Results 28381-28390 of 184,431 sorted by author
The favor with which you honored me, in acknowledging the receipt of a copy of Co l Taylor ’s...
21 July 1802, Newburyport. “Inclosed is a Commission recd. from you this day; and which I have...
If any thing could alleviate my feelings for you in your Pro virili retreat indeed! A Small...
If ever friendship gave vigor to the nerves of declining Age it will do it now—to enable me to...
[Sabine Hall] 20 February 1776. Wrote “attacking Paine for publishing ‘Common Sense,’ and urging...
I thought not to have given you any farther trouble with my concerns till I could produce actual...
I take the Liberty to inclose to you a Letter from Mr. Dawson. I beg leave to account for the...
Your warmest well wisher has not more devoutly desired the pleasure of your acquaintance, than I...
Altho the subject of this Letter interests me individually, it yet involves public convenience...
I now pay my respects to you on the subject of a paper which you politely recieved from me, when...