Point with Governor Tompkins who persuaded me, as in...
The Memorial of the Undersign’d Citizens of the United States, Masters & Supercargoes of American...
Placed as you are in the highest station to which the good sense of a republican nation can...
Votre lettre sur le parti courageux que prennent les Etats-unis d’établir chez eux des...
Amsterdam, Feb. 21, 1782, wrote to the Hon. Robert R. Livingston, Secretary of State for foreign...