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Results 28381-28410 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just recd. your favor of the 8th. with the copy of Mr. P.’s letter of June 13th. The same...
10 August 1810, Paris. Solicits JM’s patronage of a translation of Homer’s Iliad . RC ( DLC ). 1...
Dans la lettre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire peu de tems après mon arrivée en France , je...
I have just time before closing the mail to send you the Memoir on the Batture. It is long; but...
9 August 1810, Durbians Creek, Greenville District, South Carolina. Recounts his service in the...
Letter not found. 9 August 1810. Acknowledged in Forrest to JM, 15 Aug. 1810 . Comments on...
I have at length completed the Report in the case of Gilliam & als vs Fleming & als— the amount...
I have just time before closing the mail to send you the Memoir on the Batture . it is long; but...
I have perused, with equal pleasure and conviction, your view of the question touching the...
Some time since my wife received a letter from Mrs. Johnson, in which it was not mentioned that...
Yesterdays Mail brought on the Dispatches from Mr Pinkney which had been entrusted to Mr Erwing....
I beg leave to apologize to you for the state of the packet accompanying this. The boat in which...
I have the honor of enclosing a Copy of Governor Harrison’s Letter of the 25th. ultimo, and of...
The Branch Bank has notified the Presidents of the Banks in this city, that on monday they had...
I must beg leave to apologize to you for the state of the packet accompanying this— The boat in...
In my last, I informed you particulars of the death of M r Pirney , and the uncomfortable...
Altho’ you are retired from the noise & bustle of public business, still I presume you behold...
Amsterdam, March 1st, 1782.—wrote to the duke De La Vauguion “As Friesland has taken the...
Received Quincy August 7th: 1810 of Thomas B Adams the sum of twenty-five Dollars and fifty Cents...
The Letter from Lieut. Colo. Sparks of which the enclosed is a Copy, came to hand by yesterday’s...
After acknowledging the receipt of your favor for which I am grateful and to assure that beyond...
I should with great pleasure answer the enquiry in your letter of July 15. relative to the power...
The Procrastination of Age is the best Apology I can make for my long neglect to acknowledge your...
Your Exhortation to Punctuallity and your Tic doulourouse had scarcely been read to my Family...
I have to acknowledge my obligations to you for your oration on the 4th. of July. Although I may...
I have the Honor to forward to you some English News Papers received at this office on Saturday....
6 August 1810, Fort Constitution, New Hampshire. Seeks a discharge from the U.S. Army for John...
6 August 1810, Washington. Proposes that he should go to Florida, posing as an ordinary tourist,...
6 August 1810, Wilkes County, Georgia. Inquires how and where he may obtain land bounties for his...
The tardiness of acknoleging the reciept of your favor of May 10. will I fear induce a...